Friday, April 24, 2015

One of these days

In the book, “Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets,” first published right before 9/11 and a “word-of-mouth sensation on Wall Street,” author Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s relates how “many of things that happen to us—career success, or decisions that turn out well, or gains in the stock market—that we attribute to our own skill or hard work, are really a result of plain dumb luck.”

“Taleb says that “the kind of rare events that really change the world—be they wars or disasters, inventions or serendipitous discoveries, bubbles or crashes—are things we don’t see coming, and aren’t prepared for.”


I think about how Noah spent 120 years building the ark, all the while warning the populace ridiculing him. There were millions of people on earth prior to the Flood and they simply went about eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, etc., not paying any heed to Noah’s warning.

When Jesus Christ says, “They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all,” He’s saying they were just going about life. They were just going about the ordinary vocations of life, wrapped up in what they were doing, and not paying any attention.

A lot of people aren’t aware of this, but the pre-Flood society was a tremendously advanced one, both technologically and culturally.

“One of the things you know in a culture is, if you’re able to support musicians to entertain you, well, then that's leisure time, and you’ll find mention of the arts and all that back in Genesis 4,” says Jordan. “They had a tremendously advanced culture. They didn’t have some of the technologies that we have evidently, but you get to thinking, anybody who can build the pyramids and do a lot of the things they did back then, they understood geometry, architectural issues, suspension and so forth. They didn't use electricity or the combustible engine to power things as we do, but they had a lot of other things. They had a tremendously advanced technological era.”


As Oklahoma radio and TV preacher Les Feldick explains about the literal explosion of knowledge and technology before the Flood, “You go back to secular history and the evolutionists, and they maintain that the human race didn’t know anything of metals until way, way, down the line, (but) here we are at the very dawn of human history and, according to Biblical account, they were already mining the ore so that they could put brass together, and their iron, and now we see they’re manufacturing with it. They are beginning to produce things made with these metals.

What needs to be remembered, says Feldick, is that Adam, created as a perfect human being and living past 900 years of age, had to have produced some incredibly brilliant children.

“Adam had a mind that would probably blow ours, and his children were not that much below him,” says Feldick. “And on top of that tremendous intelligence, look at all the years they had to use it. What if Einstein, who died if I can remember correctly at the age of 90 or 91, could have lived to the age of 900? Can you imagine what that mind would have produced? Or an Edison, or any of these great men who have been responsible for so much of our technology, what if they could have lived ten times longer than they did?

“Can you see what would have happened? And that’s what you’ve got here before the Flood. You’ve got people with tremendous intelligence, but they had 900 years of time to use it.

“But always remember, where were most of the people spiritually? Out there in utter darkness. Without God it’s a Satanic-inspired civilization…Remember that Satan will promote anything, even a beautiful city park, or work of art. Satan will promote anything as long as it will keep men’s eyes and hearts from God, so never forget that.”

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