As I sit now with a plugged right ear and all-around congestion from a “cold” that is two weeks old with no end in sight, I reflect on the latest storm I’ve just come through.
It was a week ago yesterday when I slipped at work, my
medical boot hitting an undetected soapy water spill as I was walking fast across
the floor, making it seem like I was skiing. I slammed down on the concrete, hurting my right shoulder and right knee.
Then, only 20 minutes or so after coming home from work that
same afternoon, I felt a sudden “whoosh” of pain in my “good foot” that gave me
an unusual intense pain that lasted for a couple of minutes and resulted in a sore
spot on my heel.
When I awoke the next morning, I felt the sore spot as soon
as I got out of bed. I thought, “Don’t tell me this is that bone spur I was
diagnosed with.”
Because of the bad shoulder, I called off work on Monday and
didn’t return until Wednesday, at which point the sore heel on my “good foot”
went from tolerable to super painful, requiring steady doses of Aleve just to get around at work.
I called my podiatrist’s office and left a message, but didn’t
get a return call. I did the same thing again on Thursday, with my pain even
worse. On Friday, knowing the doctor only worked until noon on that day, I called at 11:45
A.M. and finally got the receptionist (who is the wife of the doctor and knows mot of what he does).
She told me that she didn’t get any of my voicemail messages
and that there was something wrong with their Verizon service. When I told her
my symptoms and that I thought it must be from the bone spur, she quickly said,
“No, couldn’t be that. It sounds like it’s Plantar Fasciitis,” which is exactly the condition I've been wearing the boot for since August!
I asked if I could get a shot of cortisone, and she only
said, “I don’t think the doctor’s going to want to do that.” She said the
earliest he could see me was this Tuesday.
So, I went to work yesterday with my pain level at a 10 and
only the Aleve to help “scuff” through the day between the boot and the bad "good foot". I came home and took off my
socks and looked at the heel since the pain was so disgustingly high.
Lo and behold, I saw a small white spot that looked like there
could be an infection. I gently squeezed it and puss came out! Through applying
continued pressure out came a prickly edge and then, through continued
squeezing in spite of the pain, a tiny sliver of glass!!!!
All this to say, I went from thinking my life had to be over,
with two “crippled” feet and no chance of working or walking or anything, to
HOPE! Sure enough, the pain has now significantly dwindled and I believe I am
recovering from an infected spot due to the imbedded glass!!!
I can only tell you that I was REALLY down just yesterday
and now I see life is going to be okay, especially once I get over this
illness and even more so after I finally get out of this medical boot I’ve been
wearing for 12 weeks with another two and a half to go.
Here is an outtake from a YouTuber in London, England who is a King James Bible Believer while not a dispensationalist. He just posted this yesterday:
The thesis, the antithesis, and the synthesis. The thesis is the starting point, then you have the antithesis, which is the opposite of the thesis, working through to the synthesis where they’re both merged together in a so-called higher truth. Two opposing things become merged as one.
If you can understand that you can understand their methodology,
so this whole thing is a completely Hegelian battle and something that really
woke me up was thinking of the "Lion King" movie and seeing exactly the method they’re
using to deceive people, even the “truth movement.”
"They want people to think that the New World Order is
satanic. They want you and the masses to believe that this system needs to be
disbanded; this system is wicked. So Scar in his song "Be Prepared” is singing
about this New World Order and posing as a Hitler-type figure, Nazi soldiers,
and that’s what they want you to think. This is why the controlled “truth movement”
are pushing and pushing, saying, “This is satanic. The elite are satanic. They
are evil. This system is evil.”
"Why is that? Because they want you to accept the son, as in
the "Lion King", as in the false love and the false peace. They want you to root
for whatever good comes along to defeat this evil system.
So at this stage in the game it’s the externalization of the
hierarchy. They want you to know that they are satanic and this whole thing is
satanic because the so-called Messiah, which is the false messiah, will come
along, at whatever stage of the game it happens, and say, “Here’s the answer.
Peace, unity, love.” But it’s the same thing.
There’s many in the New Age Movement who think the “golden
age” is a good thing. Listen, New Age, think about it. This is what the New
World Order is; it’s the NEW AGE. You’re just playing into the Luciferian lie—black
vs. white.
It’s like the alchemy of it they want to lead into gold. It’s
the defeat of the dragon by the false Jesus. They want you to think that by the
onset of this New Age lot, world unity, they want you to think that that is the
victory over Satan. Satan is a masquerader as light. So, it’s literally the defeat
of the black by the white, but it’s the same beast.
Every religion across this world is going to accept the
Antichrist as being the defeat of the dragon, but it isn’t. In fact, “love
shall be the whole of the law,” said Alistair Crowley, but if you stand against
their wickedness, or their plans, or their agenda, you will be see as
disrupting the only hope we have of true peace of earth. If you don’t love
their plan and their Luciferian ideologies, then you will be seen as the one not
loving and you will be put to death.
So, as I’ve said, this has been in our faces for ever, ever
so long. There’s a clip they removed from the "Lion King" that was a pilot that
didn’t make it into the final thing and Scar even sings of the Golden Age: “Prepare
for the Golden Age. Be prepared for the bright dawn of age.”
So what’s he singing in "Be Prepared"?
So, prepare for the chance of a lifetime
Be prepared for sensational news
A shining, new era
Is tiptoeing nearer
And where do we feature?
Just listen to teacher
I know it sounds sordid
But you'll be rewarded
When at last, I am given my dues
And injustice deliciously squared
Be prepared!
It's great that we'll soon be connected
With a king who'll be all time adored
Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected
To take certain duties on board
The future is littered with prizes
And though I'm the main addressee
The point that I must emphasize is
You won't get a sniff without me!
So prepare for the coup of the century
Be prepared for the murkiest scam (Ooh, la, la, la!)
Meticulous planning (We'll have food!)
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