Saturday, March 28, 2015

Nuts to 'Killing Jesus'

My mom, a big fan of FOX News, asked me earlier today if I intended to watch the premiere of Bill O’Reilly’s “Killing Jesus” film on the National Geographic Channel tomorrow night.

I simply told her that I heard his book was full of inaccuracies and that I had no interest anyway in seeing a movie portrayal of Jesus Christ.

What most O’Reilly fans don’t know is he’s a Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic who doesn’t believe in even basic Bible accounts such as Adam and Eve or Noah, but does believe the false Catholic narrative that Mary was "immaculately conceived without sin" and ascended into heaven after Acts 1.

Jordan said he once wrote O’Reilly, asking him if he believes Mary "ascended into heaven," and all he got back was an email response of, “Bill is a believing Roman Catholic.”

“That’s all they would say,” Jordan recalled. “That means he believes that and you know why? Because the pope tells him if he doesn’t, he can’t be a Catholic. The pope doesn’t say you got to believe Adam and Eve are real but you got to believe that. That stuff’s nuts, folks!
"The vast majority of Christians (so-called) have bought into the idea that the Bible isn’t God’s word; it only contains God’s word. A story like Noah is an allegory. It’s like Aesop’s Fables. You don’t believe a tortoise and a hare had a race and talked to each other, do you? Why, because it’s a story. It’s a myth or fable that has a meaning to it. And they say that’s what the Bible is.
“Students of ancient literature will go back and say, ‘You know, that’s how you understand . . . Adam and Eve didn’t really have to exist. It’s the story involved in it.'
"As soon as you do that, Jesus Christ didn’t really have to be raised from the dead. It’s the story; the symbolism. Now nothing you believe is real. Think about that. If Jesus Christ didn’t literally come up from the dead, you’re still in your sins. It is that important.”

As Jordan concluded in another study, “When Jesus Christ comes back to avenge the blood of His saints, He’s avenging not just the fact they got run over by a Humvee or a tank. He’s avenging the fact that they’ve been usurped by the satanic policy of evil to establish the seed of Satan in the earth. That’s why that religious system is dangerous, folks.

Your forefathers understood that that religious system of Baal worship in its modern-day manifestation (such as with Catholicism) is the most deadly thing on this planet!

“And you need to quit worrying about political conspiracies and financial conspiracies and all these other things and think about the spiritual conspiracy going on to destroy our world.

You can let all the politicians do their evil work to divert you from what the real issue is, and talk about immigration and talk about this and that, when THIS is the thing that’s taken over!

“It’s already taken over the (American) government. It’s the largest denomination in the Congress, on the Supreme Court, in the executive branch, on the news channels.

“The cable news channels you like to watch—I don’t care if it’s Fox, CNN, MSNBC—their commentators three-to-one are part of that religious system. Did you know that?! Oh, yeah.

It’s where the real fight is and the last thing Deuteronomy 32 sings glory to God about is God’s going to avenge that thing, and when He does it’s going to be putting to bed a war that began in Genesis 1.”

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Changing scenes of life

John 19:30 reports that Jesus, just before His death, said, “It is finished: and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost.” The amazing reality is that up until this moment, His head was erect and had not bowed.

“All the suffering, all the pain, all the agony, all the discomfort, all of the torment—everything He’d been through and He’s still alert; mentally alert, His mind clicking off the Scripture verses, His head physically erect," says Jordan. “And now He dies as no one else ever did. He dismissed His spirit--‘gave up the ghost.’ That’s a wonderful scene. He doesn’t die as a helpless victim.

“If you remember back when they convicted Jack Kevorkian of killing that fellow, the guy’s mouth was all just flopped opened and the prosecutor argued, ‘He didn’t even care enough about the dignity of the man he just murdered to close his mouth but just left him lying there in terrible-looking condition.’

“But Christ didn’t die that way. He didn’t die as just a helpless, hapless victim. He died with a majestic bearing of one who was in control. In control to the end, dying purposefully for you and me.”


In II Samuel, David brings back to Israel the Ark of the Covenant from among the Philistines and gets convicted about building a house for God, but God says to him, in essence, “What you want to build me a house for? I didn’t ask you to do that.”

Jordan explains, “God’s point is, ‘What makes you think I need a house to dwell in? If I needed a house I’d have told you. I’m content to live in a tabernacle.’

“Now, you need to think for a moment what a tabernacle is. When God gave Moses the instructions to build the tabernacle in the wilderness, what was the tabernacle made out of? Animal skins. The tabernacle is a tent. It’s literally a tent made out of skin in which the glory of God’s going to dwell.

“It’s not a house made out of brick, or mortar, or stone that never was alive. It’s a tent made out of skin. Now, that issue, is why God tells David, ‘That’s where I’ve chosen to dwell. You want to build me a permanent house but I didn’t ask for that.’

“It’s not that the Lord didn’t appreciate David’s sentiment. David’s wanting to do something for the Lord; you know he feels kind of bad that he lives in a house and God’s out there in a tent and, you know, it’s, ‘I’ve got this nice place and you’ve blessed me with all this stuff; I want to move you up—bring you on up to the East Side and let you finally get a piece of the pie too.’

“The problem is it’s an uninformed sentiment. It isn’t getting the idea so God says to David, ‘You can’t do it, but I tell you what I’m gonna do. I’m going to build me a tent of skin. I’m going to build me a tabernacle out of YOUR skin, YOUR flesh, David, and I’m going to dwell in your flesh.’

“Whoa! Wow! Now it’s in the heart and essence of the Davidic Covenant that God tells David, ‘The mechanism whereby I’m going make Israel a great nation; the mechanism whereby I come and dwell in Israel and be there God and make them my people—make them a great nation and have me dwelling in their midst—is I come and live, not in a house of stone, mortar, or animal skins; I’m going to come and live in your skin, David, and it’s going to be the Tabernacle of David. The seed of David.’

“Now, ultimately that’s going to be whom? The Lord Jesus Christ made of the seed of David and that’s why you find in the New Testament, Paul said a number of times that Jesus is of the seed of David. He’s of David’s flesh.

“Of course, it’s the Messiah, this seed of David, who’s going to bring in all the blessings of the Abrahamic Covenant. Everything the Abrahamic Covenant accomplishes, He’s the one who’s going do it and He’s going to do it in David’s flesh.

“That’s why God says in II Samuel 7: 12-13, ‘And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever.’ ”

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Stars by name and number

Genesis 1:16 says God “made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.”

Jordan explains, “When it says ‘he made the stars also,’ that’s not saying it was as an afterthought that God made the stars. He made the stars also to RULE. These planetary bodies are all designed in the heavens and placed for the benefit of the earth.

“In Psalm 147:4 is a very interesting thing when you study the stars in the Bible. It says, ‘He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.’

“Isaiah 40:26 says, Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.’

“God has numbered the stars and He’s also named them. When it says ‘he telleth,’ that’s like a teller in a bank counting up the number of the stars. It says He calleth them all by their names.
"God has given names to the stars and the constellations out there and He knows exactly how many there are and what they’re there for.”


The Apostle Paul is referencing back to Gen. 1:14 (“And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years”) when he writes to the Galatians:

“But now, after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereunto ye desire again to be in bondage?  Ye observe days, and months, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain.”

As Jordan explains, “Paul said, 'I’m worried about you because you keep months and days and all of that stuff; the significance and the reasons for birthdays and Easter and Christmas and Halloween. All the celebrations of religion start there with that issue of let them be for signs. ' ”


Bible students often question why Jesus Christ in John 1:49, referring to His future reign as king of Israel during the millennial kingdom, assures, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man.”

“They ask, ‘Well, why does it say ascending and descending rather than descending and ascending?’ ” explains Jordan. “The reason is the throne of the Lord Jesus Christ is the command center and He’s sending them out on His business and they’re coming back to report to Him. They’re going up into the heavens and coming back.

“The earth in the original creation was the location for the government of God over the universe and it will be that once again in the ages to come.

“In the millennial kingdom, people are going to see Christ and the angels coming and going from His presence in the function of their duties. Christ will be the center of activity. He’s on the earth with the throne and government that extends all the way out through the universe. He’s the head of the government of the universe."
(new article tomorrow)

Friday, March 20, 2015

Reality vs. postmodernist celebrityship (e.g., Obama's beloved Harry Potter)

Just by proclaiming “Christ died for our sins,” Believers identify a moral reality that says there is something and someone to be measured by, and that we have sinned and “come short of the glory of God.”

“It’s what (long-renowned evangelical theologian) Francis Schaeffer called ‘The Christian Consensus,’ ” says Jordan. “Our nation was not founded as a Christian nation in the sense that all of its founders were Christians, but our nation came into existence 200-plus years ago during a time when there was a Christian consensus among the culture even where the people weren’t Christians.

“Benjamin Franklin was not a Christian. He was a Deist, but that tells you something. A Deist believes there’s a God. They may not believe they know Him—they may not believe they’re going to follow Him—but they know there is an absolute standard.

“When they said, ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator,’ they were not making a Genesis 1:1 statement, they were just saying there’s some culturally acceptable standards; there’s a consensus among us that some things are absolute and so obvious they can’t be ignored.”


Addressing Christendom’s envelopment by postmodernist thinking (i.e., the rehashing of the ancient lie dating from the Garden of Eden that ‘truth is relative’), Jordan laments, “You were not trained in your education in the world to get what’s true out of facts and objective things. The whole mindset is to look at facts and objective things subjectively: ‘How do they come across to me?’

“You’re to think, ‘It’s in my inter-relationships--in my experience with them—that I then decide how I’m going to feel. Am I going to believe it’s right or am I going to believe it’s wrong? Am I going to believe it’s good for me or am I going to believe it’s bad for me.’


“People, the only absolute moral authority in all the universe is that Book right there. That’s the absolute moral authority of heaven and earth. ‘Thy word is truth.’ And the way a face is put on that is in the face of Jesus Christ.

“You know where your faith gets its identity? It’s in the persona of Jesus Christ. Your faith doesn’t need to rest in what you’re doing; it needs to rest in what He’s doing. Not in your strength and your abilities, but in His identity, His strength and His capacity.”


The most destructive area where post-modernism reigns in the lives of most Christians and they’re most often not even aware of it is in the bible versions issue.

The vast majority of Christendom has no idea that the King James Bible is the only accurate English translation and that all the other bible versions come from satanically corrupted manuscripts or, in the case of the New King James Version, was inaccurately rendered.

Jordan says, “For the last 30 years I’ve fought the battle about the bible versions and the battle was lost 20 years ago. In fact, in just one of those funny ways that truth works, evangelicalism out there thought they had put that issue to rest and then, in the early ’90s, along came this little lady from Ohio, Gail Riplinger.

“Just a little, petite, quiet, sickly little lady with some real physical problems. She was a college professor and her illness put her in the bed for 6-7 years where she couldn’t work but she had the college professor rights to the library and she did all this research.

“And because she’s a researcher in her professional life, she understood how to do first-hand primary research and she wrote that book, New Age Bible Versions, and when that thing came out (in 1993) it blew the socks off all these scholars.

“You had guys like Norman Geisler, who’s supposed to be this great Christian apologist, running around like a chicken with his head cut off. And you got some dried-up prune out there in Arizona, Jim White—he couldn’t have gotten an audience on State Street with a bunch of mission bums on his own, but when took up the cause and wrote a bunch of stuff, and tried to be a champion about it, people tried to promote him and gave him a ministry just to try to sink Ms. Riplinger.

“It was fascinating to watch how that stuff worked and see it all just blow up in their faces. They went around and said, ‘Well, she’s just a Home Economics teacher.’ Home Ec?! I mean, give me a break! If they knew anything about what they’re talking about!

“It’s that silly kind of stuff that grown men, with more degrees than they’ve have temperature, and with reputations as being Christian celebrities, stoop to when they got no idea . . . They go around and dumb, old, stupid Believers out there just think, ‘Oooh, he said it, it’s got to be true!’ They’re worshipping their little god, their little hero, and it’s nonsense.

“I’ve watched these men and I’ve read the books they write, and I’ve listened to Riplinger and them debate in person and I know enough about the subject material to know if somebody’s telling the truth or not or whether they’ve got their facts in a row, and she just quietly blows them out of the water. Some times they don’t even know they got blown out of the water it’s so easy!

“You look at all that and you say, ‘Wow, amazing!’ and it just is! It just came at them out of nowhere. They thought they had the battle won and then, ‘Boom!’ here all this stuff comes out.

“To this day, you still just mention her name and people go absolutely bonkers. You go home tonight and watch John Ankerberg on the TV and little John’s credited by grace people as being a great champion for the faith. Call him up on the phone and ask him about Gail Riplinger and watch the steam come out of his ears.

“Watch him lose his grace and his white hair turn red. And his sweet Christian manners turn into attack-dog tactics. And you say, ‘Well, why is that?’ Well, good men are always reasonable and when they’re not, there’s something stickin’ ’em and she stuck ’em out of the blue.

“You know what the real problem with that was and is? These guys said, ‘She’s not qualified to do what she did,’ and she said, ‘Excuse me?!’ They say, ‘Well, you don’t have degrees in the field.’ Excuse me?! Did you understand what a Master’s degree and a PhD degree is? Those are what are called ‘research degrees.’ You get a Bachelor’s degree, an undergraduate degree, and now you’re supposed to know how to think. Heh, heh.

“The universities say, ‘Now that we’ve taught you how to think we want you to go think about this,’ and you get a Master’s degree by doing two years of semi-original thinking on a topic. Research. And then you do two more years and they give you the post-hole digger’s degree for original thinking into this area that nobody has researched or written about.

“Have you ever read a doctrinal dissertation? That’s where a guy writes a paper to present a view, and in order for it to pass muster—for you to get the degree—you have to demonstrate in that doctrinal dissertation that you’ve read what everybody else has said about this subject.

“Supposedly you’ve considered all the wisdom out there on this subject and come to a conclusion about it. Well, you know what happened to Ms. Riplinger? She actually did the original research that these (other bible scholars) thought they did.

“You see, if you go and read what Joes says that Bob says, and what Bill says Bob says, and then what Mike says that Bob says . . . If you read what they say Bob says that’s not first-hand. That’s what they say Bob says.

“But if you just read what Bob says, that’s first-hand. That’s what Riplinger did. And you know what she found out? She found out that Joe didn’t always tell the truth about what Bob said.

“Joe would say what she thought Bob said. Then Bill would say what he thought Bob said and tell you why he thought Joe was wrong. And Mike would tell you what she thought Bill meant about what Bob said and what Joe meant about what Bob said and nobody would read what Bob said. Does that sound confusing? It’s supposed to. That’s academia.

“And then you get this little lady that came around and just read what Bob said—went out and told everybody what Bob said—and you know what happens to these other guys? They’re relegated to irrelevance. But they’re the heroes. They’re the celebrities. The Bible Answer Man (who has a nationally-syndicated daily Christian radio program) builds everything he does on what these guys say.

“Well, who cares what Bob said, or some little lady telling you what Bob said who doesn’t have anybody backing her and she’s a woman to boot. You know, it’s, ‘Surely God can’t tell us anything through a woman,’ and she blows the socks off these people and sucker-punches them from left field.

“They weren’t prepared for it and so they go to reeling. And all that stuff has to do with the fact that when you don’t have objective truth to rest in, then all you have is things based on your experiences.

“And if you’re going to get truth out of your experiences and go by, ‘I’ve got a relationship with these Christian celebrities over here and I trust them because of their celebrityship,’ then your evaluation of what truth is is going to be based on who tells you what and who you think they are, rather than what you read in a Book and do on your own.”

(Editor’s note: In talking to some Christian friends the other day about Harry Potter’s influence on younger generations, Christian and non-Christian alike, I was reminded of an article I wrote on my website in 2008 about President Obama’s declared love for Harry. Below is the article:

How enlightening it was to watch Obama’s half-hour infomercial last week and see him proudly reveal his love for Harry Potter, bragging with a big grin how he’d read aloud all of the J.K. Rowling books with his 9-year-old daughter.

Even my young nephews, ages 5 and 7, know to steer clear of the world’s most popular-ever boy wizard. It’s pure evil and will only negatively influence their sponge-like minds with its Antichrist propaganda aimed at discipling children into the darkest aspects of black magick (Daniel 8:23-25).

Through Harry Potter books, printed globally in 40 different languages, kids as young as kindergarten age are being introduced to human sacrifice, the sucking of blood from dead animals, possession by spirit beings, on and on.


Just look at this cutesy outtake from a July wire article by The Associated Press:

Michelle Obama said her husband has read the books aloud with 9-year-old Malia and saw the latest movie, ‘Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,’ with her last Sunday.

Both are awaiting the release of J.K. Rowling's seventh and final book in the series, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," this weekend, but finding time to read won't be easy, she said.

"The challenge will be scheduling Harry Potter reading time in between Iowa and New Hampshire and fundraising, but I guarantee you they will figure out a way to do it," Michelle Obama told the AP. "Harry Potter is huge in our house."

She wasn't sure how the family would get their copy of the book.

"He handles all of that. That's one of those things, I'm like 'You are the Harry Potter parent,'" she said.


In an immensely informative hour-long documentary on Google videos, called Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged, world-renowned cult and occult researcher Carol Marischiana, author of Gods of the New Age, thoroughly authenticates Harry Potter’s true representation of witchcraft and the black arts and black magick.

Marischiana says, ““Many argue that Harry Potter is merely children’s fantasy and therefore it’s harmless. The lie about this is that witchcraft is reality . . .

“The powers that Harry is tapping into are the powers children think they can have and people say, ‘Well, my child doesn’t practice those things,’ but there is also a morality that is being taught. Harry cheats, Harry lies, Harry steals. His teachers steal. When Harry breaks the rules, the teachers don’t punish him. In fact, teachers say that ‘rules are there to be broken,’ so children are learning a moral worldview that is not based on biblical principles. . .

“Witchcraft is a religion. The U.S. Supreme Court has given witchcraft religious status. It gets tax-exempt status, it has a military chaplain. It’s recognized as a practicing religion. It’s the fastest growing religion in America incidentally. . . 

 “J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, has gone through an awful lot of research. She’s very accurate; otherwise we would have witches all over the country and world saying this is not a true representation of our religion . . .

 “ . . . Warner Brothers says that it’s an accurate portrayal of witchcraft. So, here we have witches across the nation endorsing Harry Potter, saying that more than at any other time, Harry has initiated such a response to witchcraft that witches now have scores of witchcraft on the internet where children can come, get certificates of graduation to become witches.

“. . . Of course, the books have been promoted by Scholastic Inc., who has been the providers of curriculum for 80 years in public schools. So, here where Christianity has been taken out of the schools, we have a wizard, Harry Potter the witch, who goes to school with 350 other students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, which has been repackaged as a reading-incentive program promoted by Scholastic Inc., the publishers in our schools. Thirty-two million children a year are being reached by witchcraft repackaged.

“The harm, first of all, is that witchcraft is being normalized to our children. For the first time in the history of the world, witchcraft is being given to children in a children’s format and children are seeing other children practicing it and say it’s all right.

“And, especially if the parents say, ‘Well, it’s okay to read about other children being involved in this religion,’ then children say, ‘Well, if they can be involved in it then so can I.’

“. . . The IRS has given it tax exemption, so this religion is being promoted through the public schools on our tax dollar and teaching children by occultists how to mix potions, how to put emphasis on certain spells, how to twist your arm and your wrist, how to concentrate when you want things. . . ”


Rowling, who majored in mythology at Exeter University in England, readily acknowledges borrowing from pagan religions—Celtic religions, religions of the Druids, witchcraft, Satanism—and that lot of the spells, the incantations, the philosophy behind the mythology and the religions can be readily found in Harry Potter books.

As Marischiana explains, “The actual name ‘Potter,’ if you ask a witch, a pagan, any knowledgeable expert in the occult or hidden arts, the Potter is the female goddess; the Goddess of Babylon who is considered the potter who created human beings from clay and they believe that the patriarchal God of Christianity, the God of Israel, copied that in a very poor imitation because He cannot give birth.

“Now, listen to how important that is to understand. The feminine-oriented cult of witchcraft sees the woman and her process of birth as fundamental in the new life; the transformation, the alchemy, the changing of the inner man to higher consciousness, which is what Harry Potter is all about. In fact, that’s what the first book is called: The Sorcerer’s Stone.

“The alchemy to be transformed and changed through the inner man to become a new creature, which is again an upside down reversal of what a Christian believes that, when they come into understanding a relationship—a personal relationship with Christ—they are transformed and take on the mind of Christ.

“The concept of fertility-based cults, feminine-oriented cults such as witchcraft, is the concept that the new birth can take place inside. Through meditation, you have inner transformation, inner wisdom, inner knowledge and all this is done through concentration, visualization.

“All through Harry’s books, Hermione and others say, ‘Concentrate, Harry, if you concentrate hard enough you can have what you want.’

“ . . . One of the arguments is that Harry Potter series does not actually teach witchcraft; that it is not teaching the concepts of ‘mother goddess’ and her consort the horned god, which is essential to the fertility cults, or the fertility-oriented witchcraft religion.

“And, yes, there are the concepts of mother goddess being taught because Harry’s mother gave her life for Harry. The sacrificial death that she gave through love is a symbolism of goddess worship; it’s an inversion, if you will, of God the Father whose son gave His life, in love, for His people.

“Now, the concept of teaching ‘mother goddess’ is very, very important. Harry’s mother gave her life for Harry so that he should be saved, and through this love sacrifice Harry was protected from death. Now this concept is brought up several times; in fact, it is so important in witchcraft and pagan thinking that Voldemort, Harry’s arch-enemy, takes a vial of blood from Harry in book No. 4 in order to have the blood run through his own veins (so) that he can be resurrected and have a body. That is how powerful the blood sacrifice is.”

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Why the mighty have fallen

While Moses was atop Mt. Sinai collecting from God the Ten Commandments, the children of Israel were down below worshipping a fresh-molten golden calf, dancing around naked to loud, discordant music, engaging in open sex.

This was and is the surest sign a civilization has gone pagan, giving itself over to “the god of this world.”

Any nitwit marketer knows the ages-old rule that “sex sells,” and as the Apostle Paul warns, “Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.”

Jordan explains, “A rudiment is a fundamental operating principle. It’s the basic operating elements of a thing.

“The rudiments of the world have to do with the basic operating principles of the world system in which we live. There’s a way that the world operates—in Galatians 1, Paul tells us it’s the will of the Father that He would ‘deliver us from this present evil world.’

“Well, if it’s an evil world system, that’s a bad thing. Must have a bad leader. As II Corinthian 4 says, ‘But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.’

“Who is ‘the god of this world’? You hear people talk about, ‘Well, if God would let this happen and let that happen . . .’ Well, ‘the god of this world’ has no problem with all the things happening in the world today! It’s his system, designed to carry forward and express his program.

“Ephesians 2:2 says, ‘Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.’

“Notice there’s a course that the world follows. When Paul talks about the rudiments of the world, he’s talking about the fundamental operating methodology of that ‘course of this world.’


“When you start out thinking about this issue of the rudiments of the world, you really have to go back to Genesis 3 where all this stuff really begins to unfold.

“What you learn about life, and the way the world works, and the way you function in it—it’s fascinating to me, all these years of dealing with people and trying to take the Scripture and help people out, understanding how it works in their lives and that kind of thing, the more and more I realize that you don’t get very far from Genesis 3.

“Because there’s a pattern and a course that’s set up here in Genesis 3 that is really how ‘the course of this world’ goes.

I think about it—God creates man, puts him on the earth and says, ‘Go out and subdue the earth, have dominion over it, replenish it,’ and Satan looks at this human and says, ‘Hmm, that’s the guy whose supposed to take this stuff away from me?! This guy?! He’s just made out of mud! He can’t fly; he can’t do all the wonderful things I can do! Is God off His rocker?!’

“But he’d never seen a mud man before. So when you’ve never seen something before, and you don’t know exactly what it can do, you need to figure out how it operates.

“And so when Satan comes to Eve, he’s already developed a scheme in his mind about how to handle this new thing God’s created—this human.

“When Satan begins to interact with them, you begin to see the rudimentary way sin and the world system are going to operate, and how sin’s going to attack, and how it’s going to defend itself, and how it’s going to seek to encompass others in it.


“There’s something you have to understand about what godliness is. We have lists of taboos where we say, ‘Well, I don’t do this and I don’t do that.’ Therefore you’re godly. The problem with our list of taboos is that everybody has their own list.

“It’s like the old preacher Down South who was preaching against liquor one Sunday morning. He was preaching away and this little old lady back in the back yelled out, ‘Amen, preacher, you tell ’em! Preach it!’

“Then he got to preaching about smoking. She shouted, ‘That’s right, preacher! C’mon, tell it!’ He got to preaching about adultery and she just kept ‘Amen-ing’ him.

“Then he got to preaching about dipping snuff and she didn’t say anything. She got real quiet and when she went to go out the door after the service, he asked her, ‘Sister, you were coming along there with me for awhile, then you quit. What happened?’ She said, ‘Well, you got to plowing in my tater patch.’

“That’s the way we are. It’s human nature; it’s normal. We all have blind spots, but what religion does is it sets up these external standards of expectation and requirements. The dos and the don’ts, and it says if you do these and you don’t do that, and you conform to my legalistic standards—my standard of expectations for you—then you’ll have arrived at being like God.

“Because certainly, ‘God wouldn’t disagree with me about what the standards ought to be,’ and so you have all kind of justifications. Some of you are like me, you’ve come out from under that tyranny and that bondage, and you say, ‘Hallelujah for liberty in Christ Jesus!’


“I can remember when I was in college back in the late ’60s and we used to sit around in the snack shop (at the Southern Baptist-run Mobile College) and have these long, wonderfully nebulous, convoluted discussions about what is true spirituality.

“I always enjoyed the young preachers who would say, ‘Ga-awwd would have me to do . . . ’ They had this little tone in their voice because they thought that was spirituality. You know how it goes. And we used to talk about, ‘Well, how do you do it and what is it?’

“Of course, the answer all along was in I Corinthian 14:37: ‘If any man think himself to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord.’

“The question is, ‘Is this your attitude about yourself; that you’re a prophet or a spiritual?’ This verse is going to read your meter here. Here’s an objective standard in the Word of God to identify what true spirituality is. You don’t have to worry about what Francis Schaeffer said about it, or doctor so-and-so.

“My friend, true spirituality in the dispensation of grace is determined by what you do with Paul’s message. And when you look around you at the church today, and you see the Body of Christ at-large and you see the total disregard for Paul’s message—and an attitude of carelessness toward it—then you have an answer as to why the church lies in the lap of irrelevance.

“Even the evangelical fundamental church is totally irrelevant to everybody except itself and it’s only relevant to itself as long as it can keep itself perpetuating itself.

“The world about us looks at the church with total disregard. It has no impact on the world today except when it gets in the political realm and tries to stir up political fervor.

“Whether it’s the liberal or fundamental church, that’s the only clout they have anymore. It’s who do they know politically. Why is that? Why have the mighty fallen? Because the truth has fallen in the streets and the test of what real spirituality is has failed.”

Monday, March 16, 2015

The almighty Dollar?

For $10 you can purchase TV preacher Creflo Dollar’s advice book about how the “misconception that God does not heal everybody has caused many people to die early when they could have experienced the healing power of God's word.”

Just the other day, the news outlets reported how Dollar is asking some 200,000 followers to donate $300 apiece to purchase a $65 million private jet for their beloved “health and wealth” preacher’s travels around the globe.

While the Bill Mahers of the world have a field day ridiculing Christians who look to the Dollars of the world for physical healing, the reality-check, as always, lies in the Bible, where it’s made clear that divine healing is a fundamental sign God promised the nation Israel and doesn’t exist today under God’s current “dispensation of grace” laid out by the Apostle Paul.

“That healing stuff isn’t there (in the Gospels) so that your gout and rheumatism can get over with and you can show, ‘Oh, look how much God loves me today!’ ” confirms Jordan. “But if you’re getting your message back here (in the Old Testament, Gospels and early part of the Book of Acts), you would expect healing to accompany it, wouldn’t you? You’d expect tongue-talking, demon-casting, etc., wouldn’t you? Sure you would! But you know good and well it don’t happen!

“Intelligent people with good sense in every other area of life put blinders on when it comes to that. You don’t need to do that. There’s an answer. That isn’t your hope. If you think it is, you’re just going to wind up in the can.

“Sooner or later, it’s going to drive you into spiritual insanity. You just can’t sustain that. What it drives you to is away from God’s Word into human viewpoint and the bondage of religion.


If I were putting together a humor book about the antics of ministers and their minister sons, this recollection of Jordan’s would surely have to be included:

“An Ohio guy put in the Cincinnati newspaper a quarter-page ad explaining that he was going to continue the healing ministry of his dad who just died. Now, this guy has a big old church down around Cincinnati and he bought ad space on the religious page and put that in print for everybody to see, thinking it made perfect sense. If you going to continue the healing ministry of your daddy who just died, I don’t think I want you messing with me!”


In his expose book, “The Two Gospels,” Bible scholar R. Dawson Barlow relays how, “I have on several occasions asked some of those misguided zealots, ‘Do you really ‘heal the sick’?’ I would be very specific with them that I did not mean isolated cases of healing scattered hither and yonder. I have asked preachers, ‘Do you heal like Jesus healed? Do you do greater works than he did, as he said?’ (John 14:12)

“When our Lord healed, he healed all manner of disease, time after time! Yet the proponents of this view say, ‘Yes, I do heal the sick and cast out demons,’ even though they admit that they do not, on any occasion, heal all the sick that are brought to them.

“On several occasions, I have looked some of these folk squarely in the eye and asked them, ‘Do you raise the dead?’ Believe it or not, some of those well-meaning souls will start telling stories (actually, lies) that they, or someone they know, have raised people from the dead in Africa, or China, or some other remote place (from them).

“They will resort to telling these stories that suspiciously always take place on the other side of the earth. . . . During my years in China, I have asked believers in almost every province I have traveled about all the stories I have heard about resurrections (actually resuscitations).

“These dear believers, who struggle so valiantly against the animosity of the Buddhist influence and the strong arm of a hostile government, deny any reports of anything like these resurrections take place.

“All the confusion from these kinds of fairy tales could be cleared up instantly when we accept the fact that the above scriptures were addressed to the Jew, and the Jew only. We foolish believers would be a lot better off if we stopped personalizing mail that was written to Israel as though it was written TO us.”


Israel’s hope has had to do with the arrival of a physical, visible, earthly kingdom ruled over by their Messiah.   

Jordan says, “When Jesus began to preach in Matthew 4:17, did He preach the same thing John the Baptist preached? Sure He did. He’s preaching the same gospel, the same message. In fact, if you go down to verse 23, you’ll see what it’s called.

“This is called the Gospel, the Good News of the Kingdom. Wonder why it would be called that? Because what’s the hope of this man in time past? The kingdom; deliverance into the kingdom. The time has come for God to accomplish His purpose in the nation Israel. They got a hope and there it is. Read the rest of that verse—‘and healing all manner of sickness...

“ . . . ‘And his fame went out throughout all Syria and they brought unto him all sick people who were taken with divers diseases…’

“Isaiah 33 says the inhabitants of that kingdom ‘will no more say I am sick.’ God says, ‘I’m the Lord God that healeth thee.’ You ever hear people talk about that verse?

“People don’t even know where that verse is. It’s in Exodus 15:26. Some times I get aggravated when I have to show people where the verses are that they’re quoting. Think about that. They just quote a verse and don’t even know where it is in the Bible.

“How in the world are they going to understand it if they don’t even know where it is to read?! Then, they never do get the WHOLE verse. You ought to go back and read that verse sometime. The healing is out here (in the millennial kingdom Christ will reign over after His Second Coming).”

(new article tomorrow—promise)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

God's disannulled Israel's religion

The introduction to The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Jewish History and Culture starts out, “For thousands of years, the world has had a love-hate relationship with the Jews. Okay, more hate than love. Jews have been harried and hunted, cursed and condemned, exiled and slaughtered. Yet, strangely enough, they’ve also been respected and envied, admired and emulated, and universally acknowledged as the source of many of the major religions of the world.”

What the world forever refuses to accept is that the Jewish religion is the ONLY religion God ever gave in human history. He never even gave a Christian religion.

Religion, by definition, is what men do to try to bind themselves back to God. The English word is a compound of the Latin words leggio (where the word ligament comes from), which means to bind, and re, which is the concept of doing it over again.


Interestingly enough, the word religion only appears five times in the Bible—once in Acts, twice in Galatians and twice in James. Paul uses the term to refer to the “Jews’ religion” in a derogatory manner.

In the one positive reference, James 1:27 says, “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.”

Jordan reasons, “If you ask the average guy on the street, ‘What’s a good religion?’, visiting the orphans and the widows in their afflictions, and staying out of any contamination of worldly things, wouldn’t be exactly what he’d be thinking.

“People use that verse and say, ‘You need to be mindful of the poor,’ and similar kind of stuff, but most of the crowd out there trying to take care of the poor doesn’t follow the latter part of that passage.”

Ignored, too, is the plain fact that the Book of James is written specifically to the future “believing remnant” in Israel who will face tremendous temptation during the Tribulation.

Jordan asks, “When you read that verse, does your mind run to any other verse in particular? Remember when Jesus said to some people: ‘Because you visited me (in prison and fed me and clothed me), come unto the kingdom. Because you didn’t visit me, you can’t come into the kingdom’? Matthew 25 is where it is.

“This is a tribulation passage talking about what the remnant’s going to be up against. Why would they be fatherless? Because somebody’s killed their daddy. Their daddy’s standing up for Christ and they’ve beheaded him and put the (women and children) in prison.

“Matthew 23 talks about how they devour widows’ houses with long prayers and that kind of stuff. The unspotted from the world—that’s exactly what Revelation talks about. So all that fits in with Israel’s program in the tribulation.


Religion in Scripture, when it’s a good thing, has to do with the message God gave the nation Israel, and it’s during Christ’s earthly ministry that their God-given religion is relegated to ‘the Jews’ religion’ because of the overwhelming apostasy.

As Christ Himself summarizes the situation in Matthew 23, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!
[38] Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.
[39] For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.”

Jordan says, “Notice He says ‘your house is left unto you desolate’? Just a little bit before that He’d gone in and ran the money-changers out of the temple and called it ‘my house.’

“What He’s doing, in essence, is saying, ‘I’m God; I’m the one whose glory resides back in the Holy of Holies over the mercy seat. The Shekinah glory, that’s my glory—that’s me and I’m leaving! And when I leave, just write Ichabod over the door; the glory’s gone!’ And that’s what happened with Israel’s religion.”


As Matthew 21:18-20 reports, ‘Now in the morning as (Christ) returned into the city, he hungered.
[19] And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away.
[20] And when the disciples saw it, they marvelled, saying, How soon is the fig tree withered away!’

The fig tree in the Bible is a type of religion. In Genesis 3, when Adam and Eve sinned, they made aprons out of fig leaves. As Jordan reasons, “Operation Fig Leaf was man’s attempt to cover himself up before God. Operation Fig Leaf is really Operation Religious Cover-up.

“There are four trees that represent the nation Israel, three of them good—the vine, olive and fig. God gave Israel special duty as a nation (the vine). He gave them special duty as the olive tree—the scriptural aspect of the nation, meaning access to God—and then He gave them special position as the fig tree; a religion in the earth.

“Over and over, you’ll see where He talks about, for example, in Isaiah 5, God planted a vineyard. That’s the nation. You’ll see the parable in the vineyard and in it He had a fig tree. He’s got a nation with a religion in it.

“So when Christ comes to the fig tree (in Matthew 21) there’s a lot going on here than just Jesus getting mad at a tree out there. He doesn’t just get mad at trees—‘Well, I don’t like fig trees!’

“When it says He ‘saw a fig tree in the way’ and ‘found nothing theron,’ the issue there is He came seeking fruit from the fig tree and found none so He cursed it. His (earthly) ministry was about coming and seeking fruit from Israel’s religious activity and since He found none, He curses it.

“People make the mistake some time and identify the fig as representative of Israel the nation. You know, a couple of chapters over in 24, Jesus talks about, ‘Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
[33] So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
[34] Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.’


“Supposed scholars will tell you, ‘Well, the budding of the fig tree was the establishment of the nation Israel in 1948,’ and you’ve got people who’ve done all kind of goofball things with that. One guy made $3 million in 1998 with that. But error makes money; we’re going to see that in Galatians.

“The error there in trying to make the budding of the fig tree the establishment of Israel in 1948 is the fig tree doesn’t represent the nation. If it did, what does that verse 19 (in Matthew 21) say? If the fig tree represented Israel as a nation, you could never have the nation again. Because whatever it represents, it’s over with; never to bear any fruit!

“God did away with Israel’s religious life, did He not? Hebrews 7:11 says, ‘If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people received the law,) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchizedec, and not be called after the order of Aaron?’

“In other words, God has ‘disannulled’; He’s set aside the old Mosaic Law covenant and replaced it with a new Messianic covenant. So, the old religion He gave Israel is done away with. It became ‘the Jews’ religion’ because they couldn’t do it.


“Notice Paul in Galatians 1 is talking about that ‘Jews’ religion.’ It’s interesting he calls it that, because by this point he understands that what that thing was was a bunch of dead works that really wasn’t accomplishing anything although he thought it was.

“Paul writes in Galatians 1:13, ‘For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews' religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it. And profited in the Jews' religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.’

“There’s two good reasons there for you to understand why Paul didn’t get his message from the saints in Jerusalem. No. 1, he persecuted the Pentecostal Jerusalem church beyond measure and wasted it.

“What was the attitude they had toward him? They didn’t trust him; they feared him. Verse 22 says he ‘was unknown by face unto the churches of Judaea which were in Christ:
[23] But they had heard only, That he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed.’

“Their attitude was, ‘Hey, that guy’s our enemy! He’s persecuting us!’ and they literally were afraid of Paul.


“In Acts 9, after Paul got saved and tried to talk to them, they didn’t want to talk to him. Acts 9:26 says, ‘And when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple.’

“And this (occurred) at least three if not four years after Paul’s been saved. It says ‘when Saul was come’ and that’s going to be down in Gal. 1:18—‘after three years I went up to Jerusalem.’

“They were all afraid of him and, believe me, when Paul was going around and ‘breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord,’ if you look back at Acts 9:1, notice what he’s wanting to do. He’s wanting to destroy these guys!

“In Acts 22:3, Paul says, ‘I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as ye all are this day.’

“Gamaliel taught binding, punishing letters. When Luke recorded it, he just kind of gave you a general summary, but when Paul talks about what he was doing, he says, ‘I persecuted them unto the death!’

“As he testifies in Acts 26, ‘Which thing I also did in Jerusalem: and many of the saints did I shut up in prison, having received authority from the chief priests; and when they were put to death, I gave my voice against them.
[11] And I punished them oft in every synagogue, and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly mad against them, I persecuted them even unto strange cities.’
“He was involved in killing some of these people; martyring them. It says ‘he wasted it; he persecuted the church beyond measure.’ He did it to men and women—nobody’s safe! He went to Damascus; he had letters. He had warrants issued by the government of Israel to go and extradite these people from Damascus and bring them back to Jerusalem.

“Now, when you carry government warrants and go execute them, you are an official of the government, are you not? Can you understand why the Apostle Paul would call himself in I Timothy ‘the chief of sinners’?!

“When Paul said that, he didn’t mean, ‘I’m the worst profligate. I’m the nastiest, raunchiest, filthiest-mouth-inhabited guy you ever met.’ In Philippians 3, he said, ‘In touching the law I was blameless.’ What he meant was, ‘I was the leader.’

“And when you think about him leading the world’s rebellion against Christ, and you realize he literally was the official representative of his nation in persecuting (Christians) . . .  When Christ stopped him on road to Damascus, the hymn writer says, ‘He stopped my wild career.’

“The words Christ said were, ‘Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?’ He hated Christ and he hated those who named the name of Christ. Now, there’s somebody in the Bible who’s also going to do that in the prophetic program. He’s known as ‘the man of sin; the son of perdition,’ the one who becomes the personification of the Lie Program.

“And as soon as you’re sitting in that chair tonight, the Apostle Paul understood that if God had not interrupted that prophetic program back there in time past, chances were very good that he could have been a prime candidate to have been that man himself! Now that’s a scary thing for a fellow! Paul understood just how deceived he was.”