The last
generations before the actual return of Christ to this earth will be
characterized by godless masses of mockers who scoff at the preaching of His
writes, “In the days that precede the coming of Christ, it will be extremely
‘politically incorrect’ to proclaim His coming. (2 Peter 3:3 says, ‘Knowing
this first, that there shall come in the last days SCOFFERS, walking after
their own lusts, And saying, ‘Where is the promise of His coming . . .?’)
“What is the
measuring stick, the criteria, and the basis for such scoffing and rejection of
the preaching of Christ’s return? It will be based on an unshakable trust in a
philosophy of evolution that rests on the assumption of uniformitarianism. Remember this is the view that believes in no sudden changes and no catastrophes.
“A casual
examination of the prophetic scriptures reveals there will be worldwide global
catastrophes happening in association with the return of Christ. This
generation only believes in a slow, peaceful, uniform transformation occurring
over vast amounts of time.
“Notice the
inspired words of the Apostle Peter as he concludes the above thought. Those
scoffers give their ‘reason’ for rejecting prophetic preaching and the
catastrophes associated with the return of Christ. The following statement is a
definition of uniformitarianism given 2,000 years ago:
‘ . . . For since the fathers fell asleep, all
things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation’ (or as our generation would say today, The
Big Bang). (II Peter 3:4)
“History is
replete with examples of local catastrophes. Those tragic events traced through
human history have become the focus of many a study and geological research . .
MOUNT ST. HELEN’S—I well remember when Mount St. Helen’s erupted back on May
18, 1980. Some scientists, who were considered ‘in the know,’ to all who lived
around the endangered area, gave ample warnings. Because of those warnings many
were safely evacuated from the area. Almost everyone listened to the warnings
and they were not harmed. Nevertheless,
there were some die-hards, one of which was a certain Mr. Harry Truman, owner
of a nearby Inn. He appeared on the national evening news each night for
about a week before the eruption and refused to budge! He had lived in the
shadow of that mountain for many decades. Since nothing had ever happened to
that volcano in his lifetime, he dogmatically surmised that nothing ever would.
He was like a committed uniformitarian. There were no such things as
catastrophes in his thinking. But the eruption came on Sunday, May 18, 1980.
Tragically, Mr. Truman perished, along with some others of like mind! That
eruption, we later read, spewed enough volcanic ash into the atmosphere, to
equal a ton of debris for every human alive on the planet at that time!
NEVADA DEL RUIZ—A horrible tragedy happened in South America in 1985.
Another long dormant volcano erupted and killed over 25,000 people. The place
where the tragedy struck was called Nevada Del Ruiz, ‘The Valley of Sorrows.’
It was so named because of a similar tragedy that occurred several hundred
years before! Yet, people built homes back in that very same valley, in spite
of the sad remembrance memorialized in its name.
EL ESNAM—Another
tragic catastrophe occurred in 1980, in the country of Algeria, on the northern
coast of Africa, on the Mediterranean Sea. A huge earthquake completely
destroyed the town of El Esnam, just a few miles southwest of the capital,
Algiers. Thousands were killed and injured. It occurred in the same exact spot
where another earthquake had occurred just 20 years earlier. Yet, a friend of
mine who was there said the people still intended to build on the same spot if
the government would allow them.
how about the granddaddy of all the historical catastrophes (which are not
mentioned in the Bible)? It is Plato who
has left us a tale of woe of a certain people who were utterly destroyed by a
catastrophe in less than two days. It was of such epic proportions that the
masses of people of this past century and a half have had trouble digesting the
thought it might have actually occurred, even though it was believed as
historical until the 19th century. Of course I speak of the famed
civilization known as Atlantis. Note the very words of Plato:
‘But afterwards there occurred violent earthquakes and
floods, and in a single day and night of misfortune all your warlike men in a
body sank into the earth, and the island of Atlantis in like manner disappeared
in the depths of the sea.’
(‘Great Books of the Western World’)
“In his
book, ‘Great Mysteries of History,’ (Dorset Press, New York 1987 Edition)
Kenneth B. Platnick says,
‘In the two dialogues Timaeus and Critias Plato locates the
empire ‘in front of the straits which are by you called the Pillars of Hercules
(the Strait of Gibraltar).’ The entire area, which he describes as larger than
all of Libya and Asia combined, is roughly the same as that we know now as the
Middle East.’
account of Atlantis was thought, in many cultures, to be a true account of
civilization that perished. But in the last 150 years it has fallen into almost
total disfavor. This has been mainly because of the almost universal adoption
of uniformitarianism, which does not allow for such catastrophic happenings. .
“It seems
that each new generation cannot adapt itself to the thought of sudden epic
scale catastrophes, and certainly not the kind associated with those described
in the Bible that are connected with the return of Christ! We are convinced
that this is mostly due to the thorough indoctrination of uniformitarianism in
our generation’s world-view.
“In other
words, the philosophy which attempts to explain the universe, our world, yea,
even ourselves, APART FROM A CREATOR, is the SAME PHILOSOPHY which gave
ammunition to half a billion unbelievers living before the days of the Flood to
laugh off the loving warnings of God. . . .
“There is a
prime reason the warnings of the Flood seemed so preposterous to the
antediluvians. Before the Flood there had never been a flood. Not only that,
according to the biblical record before the Flood, it had never rained on the
‘And every
plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field
before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and
there was not a man to till the ground.
[6] But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.’ (Gen. 2:5-6)
[6] But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground.’ (Gen. 2:5-6)
"That is the
reason the New Testament says of Noah:
‘By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as
yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which
he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith.’ (Hebrews 11:7)
“Noah was
warned of ‘things not seen as yet.’ The
thought of water coming down from the sky was totally foreign to every human up
to that time of history. The ecosystem of the earth was SO totally different
from what it is now. The earth was watered by a misting system that kept the
entire globe in ‘greenhouse’ perfection.
“No rain!
Just what kind of myth is this? It is no myth at all, just a factual account of
the pre-Flood days. The reason many readers of the Bible have such a difficult
time discerning exactly what these Scriptures are telling us is that most of us
have failed to grasp the clear declaration by the Scriptures that the PRE-FLOOD
earth was vastly different from the POST-FLOOD earth. This is the reason for
Peter’s words in the following passage:
‘Whereby the
world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:
[7] But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.’ (2 Peter 3: 6-7)
[7] But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.’ (2 Peter 3: 6-7)
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