Saturday, March 28, 2015

Nuts to 'Killing Jesus'

My mom, a big fan of FOX News, asked me earlier today if I intended to watch the premiere of Bill O’Reilly’s “Killing Jesus” film on the National Geographic Channel tomorrow night.

I simply told her that I heard his book was full of inaccuracies and that I had no interest anyway in seeing a movie portrayal of Jesus Christ.

What most O’Reilly fans don’t know is he’s a Jesuit-trained Roman Catholic who doesn’t believe in even basic Bible accounts such as Adam and Eve or Noah, but does believe the false Catholic narrative that Mary was "immaculately conceived without sin" and ascended into heaven after Acts 1.

Jordan said he once wrote O’Reilly, asking him if he believes Mary "ascended into heaven," and all he got back was an email response of, “Bill is a believing Roman Catholic.”

“That’s all they would say,” Jordan recalled. “That means he believes that and you know why? Because the pope tells him if he doesn’t, he can’t be a Catholic. The pope doesn’t say you got to believe Adam and Eve are real but you got to believe that. That stuff’s nuts, folks!
"The vast majority of Christians (so-called) have bought into the idea that the Bible isn’t God’s word; it only contains God’s word. A story like Noah is an allegory. It’s like Aesop’s Fables. You don’t believe a tortoise and a hare had a race and talked to each other, do you? Why, because it’s a story. It’s a myth or fable that has a meaning to it. And they say that’s what the Bible is.
“Students of ancient literature will go back and say, ‘You know, that’s how you understand . . . Adam and Eve didn’t really have to exist. It’s the story involved in it.'
"As soon as you do that, Jesus Christ didn’t really have to be raised from the dead. It’s the story; the symbolism. Now nothing you believe is real. Think about that. If Jesus Christ didn’t literally come up from the dead, you’re still in your sins. It is that important.”

As Jordan concluded in another study, “When Jesus Christ comes back to avenge the blood of His saints, He’s avenging not just the fact they got run over by a Humvee or a tank. He’s avenging the fact that they’ve been usurped by the satanic policy of evil to establish the seed of Satan in the earth. That’s why that religious system is dangerous, folks.

Your forefathers understood that that religious system of Baal worship in its modern-day manifestation (such as with Catholicism) is the most deadly thing on this planet!

“And you need to quit worrying about political conspiracies and financial conspiracies and all these other things and think about the spiritual conspiracy going on to destroy our world.

You can let all the politicians do their evil work to divert you from what the real issue is, and talk about immigration and talk about this and that, when THIS is the thing that’s taken over!

“It’s already taken over the (American) government. It’s the largest denomination in the Congress, on the Supreme Court, in the executive branch, on the news channels.

“The cable news channels you like to watch—I don’t care if it’s Fox, CNN, MSNBC—their commentators three-to-one are part of that religious system. Did you know that?! Oh, yeah.

It’s where the real fight is and the last thing Deuteronomy 32 sings glory to God about is God’s going to avenge that thing, and when He does it’s going to be putting to bed a war that began in Genesis 1.”

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