I Timothy 4 begins, [1] Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
[2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
"That's all talking about the inner workings of a system that Satan has established as a vehicle to carry his lie program through time," explains Richard Jordan. "That philosophy the world system is designed to carry forward--he has developed a vehicle to promote, protect and propagate that lie program.
"That vehicle was developed in Genesis 10 and 11. It was the application of that philosophy of Romans 1 into a religious setting and, just like the church is a vehicle to carry forward the truth, Satan has his church, his vehicle to carry forward the lie program. It all focuses around Babel and Babylon.
"Our conflict is against the spiritual forces that animate all those things Paul was fighting against-- the spiritual force, the rulers of the darkness that were producing that.
"This is warfare on a larger scale with the entire kingdom of darkness. It's personal and it's an up-close kind of conflict with the wiles, schemes, strategies of the devil."
“I’m going to say this, and I’m going to offend a lot of…well, you know, the father of all organized religion is Cain and Luke 11:51 says, ‘From the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zacharias, which perished between the altar and the temple: verily I say unto you, It shall be required of this generation’ . . . . from this untoward generation that follows in the footsteps of Cain with the attitude of religion that destroys those who are really righteous," explains Alex Kurz.
“Balak (Numbers 22:5) represents this institution of religion that has its genesis with Cain and is opposed to those who are righteous.
“As a hired gun, the religious system is now seeking to institutionalize the persecution against the righteous—against the people of God.
“So it isn’t just enough to be self-righteous—religion is a sophisticated, systematic, organized institution devised by Satan himself to seek to destroy God’s people, and there are hired guns, and I say that because we certainly know . . .
“I like reading history and there’s a great book out called ‘Founding Faith’ about this argument about whether our Founding Fathers were religious or not religious. It’s a very good read. Very balanced. You have the two extremes.
“You have the one side that says our Founding Fathers were a-religious—they were anti-God—which is absolutely ridiculous, and then you have the other extreme that says the Founding Fathers saw Christianity in every decision, and that just isn’t accurate as well.
“My point is, many of our forefathers, they believed that religion is good for society. But be very careful! Is religion good? You know what religion means, right? To bind.
“Is religion good for society, and if you really examine the question, and examine the answer, the reason religion exists isn’t just to promote . . .
"On the surface it appears that religion promotes moral values and ethics, and so on and so forth, but deep down, the very core of religion is to oppose God and His people.
"So be very careful in assuming that religion quote ‘is a good thing,' and we’re living in a day and age where . . .
“I mean, there are some religions I don’t want operating in my neighborhood because they’ll cut your head off and they’ll put it on You Tube and they’ll show you how they’ll cut your head off.
“Oh, yeah, those are just the ‘radical fundamental extremists.’ Okay, yeah, yeah. Anyway, what we have in Balaam, now . . . It isn’t just enough to establish religion and to persecute the righteous. ‘We got to justify this!’ And didn’t Israel justify the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, and did they not use political arguments to kill God’s Son?
“Be careful. See, this whole amalgamation between religion and politics—the instituted religious system--they had political arguments to kill the guy who never harmed a fly! What did Jesus do? And it was the political machinery paid off by the institution of religion that put Him to death.
“Remember when Paul appealed to Rome? At first it sounded like a pretty good deal, right? What did Rome ultimately do to Paul? He writes in II Timothy, ‘For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand.’
“The same government that gave to Paul some rights to defend himself is the same government that put him to death. You appeal to Caesar, then you’re going to follow the law, and they killed him!
“So, my point is, Balaam is hired by a KING! I believe in separation of church and state. I don’t want to get into politics. What business does a prophet of God have to do with a political leader?!
“Listen, didn’t God say to Israel, ‘You’re going to be a kingdom of priests’?! Balaam represents this attempt to institutionalize religion and to be under the authority of politics and this is what I’m getting at . . .
“Guess who this Antichrist is? He’s a political figure, isn’t he? There will be laws enacted to justify the slaughter of the righteous. Remember what the Lord Jesus Christ said—‘They’re going to bring you before magistrates.’
“Do you think there are laws… by the way, there are countries in this world where the very laws of the land can justify your death because of your religious beliefs. Guess what’s going to happen in the 70th Week? Balaam represents all of that, okay?”
(new article tomorrow for sure)
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