(note: for those who didn’t see my earlier post this afternoon, I got my power back)
The pope is at it again, making heretical statements that
the liberal press tries to explain away when any attention is drawn.
One such article last week by America Magazine (the
Jesuit Review) began, “Are all religions equal? Pope Francis created a stir
with some off-the-cuff comments to an interreligious group of young people in
Singapore, during his recent trip to Asia. ‘All religions are paths to God,’ he
said. ‘I will use an analogy, they are like different languages that express
the divine.’
“As so often happens, a snippet from some impromptu remarks
made it onto social media and many read it in a negative light,
as though the pope were saying that all religions are equally true (which would
seem absurd, since all religions, in some respects, contradict one another).
But the pope’s point was that all religions are ways of communicating with God,
not that they are all ‘the same.’ ”
Just tonight, I found this 2018 message from Richard Jordan,
entitled “10 Reasons Why Jehovah is God”:
You read the Koran, and the Koran says Jesus Christ is a
great prophet sent by Allah, equal with Moses and all the other prophets. You
know what the problem with that is? Look, if Jesus Christ is who He says He is,
who is He? He’s Jehovah God, the Creator, the Almighty God.
You know what people do? They think, “We’ll say nice things
about Jesus. He’s a good guy.”
I was raised in a modernist church and they said Jesus was a
great teacher sent from God. They didn’t believe in His divinity. Some time you
hear preachers say, “Jesus the divine.” You look at the heading in Revelation
and it says “to John the divine.”
That word is used in the Bible and it just means somebody
who can tell the future. It’s a lesser word. What you’re really talking about
is His deity and the term "divinity of Christ" is often used as something a
little less than Him being Jehovah God Himself.
When people say, “We’ll say nice things about Jesus,” the problem
is He’s either a liar, a lunatic or He’s the Lord.
What kind of a man would profess to be Almighty God if He
wasn’t? Well, He’s either a counterfeit liar or He’s cuckoo.
A great question you can ask people of other faiths is, “What
do you think about the Lord Jesus Christ?” They’ll say, “He’s a great guy.” He
CAN’T be a great guy! He claimed to be Jehovah God; He claimed to be the Creator.
Isaiah 43:3: [3] For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.
Verse 11: [11] I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me
there is no saviour.
The only person who can be your Savior is Jehovah. But then
who is Jesus Christ? The angels when He’s born glorified God and said, “Unto you
is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” The
Apostle Paul says, “Looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of the
great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ.”
The angel Gabriel told Joseph, “Thou shalt call His name
Jesus for He shall SAVE His people from their sins.” Jehovah said, “I’m the
only Savior. Beside me there is no Savior.”
Then Jesus Christ is the Savior. Then Jesus Christ and
Jehovah are the same people. Different names; same person.
Why do you need a Savior? Well, that isn’t the only office
He holds. Isaiah 33:22: [22] For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our
lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.
Uh-oh. We got bumper stickers in the bookstore that say, “Will
Jesus be your Savior or Judge?” He’s the judge of all the earth.
John 5:22: [22] For the Father judgeth no man, but
hath committed all judgment unto the Son:
Jesus Christ says, “God the Father isn’t going to judge
people; I’m the judge. That’s the job He’s given me to do.”
The one thing that makes the grace of God so absolutely
wonderful and astounding is the fact that it makes everything about Jesus
Christ. It takes away everything else and it only leaves Him.
When the apostles accompanied the Lord upon the mount of transfiguration—the
Bible says that when they were there they saw Moses and Elijah and some other
things, and then finally they become unconscious and when they awoke, Matthew
17 says:
[8] And when
they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only.
If you could get a theme for the Bible, that would be the
theme. It takes away everything man does and it only leaves Jesus Christ there.
The complete total sufficiency of God’s grace.
Christ Jesus is the living Word and the written Word and
those two things are united together as one in the mind of God and for the
Believer. The connection that you have with the living Word of God is through
the written Word of God.
Jesus said, “The words that I speak unto you, they are
spirit and they are life.” You don’t find God talking to you, or directing your
life out there on the street corner; you find Him speaking to you in His Word.
You find Him leading in your life by the application of His
Word to the details of your life, and that's why when you assimilate God’s Word,
you take it in and study it . . . David said, “Thy word have I hid in my heart.”
As you take it and internalize it, Paul says you renew your
mind with His Word. What happens is that internal life that the Word of God produces
in you is what is God leading, working, directing, intelligizing you as a
Believer, enlightening the eyes of your understanding so that you can know some
things, and based on that knowledge, have your faith rest in the facts of what
the Word says and see that truth bear fruit in your life.
That’s how you have the connection into your experience,
with the identity that God has for you in Christ. That’s why those two things
are so inseparably united.
That word complete is like you take something and you
cram it so full there’s no more room for anything else. He made you that
complete in Christ.
Colossians 2 says: [9] For in him dwelleth all the
fulness of the Godhead bodily.
[10] And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality
and power:
You need to look at that verse. It’s because of who Jesus
Christ is that it’s exciting and good and wonderful to be complete in Him.
If He wasn’t the sum of all things, that wouldn’t make you
complete with everything; you can only be as complete as He is. Verse 9 says He’s
completely complete. He’s totally sufficient.
God takes all the essence of our humanity and all the
essence of His deity and puts them together in the unique person that He is.
Jesus Christ is God, but He’s more than God; He’s man. He’s man, but He’s more
than man; He’s God.
Now, if He weren’t God, it wouldn’t do any good for Him to
be your Redeemer because He would have to redeem Himself first.
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