Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Paul's 'No. 1 for Worst Behavior'

The reason the people at Corinth were seeking the gift of tongues is "that gift is a sensational thing that makes you look real spiritual,” said Jordan in a recent study. “You see, the spiritual gifts (I Cor. 12:7) were the outward manifestations of the working of the Spirit of God in you.

“I look at you guys (sitting here today) and I don’t see the Spirit of God working in you. You don’t see Him working in me. He’s inside. You don’t see that. You don’t feel it, you don’t sense it. It’s a non-experiential reality. But when they have those gifts, they start to ‘ffttooo’ and it’s ‘bloo-hoo-hoo-hoo,’ and you can see the manifestation.

“In the Scripture, the people who had the biggest manifestation of the tongue-talking are the worst assembly Paul wrote to. It was not a sign of spirituality; it was a sign of carnality. The Corinthians were the most carnal church Paul wrote to. And they were the ones seeking the spiritual gifts. They were seeking the sensational stuff.

“Notice In I Corinthians 12:14 what Paul says you’re supposed to do: ‘Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church.’

“You see, they were trying to get the spectacular. Paul says, ‘Everything related to what goes on in the church is for one purpose: edifying, building up an internal structure in the Believers that causes you to become mature.’

“He says in verse 26, ‘How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, everyone of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying.’


“Everything in a local church, in connection with worshipping God, is to be done for the purpose of edification. Think about that.

“You need to understand, a lot of stuff we do here people don’t do in other places. People come here and say, ‘Why don’t you all do that?’ It’s because what we DO do is for the purpose of edification.

“What the church today, evangelicalism, calls ‘worship’ we used to call the ‘song service.’ We still do. Back when I was coming up, you called the Sunday morning preaching service the ‘worship service.’ Some people still call it that but not very many. I used to complain, ‘Well, we don’t worship God just one hour on Sunday morning; we worship Him 24/7.’ Now the worship service is only 20 minutes of that hour. It’s a song service.

“But everything, whether it’s the singing, the preaching, the cleaning up of the place, everything is to be done with an eye to the edification of the Believer. That issue of the communication of sound doctrine for the purpose of providing the edification and stability of a person’s inner man--not just teaching the information, but having it be able to go hands-on into the operation of the life. Not just knowing it, but the ability to value and esteem it with that renewed mind and put it into operation--put it into action to bring a person to the place of fully functioning properly.

“By the way, that’s one of the reasons we use this song book. That’s the reason we don’t have a band. I know churches have bands, guitars, drums, etc., and that’s not because we don’t like music; I love music. It’s because the purpose of the music is not just to entertain you and make you think you’re still out at a party on Saturday night.

“The purpose is to communicate to you some doctrine and communicate it to you in a way that your inner man can receive it.


“If you remember the studies in Colossians, I went through with you how music’s constructed and put together and how there’s certain parts of music that are meant to affect your flesh (your outer man) and some parts meant to affect your inner man (your soul) and some parts are meant to affect your spirit.

“I played for you one song, ‘What a Friend We Have in Jesus,’ five different ways and I had some of you ready to dance in the aisle and some of you ready to pray. If you play it with a boogie beat, or a rock beat, or a calypso beat, or a church beat (4/4 time) it makes a difference. It’s all your flesh.

“I’m not interested in entertaining your flesh. And I know your flesh can get in the way of receiving things unto your spirit.  Behind everything we do in the assembly is designed and focused and should be aimed at the issue of communicating sound doctrine for the purpose of providing the edification of the soul of the Believer.”

(new article tomorrow)

Saturday, December 27, 2014

The reason to believe God's reason

In Scripture, the great demonstration, and the objective proof, that the Bible is exactly what it says it is, and truly is God’s Word, is fulfilled prophecy.

God guarantees in Malachi 3:6, “For I am the LORD, I change not.” That verse is echoed in Hebrews 13:8: “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”

 “I know people use that verse and say, ‘See, God never changes and therefore anything He did in the past He’ll do in the future,’ ” said Jordan in his Christmas eve study. “That verse is not designed to teach you that the Bible is not to be studied dispensationally.

“Paul says, ‘And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.’ The idea in Malachi is God’s saying, ‘If I told you I’m going to do something, I’m going to do it! You can count on it! I’m not going to change. If I’ve given you my word about something, I’ll do it; you don’t have to worry about it.’


“That issue of the preservation of the nation Israel is really, in the Bible, the issue of God telling you He’s going to do something and then doing it.

“Some 100 years ago a mathematician wrote a book about statistical probability and said, ‘If you had eight specific things that identified someone and those eight things, independently given, came to pass, you would have a probability of 10 to the 28th power.’

“The idea is that is a statistical certainty that we use to prove that people are guilty in a court of law by DNA and fingerprints. The probability gets to be so large that it’s conclusive and doesn’t make a lot of sense not to believe it.

“He said that if you had eight specific identifiers independently given that were authenticated to take place in one person’s life, that would be a probability of 10 to the 28th power. If you had 16, it was like 10 to the 149th power. Anything beyond that it was absolutely foolish and illogical not to believe it was true.

“This is exactly the kind of apologetic that God uses. If you go to theology school and read the books about apologetics, there are all kind of different ways to prove that there’s a God and all that kind of stuff, and there’s like six or seven different philosophical ways (ontology) where you’re demonstrating it, but when God wants to demonstrate you can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that, ‘I am God,’ He uses fulfilled prophecy.

“In the Book of Isaiah, chapters 40-48, you have a description (it’s really a polemic) by God against the false religions Israel has gotten involved in and He’s arguing to Israel how foolish it is to believe in the false religion and not to believe Him.

“He just sort of gets in the face of the false religions in Isaiah 41: [21] Produce your cause, saith the LORD; bring forth your strong reasons, saith the King of Jacob.
[22] Let them bring them forth, and shew us what shall happen: let them shew the former things, what they be, that we may consider them, and know the latter end of them; or declare us things for to come.
[23] Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together.


“Never think that God doesn’t want you to reason. In the first chapter of Isaiah He says, ‘Come now and let us reason together.’

“Just recently I had someone say to me, ‘Well, you know, you’re a man of faith and I’m a man of reason.’ I laughed at him and he said, ‘What are you laughing about?’ and I said, ‘That’s about the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. If you think you’re a person of reason and you think I’m a person of faith, really you’re the guy who’s taking a blind leap in the dark. I don’t take a blind leap in the dark. I have mathematical, statistical, scientific evidence that what I believe is true. What have you got? You got opinions, which are like two arm pits. Everybody’s got them, and they’re not very attractive at that.’

“What God says is, ‘I want you to sit down and think, and when you do, here’s what you find out.’ Here’s what He says to them in verse 24: ‘Behold, ye are of nothing, and your work of nought: an abomination is he that chooseth you.’

“That’s a pretty strong statement but it’s true. That’s the verdict. It’s the verdict on them (‘ye are of nothing’), on their work (it’s ‘of naught’) and on the worshippers that follow them (they are ‘an abomination’). So it’s the whole bunch of you who are zippo.


“The next verse says, ‘I have raised up one from the north, and he shall come: from the rising of the sun shall he call upon my name: and he shall come upon princes as upon morter, and as the potter treadeth clay.’

“Isaiah 42:9 says, ‘Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.’  Chapter 43:9 says, ‘Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people be assembled: who among them can declare this, and shew us former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified: or let them hear, and say, It is truth.’

“You see, God says, ‘I can tell you what’s going to happen. Can anybody else?’ Now, there are a lot of people who try. Everybody used to know who Nostradamus was and the lady in the tabloids, Jeanne Dixon. Then you’ve got the Psychic Network and Madame Blavatsky and all that.

“The problem is there are no specifics involved in any of that stuff. When you think about the idea of fulfilled prophecy, the great thing in the Scripture, and that’s what Joel’s talking about, is God is going to do exactly what He said He was going to do and that’s bring the nation Israel back.

“One of the great things that demonstrates the validity even of that truth is the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing in all of history is as clear as a demonstrable proof of the truthfulness of God’s Word as the coming of the Messiah.


“I have a little book in my library from the 1930s about ‘333 prophecies fulfilled in the coming of the Messiah.’ Now, any time someone gives you a number like 333, my first question is, ‘Well, why wasn’t it 331 or 337?’

“Somebody picked a number and listed it. You don’t need that many but it is fascinating how many there actually are. In that book the author makes the point, ‘How do you take one piece of mail and get it to come to the specific house?’

“The way you do it is you have some eliminators where you eliminate a lot of options. First, you get the right country, so when you pick the U.S. you’ve eliminated about 181 other countries in the world. Then you get the right state, right city, right street, right housing unit number, and then you need to get the right person.

“You can narrow the thing down to the place where you know exactly who it is. Well, God does that with the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Think of what He does. In Genesis, He says the Messiah’s going to be ‘the seed of the woman.’ Right there He eliminated half of the human race because of male and female. Then He says He’s going to be the seed of Abraham. One nation out of all the nations in the earth. See how He narrows it?

“But then when He says it’s going to be the seed of Abraham, it’s not going to be just any seed of Abraham. Abraham had a whole bunch of kids. Remember that? First he had Ismael, then Isaac. After Sarah died he got married again and had a bunch more kids. A lot of folks forget that.

“Well, God said it’s not going to Ismael and that other clan; it’s going to be Isaac. He narrowed it down again. Isaac’s got two kids, Esau and Jacob. He said of those two it will only be Jacob’s. Then Jacob has 12 tribes that come out of him, and God said of those 12 it’s only going to be the tribe of Judah.

“Then He says out of that tribe of Judah, it’s not going to be just anybody. As Isaiah 11:1 says, ‘And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots.’

“Jesse is a descendant of Judah but now it’s going to be not just anybody out of Judah, it’s going to have to be somebody who descends from the family of Jesse. Jesse had a whole bunch of boys and it was only David who got chosen out of them.

“That’s why Matthew 1:1 says, ‘The book of the generation of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham.’

“If you look at Psalm 132:11, it says, ‘The LORD hath sworn in truth unto David; he will not turn from it; Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne.’

“The messiah is going to sit upon the throne, but when He does, it’s going to be the fruit of David’s body that He sits in. That’s why He’s called ‘the lion of the tribe of Judah,’ because that’s what David is.”

Friday, December 26, 2014

New Year's advice

“If you’re willing to ‘spend and be spent,’ you’re willing to say then, ‘I’m willing to love you and I’m willing for you to take advantage of that because that’s my commitment,’ ” explains Jordan.

“And if you’re not willing to get there, you’re always going to live at a level that’s real shallow because it’s intimacy that ‘opens’ you.
“David, when he was confessing his sin, said, ‘Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.’

“Paul writes in Colossians, ‘Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him.'

“Give your loved ones permission to tell you the truth no matter what. You teach each other to lie when you identify areas that when you tell the truth, you get whacked.

“If you’ve taught someone to lie to you because they know there are areas where they can’t tell you the truth because of fear of punishment. . . . I don’t just mean physical; I mean psychological punishment; the shame, the rejection, the demeaning, the ridicule, the anger. They’d rather not tell you the truth, and then brood over it, than be open to you because of the reaction.

“Tell yourself, ‘It’s more important for me to minister to them than it is to be ministered to.’ Grace allows acceptance; it’s the only thing that does. With performance systems you’re always going to fail.


“There are four negative interactions that will poison your relationship if you let them run rampant. I call them the Four Horsemen in reference to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse who, in Revelation 6, go out and bring destruction in the earth.

“I can list them for you because they’re so common. It has nothing to do with anything unique about you. They’re common to your old sin nature and they’re typical strategies that NEVER work. They destroy; they don’t build up. And yet they are a part of our arsenal; almost instinctively by nature because our ‘taker rule’ expresses itself with them.

“They are: 1.) Selfish demands. 2.) Disrespectful judgments. 3.) Angry outbursts and 4.) Independent behavior. You’ll see them in any person; any Believer who’s in reversion.

“They’ll be making selfish demands. They want it their way. When they don’t get it, they make disrespectful judgments, blaming someone else. It will escalate into anger. And then it will seemingly resolve itself. It doesn’t resolve itself, but it brings a modicum of peace and withdrawal.

“Instead of searching for mutually acceptable solutions, abuse wants to impose a solution to the other person’s disadvantage so we can have our advantage. And, friend, the only issue there is control. You just want to be in control—behavior, attitudes, opinions.

“Again, a perpetrator rarely acknowledges it. You hear all kind of excuses, all kind of justifications. But when you hear them, something that’s justifying one of those Four Horsemen—your ‘taker’ self starts talking you into believing that you have a right for it, you’re looking out for the interest of the other. You think, ‘Really they’re to blame anyway; I’m innocent.’

“If you’re the other person, just don’t believe that stuff. Just say, ‘By faith, I know that ain’t true!’ and don’t buy into them.

“Put off selfish demands. I mean, who wants to live with a dictator anyway?! Bossing you around?! Here’s a definition: ‘Commanding someone else to do things that would benefit you at their expense with the implied threat of punishment if refused.’ Do you do that?


“As a way to solve problems, selfish demands sure make sense to your ‘taker rule.’ And if your (friend or loved one) is in ‘the giver mode,’ you know what they’re going to do? They’ll reward you because their rule is, ‘Make you happy even if it makes me unhappy.’

“So if you’re in ‘taker mode’ and the other one’s in ‘giver mode,’ WHEW! You’re going to get what you want so demands look like they work. That’s WHY they seem to work so often! And they’ll work often enough that they’ll become a habit. And it’s a habit that’s almost impossible to break.

“So think about how do you ask others for favors? Do you just tell the other what you want them to do? Do you just order them? ‘You should do this!’ or do you say, ‘Could you do that?’ See the difference between ‘should’ and ‘could’? You’re just changing one word in your vocabulary. You think about how you do it.


“The instinct of making demands when you’re frustrated, and the habit of making demands even when you’re not frustrated, makes them real difficult to break. Now if your (friend or loved one) is in the ‘giver mode’. . . but what happens if they’re in the ‘taker mode’? Whoa! World War VI breaks out because your (loved one) isn’t ready to quit.

“They say, ‘You want what you want; I want what I want,’ and you go to war. But you know the fight that results won’t stop your ‘taker mode’ from making demands the next time. Why? Because your ‘taker mode’ lives by the rule, ‘I need to be happy, and if I’m not happy, make (the other person) make me happy,’ and you take whatever you need to take to be happy.

“So if I got to fight someone else’s ‘taker mode,’ well, then, ‘I just need to be a better fighter than they are,’ so I develop skills—not at solving problems, but at winning wars. You think that’s gonna work?! When it comes to fairness, you can never trust your ‘taker mode,’ so what do you trust?


“I suggest that in Philippians 2 there’s what I call a ‘Grace Policy of Joint Agreement.’ I’m going to tell you, you need rules to force yourself into confronting these things and making choices.

“Faith is an action you take out of a positive volition. It’s a positive choice and there’s time in your life when you need to have situations that force you to make choices so that when you come to that, you’ve caught yourself; you’ve checked yourself.

“The habits aren’t just mindlessly flowing through your life. ‘Boom, here’s a choice!’ and you can consciously bring yourself back under control. It’s called ‘a belt of truth.’ That girdle of truth Paul talks about where you take truth…the soldier’s robe would flow out but he put that belt on and got it all under control. But you can’t just carry the belt; you got to put it on and cinch it up.

“Philippians 2 says, ‘Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.’ WHOAH!

“Proverbs 13:10 says, ‘Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is wisdom.’ So don’t let anything be done by strife or vain glory just to get your way. That is lowliness of mind.


“Where’s your mind work? In your emotions or . . . ? What are you doing? You’re esteeming. You’re developing a value system that tells you how you think and how you make decisions. And what is it? ‘I’m going to esteem others better than myself.’ Now does that sound like the taker or the giver? Who is it really? It’s the new creature!

“But see how close the giver can be to that? But when the giver does it, why is the giver doing it? So he can feel good about doing good? When the new man does it, why does he do it? Verse 5: ‘Let this mind be in you which is Christ Jesus.’

“You see why it’s so much of a catch thing there? And the reason why that is, is when you fail, what does your new nature do? It doesn’t cast you into psychological guilt and shame and rejection. It says, ‘Wait a minute.’ You get objective guilt. You say, ‘I made a mistake; it was wrong and now I can fix it because the Cross has equipped me to.’

“You can successfully deal with failures under grace, where with the ‘giver mode,’ all the ‘giver mode’ does is what it did with Adam and Eve. It sends you into all the psychological guilt. Things that paralyze you and make you unable so now your ‘taker mode’ takes over because the ‘giver mode’—he comes to his/her rescue to say, ‘Come on, I’ll take care of you. I’ll make you happy.’

“And when you put off all that thinking process, it becomes, ‘I’m going to esteem others better than myself because that’s what Christ teaches me to think.’ ”

(another article tomorrow) 

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Inroads of the vain

Infiltration will be one of the first tactics the false prophets and teachers use in their campaign of deception against Israel’s believing remnant during the “last days.”

“When the Lord Jesus says there are going to be wolves in sheep’s clothing, the idea is they’re going to impersonate the ‘little flock,’ ” explains Alex Kurz. “In other words, these impostors—that’s why Peter says their ‘feasting among you.’ ”

Specifically, Peter describes them as “spots” and “blemishes” who are “sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you.”


“I think on the holiday we all pretty much know everybody we sit down to eat with,” says Kurz. “There’s a familiarity there. Rarely do you go to someone’s home and there’s a complete stranger there. If they’re feasting with the ‘little flock,’ that clearly tells us there’s fellowship, there’s camaraderie, and yet, what is Peter saying? ‘They’re deceivers. They’re infiltrating privily.’

“Jude says, and I love the way he describes these guys—‘they creep in.’ They don’t knock on the door with a banner saying, ‘I am a flaming apostate and my desire is to victimize you and to lead you astray.’

“These false prophets and teachers creep in like a bunch of roaches under your door and, you know, when you expose the light, what happens? They scatter.


“Both Peter and Jude identify a specific false prophet for which Balaam is the poster child. Balaam, in Numbers 22, behaves in such a way that serves as a pattern for what’s going to happen in the 70th Week. You can just check off the characteristics.”

“One of the more obvious ones is he’s double-minded. Remember what James says: ‘The double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.’

“Remember what the Lord Jesus Christ said: ‘You cannot serve God and mammon.’ Well, look at what Peter says in II Peter 2:15: ‘Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness.’

“What is the way of Balaam? Jude will identify the way. He says, ‘Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.’

“What was the way of Cain? Why did Cain kill his brother Abel? Remember what the Lord said to Cain? ‘God had respect unto Abel’s sacrifice.’ Why? Because Abel believed God’s Word and responded in faith to the claims of the Lord, bringing the proper sacrifice.

“Cain thought the fruit of his own labor was equal to the lamb Abel brought. The way of Cain is simply the rejection of the claims of God; rejection of God’s Word and doing things in your own way.

“When it says they ‘ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward,’ what we’re going to find out regarding Balaam . . . listen, he was a professional denominationalist! He was a professional theologian.

“In other words, what Peter and Jude are warning the ‘little flock’ against is the professional institution of religion that takes the Bible and imposes it on the ‘little flock,’ going greedily after the paycheck. We’re going to find out that as they creep into various homes, they’re being financially rewarded.


“From II Peter 2, we know one of the primary teachings of the false prophets and teachers is to ‘deny the Lord that bought them.’ One of the principle doctrines of heresy in the 70th Week by those theological professors and teachers is they’re going to take the Old Testament—Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy—and teach it and impose it upon the nation of Israel, denying the claims of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. No. 1, they deny the Lord Jesus Christ.”

“II Peter 3 warns that they deny the doctrine of wrath, too. What did Balak want Balaam to do against Israel? Balaam tried to curse Israel and couldn’t do it. It’s interesting that when there was an attempt to curse Israel, it couldn’t be done, but when God now says, ‘I’m going to curse Israel,’ guess what the false prophets in the 70th Week teach? ‘There is no wrath,’ and they’ll use the Bible to do it.


“You know why water baptism was so extremely important during the time of Christ’s earthly ministry? ‘To flee the wrath to come.’ John the Baptist didn’t say, ‘Oh, if you want to demonstrate your faith to God, get wet,’ as a sign and all that kind of baloney. He said, ‘You’re coming for water baptism to flee the wrath to come.’

“Isn’t that what Peter said in Acts 2 when the audience—they were pricked in their heart and said, ‘What must we do?’ and Peter says, ‘Save yourself from this untoward generation.’ How do you save yourself from the wrath that’s going to break out? ‘Repent and be baptized.’ Water baptism is to escape wrath.

“You see why it’s inconsistent for a Believer today to get water baptized? Are we fleeing the Fifth Course? Are we fleeing the Lord’s Day of wrath today? Paul the Apostle of the Gentiles says about the dispensation of grace, ‘Grace and peace.’ God’s extending His love, mercy and longsuffering. God’s not threatening us with His Lord’s Day of wrath.


“Peter assures in II Peter 3:9, ‘The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.’

“The next verse says, “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”

“You see why Peter has to say that? Because there is this general teaching by the institution of religion that denies the Fifth Course of Judgment.  Do you understand that the Israelite in the Lord’s Day believes they’re immune from judgment; immune from wrath?

“Their teaching and perspective was God’s going to destroy the Gentiles, and their attitude was that they’re God’s favored people, possessing a privileged status before God and as Jews. ‘As Israelites, we’re immune from any kind of punishment. Punishment is reserved for everybody else.’ ”


All along in Israel’s history, the people would read and study the Book of Proverbs knowing it had special application for the future generation of Believers living through the “last days.”

The first nine chapters of Proverbs actually represent an introduction David writes to his son, Solomon, about wisdom. Before the proverbs are even listed, David advises Solomon about wisdom. The last two chapters give a conclusion. In fact, Proverbs 30:1 and 31:1 are not even proverbs; they’re prophecies warning the reader about when the book will have its specific significance.

“When the proverbs of Solomon begin in Chapter 10:1, and extend to the end of chapter 29, those proverbs are to express the wisdom of God for a worthy walk of the ‘believing remnant,’ especially in that Fifth Course of Judgment in that time of their captivity; in the time of their suffering and their persecution and their estrangement,” says Jordan.

“They’re going to have to have a worthy walk in the details of their life and remember that, under the law system, the law controlled the details of their life right down to the fine-tuning of things.

“It’s in the minute things they’re going to disassociate themselves entirely from the inroads of the vain, apostate religious system in Israel. They’re going to need keen judgment and insight so as not to be seduced by the satanic policy of evil against the nation—the seductive policy that would deceive the very elect themselves.”


In a very literal way, the future generation, just as with Believers today, will need to be able to perceive and identify words of understanding from words of deception and foolishness.

Jordan reasons, “God says to Job in Job 38, ‘Who is this that darkeneth counsel with words without knowledge?’ You see, words without knowledge—words that don’t give understanding—darken your mind. They darken counsel. They darken the ability to know what to do. These proverbs are going to give them words that give them the ability to perceive that.

“When Proverbs says its aim is ‘to give subtlety to the simple,’ the issue of subtlety is the issue of craftiness. You remember in Genesis 3:1 what it says about the serpent; that ‘he was more subtle than all the beasts of the field’? He was a crafty, cagey guy who was hard to catch and easy to be caught by.

“Jesus says to the apostles in the Great Commission, ‘I’m going to send you out as sheep among wolves; be wise as serpents and harmless as a dove.’ You need to have some subtlety. Some craftiness so you can avoid being caught by the snare of the Adversary.

“Now, why would simple people be in danger of being caught in craftiness? In Chapter 14:15, he says ‘the simple believe every word, but the prudent man looketh well to his going.’ And in Proverbs, when it talks about the simple . . . even like we saw when Wisdom called the religious leaders simple, it’s because they just believed every word instead of checking and looking and finding and understanding. They just took their word for it and you can easily be deceived that way.”


Among Proverbs’ fascinating aspects is how both wisdom and folly are personified as women. When wisdom speaks, for instance, it’s in three different formats.

Jordan explains, “First she speaks in the city; in the streets to the leaders of the nation. Then she withdraws herself and talks in private. She builds herself a house and goes into her own chamber and talks to just the people who are willing to come into her house. And then she sends her emissaries out into the city to invite other people into the house.

“There’s going to come a time in Israel when Wisdom will cry in the streets and do what she does in the latter part of Chapter 1 (beginning in verse 20), which is to talk to the religious leaders of the nation and say, ‘Come and repent because the wrath of God’s coming, and if you don’t get right and hearken to me, the wrath of Almighty God is going to destroy you.’

“When they don’t hearken, Wisdom cries again (in chapter 8), but this time she’s not out in the streets, she’s gone over and built her a house, and it’s from her house that she cries and invites people, ‘Psst! C’mon over here, I want to talk to you!’ and they go in the house.

“Of course, all of that is exactly what happens in the earthly ministry of Christ. He starts out publicly in the streets calling the nation to repentance. Then, in the middle part of His ministry, about Matthew 11 and 12, He withdraws, and just at the point in Matthew 12 when the Pharisees and Sadducees—the religious leaders—begin to develop a plot to kill Him, He withdraws Himself from them.

“In Matthew 16, Peter says, ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Jesus says, ‘You’re right; don’t tell anybody.’ Isn’t that strange? He goes up on the Mount of Transfiguration with Peter, James and John and is transfigured from them, and they see His kingdom glory and majesty and, as they’re coming down from the mountain, He says, ‘Now you guys have seen it, but don’t tell anybody.’

“Wait a minute! Before, they’d been going around saying, ‘Hey, He’s here! He’s here! Trust him!’ Now He’s saying, ‘Psst! Come over here guys. Let’s regroup.’

“When He does go outside to talk to people, He says, ‘From now on I’m only gonna talk in parables so you guys can’t understand it. People in my house over here, they can understand it.’

“And He says ‘the kingdom’s gonna be taken from you,’ meaning it’s going to be taken from the religious leaders of Israel and given to a nation that brings forth the fruit thereof.  He says, ‘Fear not, little flock, it’s your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom,’ and He literally builds within the nation Israel a new nation; within the house of Israel, a new house. A house where wisdom’s gonna live.

“And then, as in Proverbs 1, He sends His spirit down on them and then He sends His emissaries out of that house in the early Acts period to cry once again and to entreat. And in Proverbs 9, they go out and say, ‘Hey, there’s dinner at home. Come and dine. All is ready.’ You have parables in Matthew about the feast and the dinner that’s there, and you have them going out on the highways and in the hinterlands.

“David personifies wisdom as a person, and when it speaks in Israel it’s going to follow this pattern so that when you get over to Matthew, and that generation that Proverbs 30 says is going to show up—there is a generation that does these things—when they show up, John the Baptist identifies them and then you see wisdom cry in the streets, then go into the house, then send out the apostles and the ‘little flock.’

“It’s that prophetic sense that Proverbs 30:1 and 31:1 are talking about; in the day when Wisdom speaks in their midst that this book will come into its own.”


David gives four purposes the proverbs were collected together to accomplish. The first purpose, which is to know wisdom and instruction, is amplified in Chapter 1: 7-9. The second purpose, to perceive the words of understanding, is amplified in Chapter 1:10 to the end of chapter. The third purpose, to receive guidance in judgment and equity, can be found in Chapter 2. The fourth purpose is “to give subtlety to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion.”

“Beginning in Chapter 3, all the way down to the end of Chapter 9, or at least to the end of Chapter 7 (chapters 8 and 9 is a monologue where Wisdom speaks again), you have the focus on that fourth purpose,” says Jordan. “David was the most concerned . . . You know when you give your kids instruction, you got some things you want them to know about. You tell them to do this, this and this, and, ‘This one here, man, we need to talk about!’

“The most demanding one of these things—the one that David wanted Solomon to know the most about—is the one that God through David and Solomon wanted the ‘believing remnant’ in the last days to know the most about. Have subtlety. Have the ability to know and have knowledge and discretion.

“And that’s the reason that all through Chapters 3-7 . . . that’s where that stuff about that ‘strange woman’ comes up. That strange woman, folks, in Revelation 17, is that religious system.

“That apostate religious system that starts back in Genesis and is introduced to the nation Israel through the tribe of Dan and is called Baal worship goes all down through the Bible and becomes the religion of the Antichrist. Part of the seduction is that thing in Revelation 2:14 and 20 where that woman Jezebel seduces the servants of God to commit fornication in the context of religion.

“These proverbs are designed to equip these people to be aware of the problems and these (four purposes) are going to give the ability not to be seduced. You and I today face that same religious system. It doesn’t make any difference what God’s doing, Satan has his religious system out there and it adapts; it doesn’t change what it’s doing, it just adapts its tactics.

“What the Proverbs were going to do for Israel, and what they will do for the believers in Israel, is give them the capacity to stay out of the trap and not step in the snare of the Adversary. That’s what Paul’s epistles do for us.” (II Timothy 2:24)

(new article tomorrow)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Rolling downhill FAST

The next five years are going to be the most impactful of our lifetime in many ways.

“If a wheel is rolling down the street, there’s one part you don’t want to be in and that’s the part making contact with the ground because it’s going to squash you,” says Jordan. “That’s about where we are right now.

My point is, if you get that Big Picture, instead of being afraid and destroyed by it, you’ll know how to properly handle it . . . This is it for you. If you’re young, you’re going to see the fruit of it. If you’re older, you’ll get to live through this thing and help make some of the decisions.
“Many are fearful of the future; others are fretful about the loss of the treasures of what once was America. But it is what it is. In every situation, we have to face the question: ‘Are we going to complain or are we going to get busy?’ I vote for the latter!

Our culture has fast become ‘first-century like.’ The under-30 population of our nation has been largely divorced from our previously ‘Christianized’ traditions to such an extent that we are no longer able to depend on those traditions to do our work for us. The church at large continues in its impotence and navel-gazing. All the while, the world has come to our shores! What an opportunity to reach the world by reaching our hometown!

“Do you understand most Christian people have no idea what’s really going on?

“How many people think that the way of the Christian life is rules and regulations? ‘Give me rules; give me regulations. Give me a law and I’ll stop sin. Give me a rule and I’ll do what God wants.’

“And Romans 6 says it can’t be that. Romans 6 says you had to die, you’re dead to sin; you’re buried. The old man’s gone and there’s new life in Christ and you’ve got this new identity.

“You ought to take your King James Bible and look the word prudence up and see how it’s used. It’s a wonderful concept. We’re not the big shots of the world and yet God has entrusted to you and me information that the angels desired to look into and couldn’t figure out.

“And He gives you prudence. He gives you the ability to USE your life—not just to give you a nice, sweet, safe life that doesn’t have a lot of problems, but a life that has a participation in what God Himself is doing, where you can back off and you’ve got the Big Picture. And the little storms—you know where they fit. They don’t bother you so much.

“To be ‘abounding in wisdom and prudence’ (Eph.1:8) is the natural state God expects a member of the Body of Christ to be in. God’s purpose is not for you to be the dumb thump on the block like most Christians are, snared in confusion.”


In a study on what to expect from the future, preacher Alex Kurz started with, “I’m going to say this, and I’m going to offend a lot of…well, you know, the father of all organized religion is Cain and Luke 11:51 says, ‘From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation’ . . . . from this untoward generation that follows in the footsteps of Cain with the attitude of religion that destroys those who are really righteous.

“Balak (Numbers 22:5) represents this institution of religion that has its genesis with Cain and is opposed to those who are righteous.

“As a hired gun, the religious system is now seeking to institutionalize the persecution against the righteous—against the people of God.

“So it isn’t just enough to be self-righteous—religion is a sophisticated, systematic, organized institution devised by Satan himself to seek to destroy God’s people, and there are hired guns, and I say that because we certainly know . . .


Kurz continued, “I like reading history and there’s a great book out called ‘Founding Faith’ about this argument about whether our Founding Fathers were religious or not religious. It’s a very good read. Very balanced. You have the two extremes.

“You have the one side that says our Founding Fathers were a-religious—they were anti-God—which is absolutely ridiculous, and then you have the other extreme that says the Founding Fathers saw Christianity in every decision, and that just isn’t accurate as well.

“My point is, many of our forefathers, they believed that religion is good for society. But be very careful! Is religion good? You know what religion means, right? To bind.

“Is religion good for society, and if you really examine the question, and examine the answer, the reason religion exists isn’t just to promote . . . on the surface it appears that religion promotes moral values and ethics, and so on and so forth, right?

“But deep down, the very core of religion is to oppose God and His people. So we want to be very careful in just assuming that religion quote ‘is a good thing.’ and I know, we’re living in a day and age where . . . are there some religions you think are a threat?

“I mean, there are some religions I don’t want operating in my neighborhood because they’ll cut your head off and they’ll put it on You Tube and they’ll show you how they’ll cut your head off.

“Oh, yeah, those are just the ‘radical fundamental extremists.’ Okay, yeah, yeah. Anyway, what we have in Balaam, now . . . It isn’t just enough to establish religion and to persecute the righteous. ‘We got to justify this!’ And didn’t Israel justify the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, and did they not use political arguments to kill God’s Son?

“Be careful. See, this whole amalgamation between religion and politics—the instituted religious system--they had political arguments to kill the guy who never harmed a fly! What did Jesus do? And it was the political machinery paid off by the institution of religion that put Him to death.

“Remember when Paul appealed to Rome? At first it sounded like a pretty good deal, right? What did Rome ultimately do to Paul? He writes in II Timothy, ‘For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.’

“The same government that gave to Paul some rights to defend himself is the same government that put him to death. You appeal to Caesar, then you’re going to follow the law, and they killed him!

“So, my point is, Balaam is hired by a KING! I believe in separation of church and state. I don’t want to get into politics. What business does a prophet of God have to do with a political leader?!

“Listen, didn’t God say to Israel, ‘You’re going to be a kingdom of priests’?! Balaam represents this attempt to institutionalize religion and to be under the authority of politics and this is what I’m getting at . . .

“Guess who this Antichrist is? He’s a political figure, isn’t he? There will be laws enacted to justify the slaughter of the righteous. Remember what the Lord Jesus Christ said—‘They’re going to bring you before magistrates.’
“Do you think there are laws… by the way, there are countries in this world where the very laws of the land can justify your death because of your religious beliefs. Guess what’s going to happen in the 70th Week? Balaam represents all of that, okay?”

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Muhammad 'filled with doubt'

People love to make these parallels between the Bible and the Koran as if they’re both equally sound books from God, but anybody who knows anything about the Koran knows there are tremendous contradictions.

The Koran denies Jesus Christ was crucified. The Koran says it took God eight days to create the world. The Koran says that one of Noah’s three sons refused to go into the Ark and was drowned in the Flood. The Koran says it was Pharaoh’s wife, not his daughter, who adopted Moses.

The Koran says Abraham took his son Ishmael, not Isaac, for a sacrifice. The Koran says Abraham lived in the valley of Mecca, not Hebron. The Koran says Abraham—get this—rebuilt the Islamic Kabah (it says Adam was the original architect!). The Koran says Abraham was thrown into a fire by Nimrod, even though Nimrod had been dead for centuries by the time of Abraham’s life.

As author Robert Morey explains in his incredible 1992 expose book The Islamic Invasion, “The seventh-century Arab, and Muhammad in particular, did not think in terms of linear time, that is, historical chronology. In the West, people think of history in terms of a straight line with a beginning, a middle, and an end.

“In the East, people think in terms of never-ending cycles. Evidently, in the Middle East at the time of Muhammad, Arabs did not have any settled conception of time at all. Arab stories and legends put together places, people, and events in one present vision as if they were all living at the same time!

“This is why throughout the Quran, Nimrod and Abraham, Haman and Moses, Mary and Aaron, etc. were all pictured as living and working together. This is why the Quran can put together the flood and Moses, the tower of Babel and Pharaoh, etc. as if all those things happened at the same time.

“This is a very serious challenge to the integrity of the Quran because it violates the historic chronology of the Bible and secular history at the same time.”

The Koran says that not only did Solomon understand “the language of the birds” but that “winds also performed his will, and the jinn . . . To him were obedient demons of the most diverse sorts, and the evil spirits were given into his hand.”

The Koran’s male and female “jinns” were spirits to be worshipped and feared and could be found in trees, stones, rivers and mountains.

“In terms of pre-Islamic religious life, the basic orientation of the people was that of superstition—the Arabs believed in the ‘evil eye,’ the casting of curses and spells, magic stones, fatalism, fetishes, and the fabulous stories of the jinns, or what we call in English genies or fairies,” reports Morey.

“Most people in their childhood have read some of the fantastic fables found in The Arabian Nights, stories of Aladdin’s lamp, of flying carpets, etc. It is no surprise therefore to find that the Koran also contains references to such things as the evil eye, curses, fatalism, and the fabulous jinns (Sura 55; 72; 113 and 114).

“In many Islamic countries, Muslims still wear an amulet around the neck in which a part of the Koran is recorded to ward off the ‘evil eye.’ ”

According to the Koran (Suras 46:29-35; 72:1-28), Muhammad, on his way back from Mecca, preached to and converted the jinns who, in turn, preached Islam to the masses.

“Thus, the male and female spirits who inhabited the trees, the rocks, and the waters of Arabia were now Muslims and under the control of Muhammad,” writes Morey. “This is a classic form of shamanism in which Muhammad now claimed to be in control of the spirits of the earth.”

Morey reports that Muhammad’s mother Aminah, in fact, often claimed to be visited by jinns: “Muhammad’s mother was involved in what we call today the ‘occult arts,’ and this basic orientation is thought by some scholars to have been inherited by her son.

In fact, it was when Muhammad was in a trancelike state that he’d receive his “divine” visitations and then rise and proclaim what had been “handed down” to him.

“From the description of the bodily movements that were often connected with his trances, many scholars have stated that these were epileptic seizures,” writes Morey. “For example, the Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam, published by Cornell University, points out that the Hadith itself describes ‘the half-abnormal ecstatic condition with which he was overcome.’

“What must be remembered is that in the Arab culture of Muhammad’s day, epileptic seizures were interpreted as a religious sign of either demonic possession or divine visitation.

“Muhammad initially considered both options as possible interpretations of his experience. At first he worried about the possibility that he was demon possessed . . . The bodily characteristics connected with his religious trance seemed even to Muhammad to parallel those of people in his community who would fall down in fits and of whom others would say that they were possessed of devils.

“He became so depressed that he decided to commit suicide. But on his way to the place where he was going to kill himself, he fell once again into a seizure. He experienced another vision in which he felt that he had been told not to kill himself because he was truly called of God.

“Yet even after this religious experience, he still became depressed and filled with doubt.”

(new article tomorrow)