Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Jesuits: 'We will, we will mock you'

Jesuit Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin, a member of Yale's Jesuit-affiliated Skull and Bones, urged his Twitter followers on Tuesday to swap out their spare coins for cash at banks amid a continuing nationwide coin shortage that appears to be worsening.

News on August 9, 2020: "WWE wrestler James 'Kamala' Harris has died. WWE confirmed his death on their official web page that he was 70. Standing at 6’7″ and weighing 380 pounds, fans knew Harris as wrestling superstar 'Kamala' or 'The Ugandan Giant'. Kamala was characterized by an African mask, warpaint and a loincloth. He would enter the ring barefoot and barely speak any words and was very primal as he terrorized his opponents."

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris is a distinguished member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority for black women. AKA operates in conjunction with the Masonic Boule, of which many black lawyers, sports stars, musicians, Hollywood celebrities, etc., are members. Kobe Bryant was a distinguished member of the Boule.

In 1904, the first African -American Greek Secret Society was formed in Philadelphia, by Dr. Henry Minton and five of his colleagues. The Boule, (an acronym for Sigma Pi Phi) and pronounced “boo-lay”), was formed to bring together a select group of educated Black men and women. Fashioned after Yale’s Skull and Bones, the Boule is seen as the black Illuminati. The Skull and Bones is Jesuit-affiliated.

The election of Pope Francis marked the first time a Jesuit has led the Catholic church. Jesuit Arturo Sosa, SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, a.k.a. “the black pope,” who is, by the way, a political scientist by education, made Catholic headlines in September, 2019, when he insisted that “the devil is a symbol and not a person.”


"A building is a symbol, as is the act of destroying it. Symbols are given power by people. Alone, a symbol is meaningless, but with enough people, blowing up a building can change the world."--V, main character in 2005 movie V for Vendetta.

The movie character V's "Guy Fawkes mask" is a stylized depiction of Guy Fawkes, the best-known member of the Gunpowder Plot, an attempt to blow up the House of Lords in London on November 5, 1605. "The use of a mask on an effigy has long roots as part of Guy Fawkes Night celebrations," says Wikipedia. "The Gunpowder Plot of 1605, in earlier centuries often called the Gunpowder Treason Plot or the Jesuit Treason, was a failed assassination attempt against King James I by a group of provincial English Catholics led by Robert Catesby.

"Illustrator David Lloyd stylised a smiling face with red cheeks, a wide moustache upturned at both ends, and a thin vertical pointed beard; the design came to represent broad protest after it was used as a major plot element in V for Vendetta (1982–1989) and its 2005 film adaptation.

"After appearing in Web forums it became a well-known symbol for the online hacktivist group Anonymous, used in Project Chanology, the Occupy movement, Anonymous for the Voiceless, Project Zorgo and other anti-government and anti-establishment protests around the world. This has led to the popular name Anonymous mask after Guy Fawkes, who converted to Catholicism and left for mainland Europe, where he fought for Catholic Spain in the Eighty Years' War against Protestant Dutch reformers in the Low Countries.

"He travelled to Spain to seek support for a Catholic rebellion in England without success. He later met Thomas Wintour, with whom he returned to England. Wintour introduced him to Catesby, who planned to assassinate King James I and restore a Catholic monarch to the throne."

Jesuit Tom Clancy's The Division (released in 2016) is an action role-playing game "set in a near future New York City in the aftermath of a viral pandemic; the player, a Special Agent of the Strategic Homeland Division, is tasked with helping the group rebuild its operations in Manhattan, investigate the nature of the outbreak, and combat criminal activity in its wake," according to Wikipedia. "The game is set in an open world mid-crisis Manhattan with destructible environments that can be freely explored by the players. 
"The storyline missions involve objectives that are relevant to their respective wing of the Base of Operations, which serves as the player's home base. At the player's home base there are three wings: Medical, Security, and Tech. Playing missions for a wing grants the player points for that wing which the player can spend to gain access to new talents, perks and facilities in the Base of Operations.

"The player will receive intel videos from each head of the wing at certain progression points, which the player can watch. The intel received is specific to its wing, with the Medical wing giving virus reports on the outbreak, the Security wing giving insight into each in-game enemy faction and the Tech wing providing camera footage.[5] The game features a dynamic, time-based weather system which may bring benefits or disadvantages to players. For instance, storms can hinder player's visibility and make aiming difficult. The game also features a day-night cycle which can change the behaviour of enemies in the game."

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