Friday, November 4, 2022

Canaanite heirs control NWO?

The famous line is, 'Remember, remember the fifth of November."

"Throughout the United Kingdom, November 5 is Guy Fawkes' Day. On that day in 1605, a conspiracy by Guy Fawkes and other Catholics to blow up the English Parliament and assassinate King James I was uncovered. While James I had promised toleration for Catholics, political pressures compelled him to continue the anti-Catholic policies of Queen Elizabeth I. Fawkes and his coconspirators began stockpiling gunpowder to place underneath the Parliament building, which is why the conspiracy is usually known as "the Gunpowder Plot."

In the 2005 movie V for Vendetta, t
he movie character V's "Guy Fawkes mask" is a stylized depiction of Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot, an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on November 5, 1605.

"The use of a mask on an effigy has long roots as part of Guy Fawkes Night celebrations," says Wikipedia. "The Plot was in earlier centuries often called the Gunpowder Treason Plot or the Jesuit Treason."


"How do men feel whose whole lives (and many men's lives are) are lies, schemes, and subterfuges? What sort of company do they keep when they are alone? Daily in life I watch men whose every smile is an artifice, and every wink is an hypocrisy. Doth such a fellow where a mask in his own privacy, and to his own conscience?"--WILLIAM MAKEPEACE THACKERAY, The Virginians (1857)

Psychiatrist Dr. George Brock Chisholm, the first Director-General of the World Health Organization, said about the future aims of the U.N. and W.H.O., “For many generations we have bowed our necks to the yoke of the conviction of sin. We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers . . . it has long been generally accepted that parents have a perfect right to impose any points of view, any lies or fears, superstitions, prejudices, hates, or faith on their defenseless children. … gently put aside the mistaken old ways of our elders if that is possibleIf it cannot be done gently, it may have to be done roughly or even violently….

According to a blog site on the subject, "Brock Chisholm was a Jesuit agent who was highly REWARDED in his life for the part he played USHERING IN the Satanic New World Order. He was a HUMANISTEUGENICIST and COMMUNIST, who worked with prominent Luciferians of the early 20th century such as Julian Huxley (brother of Aldous Huxley)Richard von Coudenhove-KalergiH.G. Wells, Wundt, Otto Gross, Wilhelm Steckel, Max Horkheimer, Erich Fromm, Wilhelm Reich, Kurt Lewin, Herbert Marcuse, Walter Benjamin, Theodor Adorno, Robert Owen, A.S. Neill, Havelock Ellis, John Rawlings Rees, Sigmund FreudAntonio Gramsci, Anatoly Lunacharsky and Georg Lukacs among others, in order to build the framework of the satanic system of World Government controlling EVERYTHING today!

"The W. H. O. is an organization operating under the Vatican-governed United Nations umbrella along with 41 other agencies controlling regulations on EVERY facet of human life!

"The League of Nations and U.N. were (publicly) mandated to maintain world peace but actually (secretly/covertly) were designed to be IMPOTENT, mere hubs of activity giving the 'illusion' of promoting world UNITY and PEACE, while in reality, silently, incrementally implementing the Jesuit agenda of a one world communist style 'collective.' " 


“You remember in Matthew 3:7, John the Baptist looked at the Pharisees and said, ‘O generation of vipers who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come.’

“Satan is the viper, the poisonous serpent, the liar. Here’s a group of people who, spiritually, Jesus said of, ‘You are of your father the devil,’ and He’s talking to the Pharisees and Sadducees; the religious leaders, the rabbinical leaders of his nation," says Richard Jordan. "He said, ‘You’ve been co-opted by the satanic policy, the lie program, and where you spiritually come from is the Adversary.'

“That’s a wicked generation and it began in Genesis 4. That generation began with a character named Cain. So it’s not a time element; it’s a ‘who are you following?’ element. Are you following the lie program or the truth program?”


“Recognizing the evil intent of the world leaders, there should be no doubt there’s a powerful hidden source that controls world events, the economy, the media, and the agenda of the world governments,” reads a blog post to “Anybody famous and popular sold out to the Illuminati on their rise to fame.”

The article explains that following the Flood “Canaan’s offspring and Lot’s daughters’ offspring of incest formed thirteen tribes of the Canaanites that issued as the dark seed of the Lower Entities. This incestuous bloodline among the elite binds the oligarchies.

“The Illuminati is in direct contact with their ‘masters’ the lower entities. The Lower Spirit Entities dominate the Illuminati; satanic worship and supporting the Reptilian/Lower Entity agenda is a supreme attribute of the Illuminati that includes government ‘puppet’ leaders.

“It is said that the Illuminati consists of 13 bloodline families that continually dominate politics that correlate with the blood families of the Euro/Anglo-Saxon Crown of the middle ages, and around the world. 

"It was a commandment for Israelites not to marry a Canaanite. The blood families of the Illuminati are genetically related through incest. There should be no doubt that the blood families stem back to the Canaanites in addition to continual incestuous interbreeding among their family lines.”


In Genesis 9, we’re told that when Noah got drunk from the wine of his vineyard,
“Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.
[23] And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.
[24] And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
[25] And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
[26] And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
[27] God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.”

“It was Ham who had messed up with his daddy so why didn’t God curse Ham?" asks Jordan. "Well, look at verse 1. It says ‘God blessed Noah and his sons.’ You can’t curse somebody God’s already blessed. And besides that, you remember when Saul, upon seeing young David out there where Goliath was, asked, ‘Whose son is that?’

“The greatness of the father is attributed to the son and the activities and the blessings of the son were attributed to the father. You see, the greatness of the son had to come from the dad.

“The verse says ‘the sins of the fathers will be visited upon the children,’ and the only way to curse Ham, and only Ham, was to say, ‘Hey, God’s blessed you, but your descendants out here is where the fruit of that thing’s going be done.’

“What that tells me is these prophecies are not individual. If it would have just been an individual thing about Ham, Shem and Japeth, he would have said Ham but he didn’t.

“Ham was Noah’s youngest son, so God takes Ham’s youngest son, Canaan, and He curses him so there’s no mistake that this is going to be on Ham’s descendants all the way down to the least one.

“But it’s important to understand why Canaan. Who occupied the land of Israel when they went into it? It was the Land of Canaan. The Canaanites were up there in that land, and when Israel was told to go in there and exterminate the Canaanites, and pull them out because they didn’t belong in that land, Israel understood about why that was to be done based upon the curse back there in Genesis 9.”


Another blog site informs that the practices of demon-worship, occult rites, child sacrifice and cannibalism originated with the Canaanites: “They sacrificed children to Molech (a Semitic god). In Palestine, numerous bodies of children were discovered in the foundations of buildings proving without doubt that oblations of this character were common among Canaanites to strengthen the walls of homes and cities.

“The priests of the Canaanites, to control the populace, claimed that the first-born children were to be sacrificed to their demon gods (Isaiah 57:3-5). They practiced their horrible rites in ‘groves’ or ‘shrines’ where they could ‘murder children without being seen and punished by the descendents of Shem.’ 

“The Babylonian Talmud says: ‘Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth.’

These five points have been the modus operandi of the Canaanites for three thousand years. The will of Canaan today remains the operating instructions of the Canaanite heirs, who presently control the New World Order.”


Genesis 10:19 says, “And the border of the Canaanites was from Sidon, as thou comest to Gerar, unto Gaza; as thou goest, unto Sodom, and Gomorrah, and Admah, and Zeboim, even unto Lasha.”

Where did the Canaanites live? If you start in Zidon, which is up on the Mediterranean coast up in the north, and you go down to Gaza and go out east to Sodom and Gomorrah and that territory, that’s what is called today Palestine.

The Canaanites lived in Israel’s land, or the land God gave to Abraham. Jordan explains, “The reason he mentions the Canaanites in Genesis 9, and Canaan the descendant of Ham, is to draw attention to the curse that was on the occupants of the land that Israel was going to go into.

“Over and over and over again God tells Israel to go in there and throw the Canaanites out. What else were they supposed to do to them? ‘Kill ’em, get ’em out, kill ’em dead and kill all of them,  not some of them.’ They were to exterminate them and get them out.

“That curse and the justification for that, and the understanding of why that was to be done in Israel’s history, Moses is writing this when those orders were being given to Israel and he writes this thing in Genesis 9 and God the Holy Spirit puts it here to cause Israel in Moses’ day to understand why it is that that was a cursed people. They were ‘outlandish people,’ as they’re called in Nehemiah.

"They didn’t belong where they were and they had settled there against the wishes of the Lord. We’re going to see in Genesis 11 that these are the people that do that kind of thing!


Noah lived 350 years after the Flood and it was through his three boys that God established the nations. Shem, Ham and Japeth are the progenitors of the races of people who fill the earth.

The contribution of each one of the boys is different and distinct but they were intended by God to be blended together into a harmonious, organized way of life to produce the highest form of civilization possible.

“As soon as one of the groups has ascendancy above the others, the balance is put out of whack and what happens in Scripture is there is a momentary excelling, where one is superior and it looks like there’s a great leap ahead, but it flames out just like that and suddenly it just crashes,” explains Jordan. “Without one, the other two aren’t all they ought to be and more often it’s one (prong) stepping out and trying to take over. In the Millennium, when the Lord Jesus Christ comes back, the three will work perfectly.”


On an individual level, the threefold framework is represented by spirit, soul and body. If a person’s spirit is not feeding on the Word of God and being nourished, and is instead out walking in the flesh and not the spirit, his/her Christ life is a wreck.

When it comes to representations of the threefold division through Noah’s sons, the Bible is loaded with them. One great example is the three gifts the wise men brought at the birth of Christ—gold, frankincense and myrrh.

“Nobody knows how many wise men there were—there might have been 50 of them for all we know—but they only brought three gifts,” says Jordan. “Those three gifts represented Shem, Ham and Japeth. They represented the offices of the Lord Jesus Christ and they represented mankind in the threefold division that God had made.

“When the Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, did you ever read how they put the inscription over His head in three languages? Same thing!


Throughout time, people have misunderstood Canaan’s assignment as “a servant of servants” to be a dishonorable job.

Jordan explains, “To be a servant can be a position of great honor and great bearing. You remember Jesus said if a man wants to be the greatest, let him be servant of all?

“What does it mean to be a servant of servants? Well, you know what it means to be a king of kings, don’t you? You’re the best king of all the kings. If you’re the Lord of lords, you’re the best lord of all the lords, right?

“This (verse in Genesis 9) was to say Canaan’s going to be a servant par excellence. He’s going to be a servant better than anybody else who tries to do be a servant. There’s nobody going to beat this guy at serving. He’s going to be the best there is. He’s going to render extraordinary service to mankind and he does it in the area of mechanical skills and technology; getting the job done. Ham’s descendants are to make a tremendous contribution to mankind in that area.

"Japheth (verse 29) is going to spread out and be a developer, an expander, an explorer. He’s going to have the power of technology (the skills developed by the other two brothers and their respective descendants) to expand it out.

“Shem takes care of religion. Every major world religion comes from the tents of Shem. You know, when Ham develops a religion it’s spurious. When Japheth develops a religion it’s a phony and there’s something about you just say, ‘Eehh, there’s something about that that just doesn’t . . .’

“Ham develops a religion and you get something like voodoo. The Mambo-Jambo stuff and the Spiritism. Japheth develops a religion and you get something like Christian Science or the Mormons. But when Shem develops a religion, you come up with Mohammedism, Islam or the Baha’is or Confucianism or Buddhism. If you ever read about the Buddhists and those guys, and you begin to see, you know these guys are onto something. There’s something a little more authentic about that.


“They used to say, ‘The English ruled the waves, the French ruled the land and the Germans ruled the air.’ They were the thinkers in Europe. Well, when you get to messing with Shem, Shem is in his head. He’s thinking.

“I’ll give you an illustration about why you need to understand this; how it will help you in politics and in international affairs. The U.S. went into Korea and got the britches beat off of them. You know why? They didn’t understand Shem.

“Ten years later they went to Vietnam and Shem cleaned their clocks; cleaned our plow! You know why? Japheth isn’t equipped to deal with Shem because he doesn’t think like Shem thinks. Shem looks at that hill out there . . .

"In WW II there was something you were trying to take. You took a city and you could see strategic advantage to it and all that. You go fight Shem and there’s this hill out over there; got nobody living on it but the whole battle, the whole war, depends on taking that hill and keeping it. Well, see that’s in his head! There’s a mental attitude about that thing.

“That’s the same thing that happened in Vietnam. You go up against Shem and there isn’t but one or two things to do. One is to go in there and you just beat him into a pulp, soundly, the first time you mess with him or two, you leave him alone. That’s the only two options you’ve got. You don’t have the option of a limited engagement or that kind of stuff. You know why? He’ll beat you; you just don’t have sense enough to know it yet! He beats you and waits ‘til it dawns on you and that’s just the way he is and you see that all through the Scripture.

“These three men’s descendants are designed to have all those characteristics that are wonderful, good and positively blended together, not in a melting pot but in a divinely ordained system, or nationalism, where all of their contributions were functioning and working and then blended together for the good of the whole. Genesis 10 records the spread of these men.


“Now the problem comes up that, shortly after they begin to spread out on the earth, rebellion came in. Satan’s policy of evil is to destroy God-instituted nationalism and bring in internationalism and have a one-world government, one-world religion and one-world race. And God’s purpose was not those things.

"God set out these families and He put them in nations and determined they would have geographic and political boundaries between them for the purpose of ‘if happily they might seek after the Lord and find Him.’

“Gen. 10:2. Japheth’s descendants go up; when they leave the Ark they move out north and they go up into Europe and Japheth becomes the Indo-European people. Verse 6: Ethiopia is Cush, Mizriam is Egypt, Phut is Libya and Canaan didn’t make it down there like he ought to have.

“Look at cross-references over in the Book of Psalms. Psalms 105 and 106 are where Egypt is called the Land of Ham and Ham goes down south and into Africa and that’s Ham’s land. Verse 21. Shem’s descendants go toward the East. Verse 30.

“Shem’s the guy God picks up now from here on out because in chapter 11:10, and the reason he picks up Shem is in verse 11:26: ‘And Terah lived seventy years, and begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran.’

“Terah lives 70 years and begat Abram and there’s the guy that the rest of the story is all about! You’re going to get these quick genealogies, but the one they’re going to focus on from now on is Shem and you need to notice the things about Ham and Japheth.

“There’s nothing particularly outstanding about Japheth there except maybe verse 10:5: ‘By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.’ If it’s after their tongue, then obviously the divisions and so forth take place after the Tower of Babel destruction because they were just one tongue prior to that.


“I guess the one descendant of Ham you probably ought to notice the most is in verse 10:14: ‘And Pathrusim, and Casluhim, (out of whom came Philistim,) and Caphtorim.’

“The Philistines are descendants of Ham. You need to remember that. You get over into Israel’s history and you know they constantly have trouble with the Philistines. You remember Sampson fell in love with a little Philistine gal and so forth?

“You want to remember who they came from, where they came from and what they’re doing. They give you a little insight into the makeup of the controversies that are going on over there. There’s a lot of ‘cosmopolitan’ activity going on in your Bible that sometime you miss.

“Esau went and married a bunch of Canaanite women, and when he saw that the Canaanite women, and him marrying them, made his momma and daddy unhappy, he went and married another one!

"You see, there’s things going on there that you don’t want to miss about what’s happening and what was making him unhappy. It isn’t that much different than what goes on in the 21st Century, see? Not that much different at all.”

(new article tomorrow)

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