Saturday, March 16, 2013

Painting techniques

Jesus Christ will come out of the northern recesses of the universe at the rapture. In the Bible, the universe has a shape and size to it.

“You can take Genesis 1 and a pencil and piece of paper and draw the universe if you just take what it says the way it says it and write it down,” says Jordan. “If a dumb thump like me can do it, you can do it, but see people don’t think to take the Bible realistically like that. They’re always looking for little spiritual gems and forget to get the concrete reality out of it.

“Well, up there in the north is a planet called the Mount of the Congregation and it’s in the sides of the north and that’s the place where the judgment of God over the government of the universe is carried on and on occasion the courts of justice sit on that place and ‘the sons of god’ come to present themselves. The sons of gods in the Old Testament are angels.

“Job 38 will tie the rag on the bush for you: ‘Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.’ Boy, that’s a good question, isn’t it? ‘You think you’re so smart you got all the answers. Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth?’ You weren’t, that’s where!

“Verse 6: ‘Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof.’

 “Old Atlas got the world on his shoulders; that’s what the Greeks said. What’s he standing on? A turtle. Wonder what the turtle’s standing on? You say what’s it fastened on? What holds it out there? There are questions in chapter 38-39, about 35 questions there, that modern science doesn’t have any answers for.

“The Book of Job’s the oldest book in the Bible. First book in the Bible written. It predates Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, the writings of those books. Written far before the time of Moses. It’s got scientific questions and queries that some of the greatest brains in science down through the past 4,000 years haven’t been able to figure out.

“Why, you know one of the hardest things to do in the world is ask a good question. And the Lord asked Job some real good ones. You all bugs on science? Why don’t you bore your eyes out trying to figure out Job 38 and 39 and get the answers to them.

“People come along and say, ‘Well, the Bible’s not scientific.’ You answer these questions and then tell me that, would you?

“Verse 6 talks about the corner stone, when God created the heavens and the earth, and He hung the earth out there on nothing. When He did that the angels where there and they gave a big shout of joy and the morning stars sang together. In Rev. 1:20 the angels of those seven churches are identified as stars.

“In the Bible, angels are associated with stars. There’s something about an angel; he has to have light in order to function. They’re so closely associated with stars that a lot of time an angel is identified as a star in the Bible. There’s an affinity between those two things there.

“The son of God is someone who is the result of the direct creation of the hand of God. That’s why Adam is called the son of God.


“There is no birth in the Old Testament. That might shock you but there is no record in the Word of God anywhere that there is a new birth or a being born again in the context of John 3 or Titus 3 or Romans 8 or Ephesians 2; there’s no birth like that in the Old Testament anywhere. That is a new covenant blessing promised with the coming of the Spirit of God, so in the Old Testament there aren’t any people outside of Adam who are sons of God. The people who are the direct creation are the angels and they’re always men.

“I didn’t say all men were angels. Rev. 21:17 says, ‘And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.’

“The angels are always male and I say that so you know they’re not neutered and they’re not a bunch of long, blond-haired, blue-eyed pale looking crosses--half-things between men and women. People have them in long robes and some of them are just floating around in a fog, ethereal kind of a thing. That isn’t any angel at all.

“If an angel of God would sit in here tonight he’d scare the britches off of you he’d be so big. He’d be a beautiful looking 33-year-old man that’d have muscles on his biceps and he’d stand up there.

“You know how the world is and religion is. They’ve got this blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus running around, you know. Reddish-looking hair, little-bitty nose. You never seen a reddish-blond-haired, blue-eyed small nose Jew in your life. All that stuff is just a bunch of tommy rot. That Bible says that the Lord Jesus’s hair was black and bushy like a raven’s hair and His eyes were brown. The point is there’s more than meets the eye in all this stuff, see, so you want to be careful.

“ ‘. . . Thou saweset the stone was cut with.’ That stone is god’s stone. Who is God’s stone? The Lord Jesus Christ. I Cor. 10:4. The rock is Lord Jesus Christ. The rocks isn’t Peter. There’s a certain interpretation of this passage that says this rock is Peter because Jesus said, ‘On this rock I’ll build my church,’ and they’ve got their kingdom built on Peter but they got the wrong rock when they got Peter.

“Moses knew they were going to do that. Go to Deuteronomy 32 and notice Moses warns you about it 1,500 years before they did. Isn’t it interesting how the Bible gets a jump on people? You know, you keep studying the Bible and you hear all these people say, ‘Well, David did that and Moses did that.’ Why does it always stay ahead of everybody if it’s so outdated and outmoded?!

“I mean, if the Bible’s so archaic and you got to always have something new, why does the Bible always think so far ahead of people they can’t find out what it says? Lookee here. Deut. 32:30. This whole passage is on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ prophetically. Verse 36. Rock has sold them.

“You see that Rock with a capital ‘R’ set in relation to the Lord. The rock and the Lord are the same. The rock sold them because the Lord shut them up. Turned them over to their enemies. Notice 31. Now isn’t that a pip. The enemies of God got a rock and God’s got a rock and their rock is not our rock but they’re both rocks.

“Verse 37. You see they got a rock that’s associated with a religious system they’re trusting in. So it doesn’t surprise Bible believers when the Lord Jesus Christ sets that kingdom program aside that some old deluded, religious fanatic in the world’s religious system out there would run over there and grab Matthew 16:18 about the apostle of the circumcision and the rock and say, ‘On this rock . . . and I’m the rock.’ That ought not surprise you because Moses said, ‘Hey, when that Second Coming comes out over there, and that bunch of folks out there are posing Israel into that tribulation under that Antichrist, they’re going to have a rock, and it’s going to be the god they trust in; that’s the Antichrist and Satan.’

“The stone in Daniel is the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s God’s rock. In Matthew 21:42 notice there are three functions given to the Lord Jesus Christ in the capacity of being a stone in the New Testament.

“Verse 43. The rock is going to be a stumbling stone. That’s the first coming of Jesus Christ. It’s described in about a half dozen passages as Israel stumbling at that stumbling stone that was laid in Zion. And they stumble over Him and they fall and they’re broken because of that. But then the last part of that verse says, ‘But on whomsoever it shall fall it shall grind them to powder.’

“Now that’s the grinding stone, brother, and when it lands on you, it’s going to grind you to powder, he says. So you’ve got two functions. At the first coming of Christ, he’s the stumbling stone; he’s the rock of offense. Israel sees Him and they stumble over Him and fall. At the second coming, he’s a grinding stone. He comes down (Daniel 2:44) boom and grinds the gentile world powers to powder and destroys them.

“In I Peter 2:3 is the living stone. Verse 6. He’s the stumbling stone and rock of offense for the unbelievers. He’s a grinding stone to people at the second coming of Christ. But He’s a precious corner stone to people who believe. He’s the thing that holds the whole thing together and He caps it all off. To us who believe, He’s precious and like a jewel. He’s the grinding stone coming back to set up His kingdom.


Daniel 2:46 says, Then the king Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face, and worshipped Daniel, and commanded that they should offer an oblation and sweet odours unto him.’

“Nebby recognizes that the dream is the real one and he knows he’s got the right interpretation so you notice what he does—he falls down and worships Daniel.

“You know there’s something missing in that passage. There’s an angel over in Revelation 22, you know what he said, ‘Don’t worship me, man, worship God.’ And old Daniel, that fellow falls down and worships him and offers burnt offerings and sweet odors to him and you don’t read about Daniel every saying, ‘Stop, man, stop.’

“Folks, there’s not a blemish on Daniel’s record in all the Bible except that. And that reminds to say that that’s an illustration of Ecclesiastes 7:20 when it says ‘there’s not a just man on the face of the earth that doeth good and sinneth not.’ And the Bible, when it paints the saints in the Bible, it paints their sins and their shortcomings just like it paints the glowing side.

“Later on, you’ll see Daniel join the lion’s club over in chapter 6. The Bible paints that, shows the glory and victory he got over Leo and over the lion’s den. Brother, the Bible will show you the glory, but it will show you the dirt on their feet too. Just to remind you.

“There’s not one saint in the Bible I know anything about that doesn’t have at least one blemish on his record. It’s hard to find some of them. It’s hard to find the one on Daniel but that’s it. And that’s all there is.

“It’s hard to find one on Joseph. There’s not but one little small blemish on the life of Joseph. He’s a type of the Lord Jesus Christ in at least 150 different ways, the most perfect one in the Bible, and there’s only one little small blemish on his record, but it’s there and it reminds you, folks, that before you hold a guy up and make him a big shot, remember, we’re all flesh.”

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