Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Sons of God's superheroes return with Sodom

There are five consciences in the Bible and every unsaved person’s conscience is said to be “defiled.” Once saved, a person’s system of norms and standards begins to be corrected through an edification process and the conscience starts equipping itself to bear proper witness. At first it’s a "weak conscience" (what Paul calls “the weaker brother”), but the more the person grows in the Word of God and applies proper biblical systems, it becomes what Paul calls a “good conscience.”

“When you get to that point of spiritual maturity and so forth you have a ‘pure conscience,’ but if you depart from the truth, you have what Paul identifies as a ‘seared conscience,’ ” explains Southern California preacher John Verstegen. “It has totally lost its sensitivity to bear proper witness standards.

“I Timothy 4:1-2, [1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
[2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron.

Have you ever burnt yourself with an iron? After you've seared something it's lost its sensitivity to pain because you actually burned the nerve ending and that’s why you can’t feel anymore. You actually fried it.

"A seared conscience has been so affected that it doesn’t bear proper witness anymore because it’s insensitive. In the context here, Paul is talking about a Believer; somebody who was in the truth but they depart.”


Matthew 24:37-39 warns, [37] But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
[38] For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
[39] And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

“That means that the things taking place in the days of Noah are going to be like the things taking place in the days before Christ comes back,” explains Jordan. “Well, some of things taking place in the days of Noah are kind of weird, having to do with angels that sinned.

“So II Peter says, ‘Hey guys, the angels that sinned back there, you see them out here doing it now . . . God didn’t spare them then and He isn’t going to spare them over there.’

“II Peter 2:4 says, [4] For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

“That tells you something about angels. Darkness is a chain to an angel. How are you going to put handcuffs on an angel and chain them to a wall? You don’t do it that way. The thing that chains him is just removing all the light.

“That’s why angels are associated with stars in the Bible. They have to go to a light source in order to be able to function, so they’re reserved under darkness.

“You ever read over there in Exodus where Moses writes about God putting darkness on the land and it was a darkness that could be FELT? I mean, you could strike a match and hold it up to you until it singed the hair on the end of your nose and you couldn’t see. That’s real darkness.

“The Bible talks about how in the kingdom, there’s ‘outer darkness.’ Matthew 8:12 says, [12] But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

“That’s something about what hell will be like. You see, there aren’t going to be friends in hell. People say, ‘Agh, I’ll have lots of friends; my old carousing buddies will be there.’ No, you won’t see a friend in hell. You know why? It’s going to be so dark. You know how frightening it is to be in the dark?


“You ever been out in the woods camping and heard a screech owl at night? They can let out a scream and it sounds like something between stark terror and sheer agony. Sort of a blend between those two things. They scream to startle and stun their prey so they can go grab them.

“If you’re asleep in your tent, that scream can make the hair stand up on the back of your neck and scare you to death. It’ll make your blood run cold. You stick your head out of the sleeping bag and look over and see the campfire and check to see everybody is still around and nobody’s missing.

“In hell you hear those screams coming from the damned of the ages and you won’t be able to see a thing. They’ll be no mother’s lullabies, no happy relief. They’ll just be the agony of the final installment for the payment of your sin.

“That’s what Jesus Christ took for you at Calvary. That’s why God laid across the canopy of Palestine darkness for those three hours at Christ’s crucifixion. His son was engulfed in that darkness and hung there and took your sin and had the wrath of God poured out against Him there that He might give you His life.”


"Genesis 7:1 says, [1] And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.

“You know how many men there were at that time who were righteous in their generations? There was one man and his family of three boys and their wives. That isn’t a very big godly line, you know that?

“It’s not like there’s these hordes of ‘the godly line of Seth’ all over the world, influencing politics, religion and arts and marrying all these unsaved women. They weren’t there.

“You go to Matthew 1 and look down through the genealogy of the Messiah and you don’t see a godly line there. You see a rascal like David. You know who David was? He was an adulterer who lived in the king’s palace. He’d make Bill Clinton look like a Sunday school teacher out on a picnic. You forget about some of the heroes in the Bible. He’d make John Kennedy look like a man who was faithful to all his house.

“David was an adulterer and a child abuser and he wound up a murderer. He was a lousy flop when it came to being a daddy. He raised the biggest bunch of brats and no-good kids you’d ever want to see. He raised murderers, rapists and adulterers for kids. Now how do you like that for a leader? You know where he is? He’s in the genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ.

“You see, there’s no such thing as a godly line leading to the Messiah. Tamar is in that line. You ever read Genesis 38, 39, along in there, about Tamar? How she went out and played the harlot? Made herself up, sold herself to her father-in-law so she could have a child and be in the line? Not exactly the most wonderfully spiritual people you’d ever want to meet, but they’re in the line.


“If you’re the Adversary and you know God’s made a promise of a coming Redeemer, what would you want to do? Stop Him.

“If you know the way He’s going to come is through ‘the seed of a woman,’ then who would you attack? Women. So the ‘sons of God’ (angels who aligned themselves with Satan) sought to rebel and destroy what God was doing by going after the ‘daughters of men,’ making them their wives, and their offspring were super-intellect giants; superheroes.

“There’s literally a supernatural angelic invasion to attempt to corrupt the human race. Jude 6 says, [6] And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
[7] Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
[8] Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.

“Did you ever wonder where all the mythology (Greek, Roman, Phoenician, Norse, etc.) about 'superman' (gods with a little 'g') came from? You ever wonder where the ideas for all these big strong guys came from? Somebody wasn’t just sitting around with a hallucination in their head on their bed.

“The Bible is the greatest scientific textbook on types and symbols and things you can’t understand. Just like there’s a reason every culture that’s ever been discovered on the face of the earth, somewhere in its folklore, has an account of Creation where two people who lived in a garden is where everybody else came from. They all have an account of a great flood, where the human race survived by someone building a boat."

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