Monday, August 12, 2024

Once again

Once again, and this is the most frustrating thing for a writer, I had written out of my own thoughts on all this various material, but it suddenly got wiped out just now because I hit the wrong button on the computer!!!

I can only tell you that what I wrote, and it was a page long, was about my path since I moved to Dayton, OH during the pandemic. I guess I am putting myself on the map now!

I almost don't know where to start now that I realize I am living in the "last days" of my life possibly. I really think terrible things are upon us, and I found out just this afternoon, for yet another time, that I am not alone among Believers. This is our reality now!!!

I was talking to a friend just a little while ago about the events upon us and she agreed readily. This woman is a top-tier graduate of Grace School of the Bible and is very, very intelligent on all things biblical. Her whole life is about getting up super early to have a Bible study with herself and then she moves on to yet ANOTHER Bible study after she's had her breakfast and taken an early morning walk, even in the bitterest weather during a Chicago winter.

She even said, "Everybody knows it's coming now, on one degree or another."

I told her that a mutual friend of ours, a retired school teacher who is in her upper 80s and never married, told us at our church picnic a couple of weeks ago that she had read the "Fourth Turning is Here" book and knows that there will be a "crisis" for our country in the wintertime.

From previous entries on this blog, I know that the book "The Fourth Turning" says there's a crisis that will end the "wintertime," saying it would end by 2025. Well, here we are!

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