Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Watch out for 'Let's unite!'

When Mike Pence visited Las Vegas following the mass shooting last week, he spoke at the “Unity Prayer Walk.” After the violent incident in Charlottesville, Va., last month, music stars such as Justin Timberlake, Pharrell Williams and Dave Matthews performed at the “Charlottesville Unity Concert.”

All the time anymore the word “unity,” common in New Age propaganda, comes up. Trump prayed for unity when he visited Las Vegas.

Unity, a word stolen from the Apostle Paul, has long been a one-word chant. Russian occultist Madame Helena Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society (1875) and considered the Grand Dame of the New Age, pushed the word at every turn.

“The Unity of religions” is listed as one of the three original aims of the Theosophical Society. The first is “Universal Brotherhood” and last is “The investigation of the mysteries of the universe behind the laws of science.”

The website “Theosophy Forward” explains, “As Theosophists, to implement this ‘heaven’ in this century, we need to put aside historical and organizational differences, and recognize our unity. Otherwise, we could get caught in the trap of one organization struggling for power over the others.

“This unity is not only in the inherent metaphysics of nature, but also in the We can best work together by recognizing the divine unity in all humans, and the achievement of brothers and sisters of other Dharma who have helped humanity.

“For this idea of fraternity to directly impact the world, as The Great Master’s Letter affirms, we must set an example, not only of unity, but also of altruism to the enlightened minds of every race, creed, and nation.

“In Five Messages to American Theosophists, H.P.B. exhorts us, ‘Union is our strength; and for every private difference must be sunk in United Work for our great cause.’ She also says, ‘Feel yourselves a vehicle of the whole humanity, and make it as part of yourselves and act accordingly.’ Recognizing ourselves to be one Great Vehicle, we can do no better than to follow her sublime advice.”


While “the children of this world” become more and more hyper-focused on recreating a Tower of Babel life for this earth, the Body of Christ is steadily gaining in ranks for its part in a new kind of humanity that will one day carry on the government of the heavens and reign over the universe with Jesus Christ as Commander-in-Chief.

As the Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 4:13, "Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ."

Preacher Richard Jordan explains, “Jesus Christ becomes the ‘first born from the dead’ so He might be the head of the Body, having preeminence not just in the earth, but in the heavenly places. So God’s got this one great plan to glorify Himself in two realms—the heaven and the earth.

“When God says He’s going to gather them together in one, everything’s going to think like the head thinks. You know how you ‘get together’? You all speak the same thing, think the same thing. The Body of Christ is the great example. As Paul says, 'Many members, yet but one body.' We have all this diversity, but we work together as one body.

“God’s purpose is to take His creation and turn it into a living manifestation of how He thinks, how He operates, how He responds, and He’s going to put it all under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. Of course, the Lord’s going to be the brains of the outfit because He’s the head.

“He’ll be located in Planet Earth as the command center, but all through the universe, for Him to think it will be for you to do it. For Him to will it will be for you to accomplish it. And He’ll have this whole universe gathered together as one functioning unit.

 “Have you ever heard Jesus say, ‘If you’re not for me you’re against me?’ If you’re not with me you’re against me. What does that mean? If I’m with somebody, I’m in agreement with them. I’m thinking like they’re thinking. I’m with you; I’ve got you. That’s the way that word is used.

“When it says ‘so shall we ever be with the Lord,’ you’re never going to have any problem agreeing with the Lord, disagreeing with the Lord. You’re always going to be ONE with Him. That’s exciting.”

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