Friday, May 27, 2016

Listenin' to what The Man said

LeBron James was asked after the Cavs victory tonight what he considers his best accomplishment in six trips to the NBA Finals. He called the question a “stumper,” and went on to credit, among other things, the “man above” who’s helped him. Hmm, could that be a reference to the “man of sin”?

II Peter 2:9 says, “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished.”

“If the angel’s power and their excellence as the top of the creation out there, if that didn’t make them immune to judgment when they sinned . . . ,” explains Jordan. “If the fact that you have the masses of the world out here in rebellion against God; if the numerical masses in rebellion to God doesn’t stop them from getting the judgment of God . . . If Sodom and Gomorrah, two cities of the plain, the great achievements of man, monuments to the ingenuity of man and his creativity, if they can’t in their wickedness . . . If their genius and creativity doesn’t stop the judgment of God, if the whole world being in rebellion doesn’t stop the judgment of God, and if the excellence and the power of the highest of creation doesn’t, well, don’t worry, the judgment’s going to come.

“Satan took a third of the angelic creation with him; the hierarchy of the angelic creation went with Satan and he trafficked his merchandise. Like drug trafficking, he trafficked his drug of false doctrine and the Lie Program and the heavenly host, the angelic creation, took him up on it, and you learn in Revelation that numerically it’s a third of the angelic host that went with him.

“In response to that rebellion God created a judgment that was so severe and so devastating that it stopped the rebellion so it didn’t spread through all of the angelic host. There were some angels that made a choice not to go and some angels who made a choice to go.

“That rebellion was stopped by the creation of hell. Matthew 25:41 says, 41] Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. This is Jesus at the Second Advent talking to the sheep and goat nations and He says this to the goat nations on the left.

“That’s why hell was created. It wasn’t created for man; it was created for Satan and the rebellion of the angels. Man got to be a part of it because he joined that program and he walked the path that leads to that end.

"No man was ever created to go to hell and hell was never created for any man, but you can choose to go there if you want to. The judgment of hell stopped the satanic rebellion in its tracks and they understand that that judgment and torment is their end.”

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