“When God puts His Word together there was a design—the books
are not just laid out willy-nilly,” says Jordan. “They’re put in there for a
purpose with a design and an intent. When you come to the Minor Prophets, you’re
studying writing prophets.
“God gave Israel prophets all through her history but there’s
only one little section in their history where the prophets were writing
prophets—that is they wrote down their prophecies in books.
“Would you have liked to have heard a sermon that Elijah
preached? But you don’t find them. He didn’t write a book. Elisha--well if he’d
written a book we’d know something more but he didn’t write a book.
“Samuel, he didn’t write a book. There was a book written
about a lot of things he did, but you think, ‘Why didn’t any of these people
back there that were prophets write books?’
“Elijah had a school of prophets! But they didn’t write
books that are in the Bible.
“There’s a very special reason why those writing prophets
wrote and if you understand why they wrote, it helps you to understand what
they wrote about.
“You start studying the details of what the Minor Prophets
say and you know where they fit on the board; it’s very much like when you put
a puzzle together. Leviticus 26 is an important chapter to help you understand the
history of Israel.”
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