In the Great Tribulation, when Satan’s cast out of heaven, the beast in the bottomless pit rises up to become the “son of perdition.”
“The Antichrist is killed in the midst of the week, and when a man dies his soul goes to hell,” explains Jordan. “This beast out of the bottomless pit comes up and inhabits his body and he literally becomes ‘Satan incarnate.’ There’s an angel who’s king over the bottomless pit in Revelations 9, so there’s a lot of weird stuff going to happen.
“The Antichrist is described as ‘the beast who ascends out of the bottomless pit.’ That takes place in the midst of the 70th week when he’s killed. If a man dies, he’s dead. Your soul dies and goes to hell and you don’t get out of hell and come back.
“Some people say, ‘Well, if Judas died and went to hell, he couldn’t have gotten out,’ but his body’s laying there. People don’t see what’s going on in the spirit world.
“This beast animates that body and so you have all these shows today about vampires and the walking dead. There’s this fascination with all that kind of stuff because that’s part of the mythology of man’s mind; it’s part of what’s there because the creative genius of unsaved people is satanically inspired.
“And if I want to prepare the world to worship me, what am I going to do? I’d take all the young people in the world and I’d teach them this is normal, common, ordinary kind of stuff.
“Painted bodies and pierced ears--where’d that come from? Men were wearing earrings back when Aaron crafted the molten calf. They learned to do that from worshipping the gods of Egypt.
“In Leviticus 19, God tells Israel, ‘Don’t paint your bodies.’ Why? Because the heathen painted their bodies with pagan symbols and signs. That’s what all that stuff is.
“The same kind of government activity on earth, Paul says it’s the same structures up in heaven, you just don’t see them. They’re real, they’re organized and they’ve been usurped. They’ve got an enemy who’s taken it over.
“Get in your mind, these positions are real. ‘Thrones, dominions, principalities, powers.’ Paul uses the exact same terminology to describe them in the heavens, but you can’t see them because you don’t live up there. But you know they’re there because he uses the same terms for both realms. They’re just as real up there as they are down here.
“The government in the heavens is organized. Angels aren’t just flying around in the heavens, running into each other; they’ve got jobs, structure, functions just like people down here do. You have government down here or you have anarchy. As soon as you have anarchy somebody comes along and puts some control on it because life won’t work with anarchy.
“In Daniel 10, Gabriel’s talking to Daniel about how, ‘I’ve been coming for 21 days but the principalities up there stopped me. I got to the roadblock, I didn’t have my visa papers right and I couldn’t get across.’
“He asked, ‘What you’d do at the border crossing?’ Gabriel said, ‘I had to send back to the Lord and He sent Michael down with some instructions. That’s how you get across the border down here.’
“The whole purpose of the satanic rebellion is he wants to be like the most high, the possessor of all authority in the heavens and earth. He wants to take over that governmental structure so Satan has come along and become ‘the god of this world’; the prince, the ruling authority, the prince of the power of the air and the prince the power of earth.
“God has a purpose to restore everything; His reconciliation plan. Col. 1:18, ‘And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence.’
“He’s got a plan in prophecy to head all the government of earth with his agency, the nation of Israel.
Psalms 115:15-16 says, ‘[15] Ye are blessed of the LORD which made heaven and earth.
[16] The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.’
[16] The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD's: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.’
“Where’s man’s dominion? In the earth. Man’s made out of the dirt of the earth and God’s going to use that mud man to reclaim the earth. But there’s no plan in prophecy to reclaim the heavens.
“Colossians 1:19 says, ‘For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell.’ Everything that’s going to fill up everything in the earth and in the heavens is in Christ. ‘And, having made peace through the blood of his cross, by him to reconcile all things unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.’
“When he says Jesus Christ’s going to reconcile all things to Himself, somebody says, ‘See, even the devil’s going to get saved.’ The verse didn’t say ‘saved.’ It said ‘reconciled’ and those two words are different. You know how they’re different? One is spelled with a ‘s’ and the other with a ‘r.’
“What things does he say are going to be reconciled? All those positions that have been usurped are going to be restored back under the headship of Jesus Christ.
“The purpose of the Body of Christ is so He would have an agency in ‘the ages to come’ in order to accomplish that purpose in the heavens. He’s going to do it in the earth through the nation Israel and in the heavens through the Body of Christ.
“Ephesians 1:10 says, ‘That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him.’ Jesus Christ is going to be the head of all that. It’s a headship issue.”
(new article tomorrow)
(new article tomorrow)
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