Monday, August 5, 2013

Name game

“And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus,” says Ephesians 2:6.

This goes along with Ephesians 1: 20: “Which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead, and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places.”

Jordan explains, “He sits Him there and He sits as the head of the heavenly government. Where do you sit? We participate with Him in His status; in His government. We literally participate in the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Acts 26:15 says, “And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest.”

Jordan says, “Can you imagine the shock that must have been to the Apostle Paul? In my mind when I try to make a video of that, I see Paul saying, ‘Who art thou, Lord?! Please don’t say Jesus, please don’t say Jesus, please don’t say Jesus!!!’

“Paul believed in Jehovah. He was an orthodox, rabbinical scholar. He knew who that was who opened the heavens. That was the God of the Bible. He knew that! When he said, ‘Who art thou, Lord?’ that question goes back to the Book of Genesis.

“When Jacob wrestled with the Lord he said, ‘Tell me your name!’ Moses does it in Exodus 3. He says, ‘Tell me, who am I supposed to tell them sent me?!’ In the Book of Judge Gideon’s mom and dad say, ‘Tell us who you are! Who is this guy?’ And He wouldn’t tell any of them!

“Paul said, ‘I got a question. Who are you?’ You know good and well he was just going, ‘Oh, man!’ because he’d been out killing; he hated Christ’s followers.


“The inheritance is going to be based upon some building UP into me now.  Col. 3:23 says, ‘And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.’ Let it come out of your inner man. Let it come out of your heart. ‘As a man thinketh in his heart so is he . . .’

“I’m not doing it with eye service to please men. I’m doing it because the Lord allows me by His grace to respond and to serve. Everything I need for fulfillment, for love, for purpose, for meaning, whatever  . . . you don’t need money, you don’t need fame.

“People get along without that all the time. You know what you need? You need some spiritual things that are lasting . . . You need something that reaches down into who you are. Not the circumstances. The things that are lasting are in Him.

“Find out what He would do in that situation and then do that and have a heart of obedience. When you build that skill set into your life of being able to respond to life as He would: ‘I’m going to do this as unto the Lord; I’m going to take what the Lord’s will is and I’m going to apply it to that.’


“Col. 3:25 says, ‘But he that doeth wrong shall receive for the wrong which he hath done: and there is no respect of persons.’

“Notice in verse 24, you’re going to receive, not the inheritance--you get the inheritance because you’re in the family. You’re an heir of God; a joint heir with Jesus Christ because you’re in the body.

“But there is a reward associated with the inheritance and there is a reward that you don’t receive, that you miss out on, if you don’t serve.

“There’s a position and reward IN the inheritance that a person could have had. Ephesians 1:21 says, ‘Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come.’

“That’s positions of government, activities that are carried out there in the heavens. But you see he says, ‘And every name that’s named.’

“I read that and I say, ‘That’s a strange thing to say.’ Because there’s some of them that he just doesn’t even name. We always think about CEOs and head guys, but then there’s just a whole bunch of other Joes. Everybody gets a job.”  

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