Romans 5:19 makes clear, “For as by one man's
disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be
made righteous.”
Jordan says, “You’d have had to have had two heads if Adam
and Eve were equally co-separately created. Then the humanity that came from
them would come from two people, not one. Well, when God created the angels He
created every angel separate. That’s why they’re called ‘the sons of god.’
“They’re each one created as separate entities. God didn’t
just create an angel and then they procreated and made all the others. He created
all the angels separately and individually and distinctly so there’s no way
there could be one redeemer for all of them.
“You’d have to have millions of redeemers, each one for each
angel. So there’s no plan of redemption for the angelic host, and that hadn’t
come on the table--that wasn’t something the angelic host ever thought about
until God created Adam, and when He created Adam, those angels must have been
so curious and so confused and so eager to understand what God was doing that
they watched the man very carefully and that’s why they watch us still today.
“What you find is when you just let the Bible do the
teaching, what you come up with in creation is far different from what science
or science-worshipping churchmen come up with.
"When I tell you we can draw the universe on a piece of paper out of Genesis 1 and other passages, and I draw for you this rectangle, and tell you the universe looks like that, and that up here on the top of the universe is a thing called the ‘sea of glass,’ and up here on that is where the throne of God is and where New Jerusalem is, and where the city where God lives is (called the third heaven), and then down here in this container here (‘the deep’) there is where the universe where we have it today is, I know people think, ‘Kuckoo-kuckoo-kuckoo.’
"When I tell you we can draw the universe on a piece of paper out of Genesis 1 and other passages, and I draw for you this rectangle, and tell you the universe looks like that, and that up here on the top of the universe is a thing called the ‘sea of glass,’ and up here on that is where the throne of God is and where New Jerusalem is, and where the city where God lives is (called the third heaven), and then down here in this container here (‘the deep’) there is where the universe where we have it today is, I know people think, ‘Kuckoo-kuckoo-kuckoo.’
“Isaiah 40:21-22: ‘Have ye not known? have ye not heard?
hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the
foundations of the earth? 22] It is he that sitteth upon the circle of
the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out
the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:’
“So when I’m going to look for the earth in here, what kind
of a shape am I going to look for? The form’s going to be a circle and it’s not
going to be void; it’s going to have some inhabitants on it. God spreads out
the heavens as a tent to dwell in.
“When God created the universe there are various metaphors
that are used. One is that He put it on like a garment. What do you do with
your clothes? You wear them, don’t you? Don’t you live in them? They’re for
covering and they’re for you to dwell in. They’re what you work in and they’re
used to express yourself and so forth.
“God also describes the universe as building a tent that He’s
going to live in. Now, the operative issue here is living in it; dwelling in it.
It’s where He’s going to be. In the Bible, there’s a tent that God lives in. It’s
called the tabernacle. The tabernacle is a tent of skin.
“You know what kind of skin the tabernacle’s made out of?
Badger skin. That’s a mean, nasty, dirty old, ornery animal. You ever seen a badger?
Nobody ever wants to have a badger as a pet. They’re ornery.
“God’s going to live in a tent made out of an ornery, mean,
smelly, old rascal’s skin. Sound kinda familiar? You never thought of yourself
that way, did you? He lives in you. There’s a picture going on in that.
“The tabernacle in Hebrews 8-9 is said that Moses pitched
this tabernacle. God gave him exact instructions about how big to make it, how
wide to make it, what to put in it, how to position it, how to enter it. And
Hebrews says that the one that Moses pitched was made as a scale model of the
tabernacle that the Lord pitched—the true tabernacle.
“Well, where did the Lord pitch a real one? That’s it right
there! The universe. So the tabernacle in the wilderness, all those details of
all those things that when you read them you say, ‘What in the world are all
these details here?!’ like nobody understands what they are, what do they do,
and ‘why do I got to read this stuff?’ Some easy, nice story and suddenly there’s
all this---ooh.
“The reason is it’s a description of the universe. A scale
model. And I can tell you something that you could work on that would do you
more good than trying to figure out who’s going to win the Super bowl.
“If you spend a little time with your mathematical genius
and studied the Book of Exodus, and you studied it about that tabernacle, you
would literally get the information to know and to gauge and to measure the
universe in the model of that tabernacle. The means whereby these measurements
are there in the scale model done to scale.”
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