Friday, April 10, 2020

Here's the deal . . . it's green

Go to Green Party US' website and a prominent quote displayed on its home page reads, "So it's like the New Deal that got us out of the Great Depression, but it's a New Green Deal so it also solves the crisis of the climate."

Last week, Pope Francis "suggested that the outbreak of the novel coronavirus may be one of 'nature's responses' to people around the world ignoring the harsh consequences of climate change," reports The Hill"There is an expression in Spanish: 'God always forgives, we forgive sometimes, but nature never forgives,' the Pope said in an interview with The Tablet, a Catholic weekly produced in the United Kingdom. 

As I noted last week, The No. 1 tenet of the Georgia Guidestones' "Ten Commandments" is, "Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

Yahoo News reports, "World-renowned British primatologist Jane Goodall says the coronavirus pandemic was caused by humanity's disregard for nature and disrespect for animals . . . Because as we destroy, let's say the forest, the different species of animals in the forest are forced into a proximity and therefore diseases are being passed from one animal to another, and that second animal is then most likely to infect humans as it is forced into closer contact with humans."

In February, Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon and the richest person on the planetannounced he’ll donate $10 billion of his own money to fight climate change. He said he will give the money to eco-activist groups.

In January, Inside Climate News reported, "The Green New Deal (has) survived the battering to become an animating force in climate politics, with its advocates determined to make it the most important touchstone of the 2020 election. For Democrats, support for the Green New Deal has become a central tenet. Nearly every major Democratic presidential candidate has endorsed it in some form . . .  All Democratic presidential contenders now have goals aligned with the science to bring fossil fuel emissions to net zero by mid-century, far beyond the ambition of the Obama administration."

"Our top priority for [2020] is building the multiracial, cross-class youth movement that we need to elect leaders who will champion the Green New Deal," said Stephen O'Hanlon, spokesperson for the Sunrise Movement.

In the 1973 movie Soylent Green, 2022 is the year marked for starving unemployed masses to wait in long lines for mystery squares, supposedly made up of ocean plankton but suspected to be human in content!

Is there a propagandist motivation behind the lead singer from the old punk rock band Green Day, Billy Joe Armstrong, being trotted out into the news lately? The band, many say, actually takes its name from the Soylent Green movie. Just last Sunday, Armstrong was part of FOX's world-televised musical hour dedicated to all dealing with the Covid-19 crisis.
As the universe’s fastest-growing religion, “Going Green” is positioned as a prime vehicle for brainwashing the masses into endorsing the Antichrist’s Babel II.

Romans 15:13 in “The Message” bible paraphrase, published in 2002, contains “the most bizarre statement ever in a mainstream bible,” according to one King James Bible expert, Dr. Terry Watkins.

Paul's verse in The Message reads, “Oh! May the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!”

This compares to the King James Bible: “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Watkins writes, “Who is the ‘God of green hope’? The ‘green hope’ originated with the hellish, human-sacrificing Druids. The publication Talks on Freemasonry states, ‘Green was, with the Druids, a symbol of hope and the virtue of hope with a Freemason illustrates the hope of immortality.’ (Kenneth Tuckwood, Talks on Freemasonry).

“The ‘green hope’ mantra is a popular rallying cry in the New Age Mother-Earth environmental movement. In the New Age Movement, ‘green’ signifies ‘Oneness with the Earth,’ hence the title of William Anderson’s book, ‘Green Man: The Archetype of Our Oneness with the Earth.’ ”

Watkins references page 159 of the “Dictionary of Symbolism,” considered the most comprehensive one-volume work on the language of symbols ever published, in which author Hans Biedermann notes:  “. . . the devil appears as ‘the green one’. . .”
Satan says to Eve in Genesis 3:5, "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

When you see the phrase "your eyes shall be opened," the word "eye" is the 33rd word in the quote. The all-seeing eye is used by all the elite secret societies. Think 33rd Degree Mason.

Satan's saying, "God’s got a secret knowledge out here, Eve, and He’s not telling you about it, but if you’re one of the initiated, you’ll know it."

“Thirty-three in the Bible is a number associated with illumination," explains Jordan. "You ever read in the occult about the third eye? You ever seen people going around with a third dot on top of their forehead or a little jewel up there? It’s said to be an ‘eye of perception.’ This is the ability to see into something and have knowledge you couldn’t have any other way. It’s secret knowledge that you can only have IF you are in the initiated.

“Where you got to go to be initiated? Satan’s offering it to Eve: ‘I know something God doesn’t want you to know and you can’t know unless you become ONE with me.’

“The word ‘occult’ means something you can’t know unless you’re initiated. You know what Eve was invited to become a part of? The occult. A secret society of knowledge you can’t get unless you’re an initiated person.

“God already revealed His will. God already gave Eve clear instructions about it. Satan says, ‘I know something He doesn’t want you to know,’ and you know what that does? It entices you.

“Ultimately, when the Antichrist and the system that brings him to power is manifested, it’s that MYSTERY (Mystery Babylon the Great). There is a secret purpose; this idea of secret wisdom and hidden understanding, and the gain you can get if you get it, that’s associated with Satan all the way through the Bible. It’s associated with his Lie program.

“What do you say about a lie? A lie can be 98 percent truth, but it’s the two percent that isn’t that kills you. You see, it’s the tares-are-hidden- with-the-wheat kind of a thing. The Lie program is all this good, good, good, but there’s that secret thing in it.


“Isaiah 33 is a passage dealing prophetically with the nation Israel in the last days. Isaiah 33:6 is a verse of Scripture I used to keep posted on my wall. It says, [6] And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure.

“God, talking to Moses in Deuteronomy 29:29, says, ‘The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.’

“Notice, everything you need to know to do everything God has for them to do, He revealed to them. If there’s something they don’t know . . . wasn’t that what Eve was told? ‘There’s something you don’t know, Eve, that God knows, and if you knew it, you wouldn’t let Him get away with this.’ And then her imagination starts going.

“Moses says to Israel, ‘If there’s a secret that God hasn’t told you, that’s His business; you don’t have to worry about it. You just worry about what He told you. Don’t worry about the secret stuff; worry about what He revealed to you, because what He revealed to you is what He wants you to know.’

“You understand God knows things you don’t know? If God took everything He knows and put it into your little noodle, your brain would be on the wall."

(new article tomorrow)

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