Saturday, January 11, 2025

Can't beat King James with a stick

You ever notice how in your New Testament the books are laid out exactly like the dispensational dealings of God go through history? In Matthew through John, the earthly ministry of Christ, He’s presented as a king, as a servant, as a man and as God.

The Book of Acts, the fall of Israel begins with Peter and ends with Paul. Paul is Israel’s salvation going to the Gentiles. Romans through Philemon, there's the dispensation of grace and the body of Christ and the doctrine for today, explains Richard Jordan.

Hebrews to Revelation, the ages to come. Romans through Philemon explains what happened at the Cross for the body of Christ. Hebrews to Revelation explains what happened at the Cross for the Hebrew people in the ages to come.

There are nine church epistles in here and there are nine Hebrew epistles that do the same job and then there are some church epistles in here about the local congregation. Timothy, Titus and Philemon tell you how to live, work and function in a local assembly in this age.

These (Hebrew epistles) people don’t need it because they got that instruction in time past in the Jewish program already.

You know what that is, folks? A whole system of dispensational truth that would bring the professing church out of its confusion, and out of its darkness, and bring real revival and spiritual life to the church, and it’s laid out in the index of the Bible.

Every time one of those dudes has to turn back there to the index to find a book, one day they’re going to face God and He’s going to say, “Every idle word, brother.” Not just what you spoke, but what you read is going to get you.

People are going to say, “I couldn’t get it,” and He’ll say, “Well, your INDEX fixed it for you. What’s the matter?!”

You know what’s the matter? Somebody told them not to believe that index. You never met anybody that trusted Jesus Christ by believing that Book, that began to study that Book, that came along and then didn’t believe that Book, unless somebody told them it wasn’t right.

I never met anybody in my life that didn’t believe the King James Bible was the Word of God except somebody that was taught it wasn’t.

That thing right there, folks—that’s not the order of the books in the Greek manuscripts. That’s not Baptist doctrine, that’s not Methodist doctrine, that’s not Roman Catholic tradition. That’s your English Bible in your lap.

Let me show you the heart of this Book. There are 31,175 verses in this Bible. Psalm 118:8 is the middle verse of a King James Bible. Now, there’s not another bible on the market, outside of the Authorized Version, where this is the middle verse.

Why is that? They all leave verses out. They leave out Acts 8:37, the last 10 verses of Mark 16, the first 11 verses of John 8, I John 5:7, John 5:4 . . . Just go on and on and on with it. Two hundred verses they just kick out of the New Testament.

Psalm 118:8: [8] It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

How many words in that verse? What’s half of fourteen? It would have to be the seventh and eighth verses to be the middle words. Look at what they are. “The Lord.” The two middle words in your Bible. You leave one verse out of that Bible and that isn’t true. The middle words of the middle verse is the Lord.

You look at the title page of your Bible and it has a dedication page that says, “To the most high and mighty prince, King James.” You know what James is in English? You know what James is in Hebrew? Jacob.

Why do you reckon God waited until Jacob, the prince with Israel, is on the throne before He took that Jewish Book and translated it into English?

It’s called a King James, Holy Bible. Have you ever counted the letters in King James? Nine letters. If you count 1611, the year it was published, it adds up to nine. Nine in the Bible in numerology is the number of fruit-bearing.

How old was Abraham when he had that boy? He was ninety-nine. You know that the ninth book in the New Testament is? In chapter 5 of Galatians there are nine fruits of the Spirit. You can’t beat that with a stick, folks.

If you want to bear fruit, folks, that’s the Book. The history of that Book is revival, soul-winning, light, blessing. You know what the history of the NASV and the Amplified and the RSV are? Death.

You know what follows that stuff? Religion, education, culture and death. Monument-building is what follows it.

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