Thursday, May 13, 2021

Kingdom Now says we're selfish, lazy

Here's an outtake from the Grace Life Podcast (May 4) found on YouTube at the channel Fellowship Bible Church Orlando:

Preacher Joel Hayes: "Paul says about the Rapture, 'Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.'

"When Paul says 'in the twinkling of an eye,' that is the reflection of light in the eyeball which is the speed of light, which is literally a billionth of a second. That's how fast we will change into our new bodies.

"It has always been entangled in Paul's epistles that we emulate the doctrine of imminence in the sense that we are consistently and continually looking for 'that blessed hope.' Not just because of the fact it is our hope and we abound in this hope and can't wait for it, but we continue to look for it because it inspires us to serve Him. And when that hope comes there will also come judgment.

Preacher Hal Beckemeyer: "I think it's a shame the Rapture is a doctrine that's falling on disfavor. It is a doctrine that is the product of the dispensational movement. Even early on, Acts 2 dispensationalists understood the truth of the Rapture, and yet now you're seeing in modern theology, even in groups that were somewhat fundamental, and I use that term loosely . . .

The Rapture would have been one of the fundamentals of the Christian faith but again, it's become this 'Kingdom Now' stuff and, 'We're bringing in the kingdom'; you see that becoming much more prevalent.

"In fact, I've been reading we're 'selfish'! We're selfish because we want to be escape artists. We just want to get out of here. We don't want to roll up our sleeves and do the work of 'bringing in the kingdom.'

Hayes: "Where in the entire Bible is it that we are going to usher in the kingdom?! Where is that ever mentioned? I mean, this goes even beyond just dispensational distinctions. Nowhere in the entire Bible is it that the church would bring in the kingdom. The Lord's going to bring that kingdom in at His Second Coming, period, end of story. And it's only going to get worse until He comes back."

(new post tomorrow)

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