“Satan, the real master of the New Age, delights in mysterious code words and symbols because they allow his agents, when questioned, to escape public censure by hiding behind a verbal mirage.”
-- Texe Marrs, author of Dark Secrets of the New Age.
The NWO from U.S. President George Bush Sr.’s “Thousand Points of Light” days is readily recognized today as the LNWO—Luciferian New World Order.
“Satan has a plan to take over the universe from God Himself and people say sometimes, ‘Well, doesn’t he know he’s going to end in destruction?’ " says Richard Jordan. "He knows God SAYS he is, but he doesn’t believe what God says. He believes he’s wiser and smarter and has a more beautiful plan than God does; his plan is more ergonomic; it’s more beautifully synchronized in his mind, and God says, ‘It’s just a twisted mess.’
In detailing characteristics of the last days of the dispensation of grace, Paul gives generalized morality kinds of things in which man is the measure of everything.
“Paul tells us that, in spite of all of the excess of human depravity, men have ‘a form of godliness.' Man is naturally religious; he just can’t ‘get over it’ and that’s why Romans 1, after he’s ‘changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things’ . . . he simply takes God and reduces Him to something he can control and you have to understand there’s a WORSHIP. There’s a desire to worship and control things.
“There is an external religious form of godliness. Even the Antichrist uses the Baal worship system in Scripture to rise to power. So human depravity isn’t going to leave out religion and it will have a zeal for what it’s committed to with a religious fervor and the ferocity of religious commitment.”
(new article tomorrow)
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