Two headlines across the screen to launch today's "The Five" show on FOX News: "Trump Goes Beast-mode" and "Trump's Monster Newser," meaning press conference.
Duck Dynasty-ish hat for Harris-Walz, as in AWOL AWALZ. "Ha, ha, ha," we're all supposed to say and think. The Jesuits' thought: "Politics is just a comedy show anyway, right? Smart Christians don't watch the news, do they? Why, that's a waste of time!"
I saw a headline in our local newspaper this morning, which is a notoriously liberal one as they all are, that said: "Kamala says 'Walz gives America What it Deserves' "
I immediately thought of the old slogan, "You get the government you deserve." Once again, mockery in our face!
The news clip they keep repeating from Trump's Newser: "We're in danger of BEING in WW III." Yeah, you think so?! But, of course, nobody does really.
Something today reminded me of "the Last Supper" at the Olympics. They said a pale horse with a rider passed through central Paris, along the river, I think, during the opening ceremonies, representing the passage in Revelation, and that's what the mainstream media even reported!
Well, from the pictures I've seen, the near-naked man that was on the platter for their supper was a PALE, even whitish blue. Was he their "Cremation of Care" (as in the California Bohemian Grove's annual coven that got underway for their first evening on the same earlier evening as Trump's assassination) effigy? Just a theory.
(I just thought of this. If Trump's assassination happened at 6:11 p.m., that was 3:11 p.m. their time. 311 is one of the "elites" top-secret-yet-out-in-the-open codes for disaster! Look it up if you don't believe me!)
NO matter how you want to look at the fact that the pale horse of the Apocalypse was supposed to be riding across central Paris, that is a definitive SIGN being given out by the "elites" that Western society is proceeding to go DOWN, as in down for the count!
From what I've gathered, all of this "takedown" is the Jesuits' "reclamation" of the Reformation!! They are in a war, whether we are or not, and their guess is we Christians just want to remain in "la-la land."
I would bet my last dollar (like it's going to be worth anything anyway!!!) that we are in for a huge downfall as a country. There's no stopping it now.
What I want to say to people who question my sincerity or my struggle in all that's occurring, is you try this out for yourself. You try telling the people you love most that all's NOT going to be well after Trump gets back in office and, in fact, we are heading into a full-blown collapse of everything we know, as a book from their own Jesuit people even states: "The Collapse of Everything," or whatever he named it, by good-old-boy-aw-shucks Victor David Hanson, the highly respected L.A. Historian heard often on the Dennis Prager Show.
I want you to know that I am willing to take my lumps, as they say. I had a very special, special friend die on me, as in her memorial service is this Saturday, who was only six years older than me and I am going to take that as a message from her, who I truly believe is in heaven right now, as, "Go Lisa."
In fact, as that just reminds me, when my dad suddenly died of an aneurysm a month after 9/11, I was taking a last-minute flight by American Airlines (who gave me 50 percent off for his sudden death!) out of LaGuardia and I saw on the wing, finger-written into its dusty top, "GO USA." The fingerprint was smeared enough that I thought it said, "GO LISA," and I saw that wing from my window seat throughout my flight to Cleveland, OH, to meet my family in the airport, waiting for my arrival!
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