Monday, August 6, 2018

Abhorrence of contradiction essentially rational

Much of the satanic plot behind the “modern versions” of the Bible is  through either omitting or changing God’s use of phrases and words—including the connotations of words—to make verses support Satan’s cause.

“Jesus Christ, truth personified, once prayed for His disciples and said, ‘Sanctify them by the word; thy word is truth,’ " says Jordan. “Just like Jesus Christ was the perfect truth of God, He said His Word was the perfect truth of God. That’s what Paul said when he wrote, ‘Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.’

“If you’ve got a bible and you don’t believe it’s the truth—and I don’t mean generically the truth; I’m talking about when you read a specific verse and the words in the verse—then you have an entirely different attitude toward the Word of God than God Himself does. That’s why the bible version issue is not just something to take casually.

“I understand there’s a lot of folks who don’t like what I say. I used to work with people who, when they began to tell me I couldn’t believe my Bible was all true,and that I had to believe it had errors in it, I had to then say, ‘You know, I don’t think we can work together anymore.’

“You see when Satan came to Eve, he said, ‘Yea, hath God said?’ And if that’s the question—‘Is that really what God said?’—Paul said we’re ‘not as many which corrupt the Word of God.’

“That’s what Satan wants to do—come in and corrupt that thing. You see a lie can have a lot of truth in it but truth can’t have any lies. Satan’s methodology has always been to take the truth and make it look like the lie.

“II Cor. 11:13 says, ‘For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.’ They counterfeit themselves.

“The passage continues, ‘And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.’

“They’re going around telling people how they ought to live right. Satan’s plan to propagate the lie is to make the lie look exactly like the truth so you can’t tell the difference easily; so that you can swallow the lie.


Click the icon “What we Believe” on the websites of some dispensationalist assemblies and read summaries like, “The entire Bible--all 66 books--in its original writings is verbally inspired of God and is of plenary authority (II Tim. 3:16,17; II Peter 1:21).”

Followers think only the original manuscripts can be viewed as perfect Scripture. They reject the fact that God’s design for the preservation of His word down through the ages has been through the use of copies.


Acts 8:37 ("And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God”) is purposely left out of every modern bible translation on the market today.

“They either leave it out completely or they put it in brackets, meaning they don’t think it ought to be there but they don’t have the courage of their convictions, so they put it in with brackets around it just to make sure you know they don’t think it ought to really be there," explains Jordan. "The verse is attacked simply on the basis of the fact that the faith of the man Philip addressed in Acts 8 was generated by a copy of Scripture; he was reading a copy of the book of Isaiah!”

"In Acts 8 are actually two different instances of a copy of Isaiah being used. Go to Acts 8:26 and you see this bird’s got another copy of Isaiah,” says Jordan. “What’d he do, go up to Nazareth and steal one from up there?! You know better than that; he had his own copy of the thing. That’s at least TWO copies. There’s one in Nazareth and then this guy’s got one.”

"From verse 29, we even see that the Holy Spirit, talking about a copy of Isaiah, calls it Scripture.

“Obviously the accuracy and authority of the Bible extends far past the originals but goes into generations of copies. Christ could hold it and call it Scripture.

“When Jesus said, ‘It is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God,” that expression ‘it is written,’ if you want to learn something from the Greek language, that’s in the perfect tense, which is a tense that means it’s accomplished in the past but the results continue on into the present. He’s saying, ‘It stands written right this minute! What God wrote down in the past continues to exist into the very present!’


"II Timothy 3:15 says, And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.'

"The word holy means 'set apart'; in other words, the Scriptures God has set apart for Himself. Obviously, Timothy knew them by a copy of the Bible!

“God says in Psalm 60 that ‘these are the words I have spoken in my holiness.’ That’s why you call it a Holy Bible! They’re the holy w-o-r-d-s of God and these Scriptures God has set apart for Himself!

"When II Timothy 3:16 says, 'All scripture is given by inspiration of God,' we know simply by the context it’s a reference to copies and not the original manuscripts.

“That’s a rough verse, folks, if you’ve got an unscriptural definition of inspiration or preservation! You can’t believe what that verse says! If you believe inspiration is just what happens to the writer when he writes some things down, and you don’t understand that inspiration has to do with the w-o-r-d-s God puts on a page . . .that’s the whole issue in inspiration, isn’t it?!

“The scholars and all the commentaries say the Septuagint (the corrupt translation used for the modern versions) is written in 250 A.D. and that Christ, Peter, Philip, Paul, Timothy—everybody was using a Greek translation, not a Hebrew one. So, if that’s true, that makes II Timothy 3 even worse because there you’ve got a translation called Scripture! And they get mad at you if you say you believe your English translation is inspired!

“There, by their own standards, they have Paul saying that Timothy’s Greek translation is inspired! See, if a fellow will tell you he believes that’s a Septuagint, then you’ve really got him over a barrel! The Septuagint is a hoax and not a reliable thing to trust in, but if a man thought it was, you’d really have him!

“God’s design is to preserve His Word through a multiplicity of accurate, reliable copies that are available to all Believers and which are as authoritative as the originals. Therefore, you don’t have to go out and restore the original manuscripts; you don’t need the textual critics and their philosophy—their human viewpoint—of restoration.”

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