Thursday, October 25, 2018

Days of Noah on steroids

Activities associated with the Antichrist will go far beyond the simple physical, political, economical, philosophical, etc. The ten kings that yield their power to him are described in the same terms as those who gave father to the “nephilim” in Genesis 6. The past becomes prologue to the future.

“When you study the career of the Antichrist, we're not just talking about world leaders at the United Nations; we’re talking about some stuff that, if you get to thinking about it long enough, it will scare the living bejeebers out of you!” says Jordan. “All of a sudden, people see demons behind every rock, and while that isn’t what’s happening today, there’s sure going to be some of that stuff happening in the future!


Occultists of every sort love to deal in portals. According to a website, “CERN is specifically building a stargate — a portal to another time or place —to allow the return of the Annunaki. The Annunaki were powerful ancient deities that once inhabited Earth. Some ancient astronaut theorists believe, instead, that they were extraterrestrials, the very same who assisted in early mankind’s progress.
“The only downside is we don’t know, if CERN were successful, whether or not the Old Gods would come in peace. However, portals and stargates may be the least of our worries. Some feel that during their experiments, in searching for extra dimensions, CERN may open the ‘wrong door.’ ”

Isaiah 13:2 says, “Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles.”
Jordan explains, “In other words, there is a portal through which they’re going to come out of the angelic dimension into our dimension in order to be able to fight.
“Angels are not made of Carbon-14 and in Scripture there are passageways; we use the term portals. In literature, they use the term ‘stargates.’ Fascinatingly, that’s what the Bible calls it. If you come over to Revelation 9, all the ones I know how to identify geographically are in the Middle East. One is described being in Egypt, one in Babylon, one in Palestine. They are doorways.
“If you think about in the angelic world, they’re just as real as you are. They’re just not made of the same physical properties. Life in their realm is just as real as it is in our realm.
“I’ve tried to show you that in heaven are farms and cities and manufacturing plants. We talk about the business of heaven. Paul describes the invisible realm and he uses exactly the same terminology to describe it as he does for down on earth. There’s work, there’s jobs, there’s life to be carried on.
“In Daniel 10, Gabriel leaves heaven and it takes him 21 days to get to Planet Earth because the passageway he traveled through to get down here had some roadblocks.
“Every time he crossed a territorial boundary, the government he crossed into wanted to see his passport, or diplomatic pouch, and they held him up and slowed him down. Gabriel testified it took him 21 days. He said, ‘When I go back there’s a war up there going on and I’ll have to go back through all that stuff.’ So there are routes across the heavens.”
Jude 6 says, referring to the days of Noah, “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”
Similarly, II Peter 2:4 states, “For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment.”
Jordan explains, “The angels had a house built by God and they left it. They shifted their dimensional habitation. They literally came into man’s dimension to reside to participate in this experimentation, and that’s where those gates come in.
“Revelation 9 starts out: ‘And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit.’ All these demonic creatures come out. Once again, there’s this coming in and going out.
“Genesis 6:4 says there were giants in the land AFTER the flood. What they were trying to do, through the genetic engineering, and these procreation experiments, was corrupt humanity so the seed of the woman could not produce a Redeemer.
“The reason Eve was taken out of Adam, and not created separately, is because there could be only one head of the human race. Everybody had to come from one person or you would have needed more than one Redeemer.
“Well, if you could create a human that was something other than human…the whole argument, the whole bio-ethic discussion about this kind of stuff hinges upon man being created in the image of God. If you weren’t created in the image of God, what difference does it make?
“What’s the difference between breeding somebody to be an athlete or training them? Well, ethically if you think we’re just the product of evolution, there is no big deal. In fact, it’s the logical, natural thing to do: ‘Let’s enhance things.’
“But if you understand the importance of man as a creation of God, as having a purpose in the earth: ‘Go out and have dominion; reclaim it.’ See, that’s why Satan was seeking to do all that in Genesis 6.
"After the Flood Satan starts over again but then he quit. The reason he quit was because the issue was no longer about corrupting all of mankind; the seed of the woman became the seed of Abraham. He realized, ‘Now we only need to get Abraham.’
“Did you ever notice in Matthew 8:29, Jesus cast demons out of a guy and the demon says, ‘Hold on, thou Son of God, have you come to torment us before our time?!
“You see the demons knew exactly what was going on dispensationally in Matthew 8! They know what’s going on dispensationally right now. Satan keeps up-to-date on what God’s doing and he doesn’t waste ammunition shooting at something God used to do and isn’t doing anymore.
“That’s why the giants were going after Israel. Today, the Adversary knows God’s not trying to repossess the land of Palestine. What’s He doing? He’s forming the Body of Christ.”
A common question is when Jesus Christ descended into the paradise side of hell for the three days between His death and resurrection, what did He do there?

The answer is in I Peter 3:18-20:
18] For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit:
[19] By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;
[20] Which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

Basically, Christ preached to those same disobedient angels from Noah’s day who impregnated human females with giant offspring and have since been held in chains of darkness (II Peter 2:4).

“What Peter’s doing is talking to some people out in the future who are going to face the same kinds of things the people faced back in Noah’s day. The origin of it was back there before the Flood, and the culmination of it will be over here in the upcoming tribulation period,” explains Jordan. “Just like Christ had a witness through Noah, ‘a preacher of righteousness,’ this Little Flock is going to witness during the tribulation.

“In Daniel 2, you’re going to discover that all this stuff going on with the giants is directly connected and associated with what the Antichrist will be doing!”


What’s ever-fascinating is the picture-type presented in Nimrod, who we learn from Genesis is related to the giant offspring produced by the demons!

“Everything Nimrod’s doing is in rebellion to God, and in what begins in Babylon, the plain of Shinar where Nebby shows up later on, is the setting for the inception of Baal worship, the Antichrist’s religion.

“It says Nimrod BEGAN to be one of these mighty men; men of renown. When you were born, did you just somewhere after maybe 20-25 years begin to be human? It said he began to be one of these mighty men of old; men of renown. I read over that verse for years and never thought much about it, but then I got thinking about it. 

“It’s like Nimrod had been living along here and all of a sudden something clicked. There’s a catalyst. There was some gene turned on and he began to be. When I read that, I think, ‘These guys had tapped in to an ability to control’ . . . I mean, today we’re just scratching the surface with cloning, genetic engineering and that kind of stuff.

“These guys had tapped into the ability to manipulate and control DNA, the human genome. Going forward, man’s devious nature is going to take whatever you do and do what? His imagination is only evil continually.

“This is real important because they learned some secrets about the spirit world from these angels when they co-habitated with them.

“Nimrod founded Babel and Babel (which is Babylon) was and will be the place of the centralization against the purpose and plan of God. It’s there that they’re going to have the one-world language, the one-world religion, the one-world government. They’re going to do everything they can to thwart God's purpose.”

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