Saturday, January 25, 2020

You don't think they work together?!

Yesterday, as he bade Pope Francis a fond farewell after their hour-long private conversation inside the pope's special library, VP Mike Pence told Francis “you made me a hero” back home by granting him the private audience.

Jesuit Review magazine "America" reported that when Pence first sat down with the pope, he said, “I wanted to extend the warmest greetings on behalf of President Donald Trump who so enjoyed his visit here.”

"The length of their conversation would suggest that they went into depth on some topics," reported the magazine. "Mr. Pence gave the pope a wooden (crucifix) carved from a tree on the grounds of the vice president’s residence. Francis gave him a medallion depicting 'the angel of peace,' a copy of his message for the World Day of Peace 2020, as well as copies of some of his writings, including 'The Joy of the Gospel' and 'Laudato Si'.

BBC News brief from May 2015: "Pope Francis has met Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the Vatican, calling him 'an angel of peace'.
"The Pope made the remark as he presented the Palestinian leader with a medallion.
"President Abbas is visiting the Vatican for the canonisation of two 19th-Century Palestinian nuns on Sunday.

"His visit came days after the Vatican said it would formally recognise Palestinian statehood in a treaty."

May 2019:  Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas recently admitted that the P.A. is behind all Arab terrorism in Israel. It made the headlines nowhere, except in Israeli and Jewish press.
“We have been paying salaries to the families of the Martyrs, to the prisoners, and to the wounded since 1965,” said Abbas. “This is because they were killed, imprisoned or wounded because of a national interest and for the sake of a national interest, and not for personal reasons. It is our obligation to take care of their relatives.”

The great seduction for Israel in the tribulation is their belief that their Messiah has come at last.

“He not only saves Israel, he enriches them," explains Jordan. "He gives them great wealth and blessing and prosperity and everybody says, ‘Our Messiah has come!’

“There’s deliverance and he brings peace; he looks like the real thing! He reinstitutes their religion, the Mosaic Law, and rebuilds their temple, and Israel feels like, ‘Boy, we’ve found our Messiah!’ Problem is, he’s the wrong one.

“In I John, II John and III John we learn how to identify the people deceived and those who aren’t; how that Believing Remnant could know for sure they possessed eternal life and were trusting the right Christ, able to identify the wrong one.

"That’s why there’s all those verses about confessing that ‘Christ is come in the flesh.’ I mean, is this guy the Messiah, or did the real Messiah show up 2,000 years ago?

“To trust the one who showed up 2,000 years ago they are going to have walk absolutely, totally by faith in some verses in a Book. To trust the one who’s standing there, they say, ‘Well, there he is!’ and he’s going to do signs and wonders.


“He’s going to have a prophet with him. He’s going to have his John the Baptist and his Pentecost. They'll bring down fire from heaven and do all these miracles and the people will say, ‘Hey, look at the miracles he’s doing!’

“They’re going to follow behind him and check him and it won’t be like John Hagee; all these guys who profess to have miracles but don’t.

“All the stuff the TV guys profess to have and don’t, this guy will REALLY have and he will be exactly what Deuteronomy 13 warned Israel about when it talks about someone coming along saying they’re a prophet or 'dreamer of dreams' and showing you a ‘sign or a wonder’ and having the 'sign or wonder' comes to pass.

“When John Hagee gets the people down in front of his church and does the stuff he doesn’t show you on his TV show, he touches them with oil and says ‘Heal!’ You know what happens? Well, they just get a little Wesson oil on their forehead, that’s all. It’s nothing.

“When this Assyrian does it, it really works and everybody says, ‘Ooh, got to be real!’ so Jude says, ‘You know, you guys, I’d like to just write to you and talk to you about the stuff back there in Hebrews, and all about the propitiatory work of Christ and what we share in common with Him, but it’s needful that I tell you guys to earnestly contend for the faith. Keep on keepin’ on because, here’s the reason . . .’

"Verses 4-16 of Jude tell why they should contend for the faith and verses 17 to the end tell them how.


“When it says they ‘crept in unawares,’ that’s saying they crawled in; they came in under cover. They didn’t announce their presence. They came in saying one thing but being something else.

“You remember the verse in Matthew where Jesus Christ says, ‘I send you forth as sheep among wolves’? But the wolves are going to have on what? Sheep’s clothing.

"You ever seen a wolf hunker down and slyly creep along on Disney or the Discovery Channel? When a wolf is hunting, he doesn’t just walk right up and go, ‘Ha, Ha!’ These guys come in craftily. They come in slyly. They’re wolves, but they’re in sheep’s clothing.


“It’s through the religious persuasion of the ‘false prophet’ that the Antichrist gathers authority as the counterfeit religious ruler working miracles in the earth and the religion is called ‘MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.

“That means there is today a whorehouse religion out in the religious system of the world that will ultimately culminate with the religion of the Antichrist, and through it he’ll be proclaimed, not only as Israel’s Messiah, but as the 12th Imam for Muslims.

"He’ll be hailed the conquering hero and sit upon that throne in Jerusalem and declare himself to be God. Such will be the persuasive power of the Lie Program in that day and it will all focus and center in that piece of real estate where civilization began.”

(new article tomorrow--promise promise)

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