Monday, May 20, 2024

Aligned Luciferians' unity vs. light

(new article tomorrow)

"Union is our strength; and for every private difference must be sunk in United Work for our great cause . . . Feel yourselves a vehicle of the whole humanity, and make it as part of yourselves and act accordingly." 

--Helena P. Blavatsky, "Five Messages to American Theosophists"

The singular word "unity," stolen from the Apostle Paul, is one of the primary calling card dog-whistle chants of the One World Antichrist forces on the right and left.

Russian occultist Madame Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society (1875) and considered the Grand Dame of Luciferianism, pushed the word at every turn. She is tremendously admired by secret societies and other aligning forces today.

Here's a funny line from a theosophy website: "The charge of 'Satan worshipper' is much more serious. For a full rebuttal of such a notion, we must urge the reading of Lucifer the Lightbringer."

The piece by goes on, "Considering the fact that Lucifer and Satan have come to be viewed as synonymous terms and names for the same entity, it is not too hard to see why our Christian friends have jumped to such a conclusion, seeing as the Theosophical magazine started in England in the late 1880s by HPB (Helena P. Blavatsky) was titled 'Lucifer' and that in her masterpiece work 'The Secret Doctrine' she speaks of Lucifer in positive and glowing terms.

But there are several important points which need to be understood…

#1. Christianity does not have a monopoly on the term “Lucifer” nor on its definition. The Christian concept and definition of the term “Lucifer” is merely the latest in a long line of definitions and interpretations of this pre-Christian term.

#2. The word “Lucifer” occurs only once in the entire Bible. This is in Isaiah 14:12, which says: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”

"Those who read this verse in its actual context will clearly see that the sentence is applied specifically to a certain Babylonian king who was an enemy in war of the Israelites. The original Hebrew text uses the word הֵילֵל which literally means 'bright star' or 'shining one,' a term applied sarcastically or mockingly by the Israelites to this particular enemy of theirs.

"The translators of the King James Version of the Bible – one of the chief of whom was the well known Rosicrucian initiate Dr Robert Fludd, a fact which will no doubt shock and horrify many Christians – chose to translate this word with the Latin word “Lucifer.”

#3. “Lucifer” literally means Lightbringer, Lightbearer, Bringer of Dawn, Shining One, or Morning Star. The word has no other meaning. Historically and astronomically, the term “Morning Star” has always been applied to the planet Venus.

#4. Since the only occurrence of the word “Lucifer” in the Bible is that one verse in Isaiah, there is absolutely nothing in the Bible which says that Lucifer is Satan or the devil. It was Pope Gregory the Great (540-604 AD) who was the first person to apply that passage of scripture to Satan and thus to equate Lucifer with Satan. But even then this notion didn’t catch on in a big way until the much more recent popularisation of John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” in which Lucifer is used as another name for Satan, the evil adversary of God.

"Also, such luminaries of the Christian world as Martin Luther and John Calvin considered it “a gross error” to apply Isaiah 14:12 to the devil, 'For the context plainly shows these statements must be understood in reference to the king of the Babylonians.' "


“The Unity of religions” is listed as one of the three original aims of the Theosophical Society. The first is “Universal Brotherhood” and last is “The investigation of the mysteries of the universe behind the laws of science.”

The website “Theosophy Forward” explains, “As Theosophists, to implement this ‘heaven’ in this century, we need to put aside historical and organizational differences, and recognize our unity. Otherwise, we could get caught in the trap of one organization struggling for power over the others.

“This unity is not only in the inherent metaphysics of nature, but also in the We can best work together by recognizing the divine unity in all humans, and the achievement of brothers and sisters of other Dharma who have helped humanity.

“For this idea of fraternity to directly impact the world, as The Great Master’s Letter affirms, we must set an example, not only of unity, but also of altruism to the enlightened minds of every race, creed, and nation."


As the Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 4:13, "Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ."

“Jesus Christ becomes the ‘first born from the dead’ so He might be the head of the Body, having preeminence not just in the earth, but in the heavenly places. So God’s got this one great plan to glorify Himself in two realms—the heaven and the earth," explains Richard Jordan.

“When God says He’s going to gather them together in one, everything’s going to think like the head thinks. You know how you ‘get together’? You all speak the same thing, think the same thing. The Body of Christ is the great example. As Paul says, 'Many members, yet but one body.' We have all this diversity, but we work together as one body.

“God’s purpose is to take His creation and turn it into a living manifestation of how He thinks, how He operates, how He responds, and He’s going to put it all under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ. Of course, the Lord’s going to be the brains of the outfit because He’s the head.

“He’ll be located in Planet Earth as the command center, but all through the universe, for Him to think it will be for you to do it. For Him to will it will be for you to accomplish it. And He’ll have this whole universe gathered together as one functioning unit.

 “Have you ever heard Jesus say, ‘If you’re not for me you’re against me?’ If you’re not with me you’re against me. What does that mean? If I’m with somebody, I’m in agreement with them. I’m thinking like they’re thinking. I’m with you; I’ve got you. That’s the way that word is used."


Here's an old post on light, sunshine:

An old, old hymn goes, "Sun of my soul! Thou Savior dear, It is not night if thou be near; O may no earthborn cloud arise To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes."

Another old hymn: "There's sunshine in my soul today, More glorious and bright Than glows in any earthly skies, For Jesus is my light."

Song of Solomon 5:10 reads, "My Beloved is white and ruddy, the chiefest of ten thousand."

"The meaning of the word 'white,' is dazzling, bright, illuminated by the sun, sunny.' Dazzling white, as the brightest sunlight. The meaning of the word, 'ruddy,' is 'red; to show blood.' "


In Matthew 17, when Jesus Christ was glorified on the Mount of Transfiguration, it’s said the light shone out of Him.

“When the light shines down and bounces out to you, that’s reflected light," says Jordan. "The moon’s reflected light. The sun—that’s self-generated. That light comes from within it.

“In heaven, you and I literally are going to have inside of us, in who we are, the light of the glory of God shining out through us. It’s not going to be reflected off of us, it’s going to be who we are.

“But isn’t that who we are now? He’s given the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ and deposited that in earthen vessels. And right now, we have it in that veiled form because of our lack of completion of our salvation. Out there in heaven, it’s going to be finished and that’s what God called you for.”

Here's yet another hymn, this one entitled "Sunlight" (circa 1897):

I wandered in the shades of night,
  1. Till Jesus came to me,
    And with the sunlight of His love
    Bid all my darkness flee.
    • Refrain:
      Sunlight, sunlight in my soul today,
      Sunlight, sunlight all along the way;
      Since the Savior found me, took away my sin,
      I have had the sunlight of His love within.
  2. Though clouds may gather in the sky,
    And billows ’round me roll,
    However dark the world may be
    I’ve sunlight in my soul.
  3. While walking in the light of God,
    I sweet communion find;
    I press with holy vigor on
    And leave the world behind.
  4. I cross the wide, extended fields,
    I journey o’er the plain,
    And in the sunlight of His love
    I reap the golden grain.
  5. Soon I shall see Him as He is,
    The Light that came to me;
    Behold the brightness of His face,
    Throughout eternity.

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