Thursday, November 2, 2023

A few outtakes

I was shocked to come across an interview snippet on YouTube in which legendary rock musician Alice Cooper (of all people) said, "Most people I know, young people, think Jesus Christ is a swear word. They have NO idea who Jesus Christ is. He's not preached enough. The most written about character of all time in history and yet people go out of their way to not believe in Him."

"Why do you think that is?" asks the reporter.

Cooper's answer: "I think it's because they don't want to give up their godship. They want it to be, 'I'm a good enough . . .' They believe the Hollywood version of, 'Oh, I do more good than bad.' That kind of thing and, boy, Satan's got you right where He wants you."


Here's an outtake from a podcast by an American Christian missionary (now living in his hometown of Pittsburgh) who's done extensive Bible-oriented mission work in very impoverished parts of Africa:

"Things are going to strike a lot closer to home because we've developed weapon systems that can reach around the world. Satellite and space capabilities that can reach us at home, cyber-capabilities, our power grids, all of our amenities can be REACHED by people from the other side of the planet.

"Our way of life is about to disappear and whether we're going to be able to walk through this difficult tough time is partially, are we going to be ready for it and partially, are we going to be able to adapt to the situations.

"Humans are amazing creatures. We can adapt to some pretty crazy things. Having moved overseas and living overseas, living in some rough conditions . . . Most of us are going to find ways to carry on, to survive, to adapt. We're going to be part of a society that's going to be trying to adapt all around us.

"Generations are made; they aren't just popped out of schools. The hardships are what forged generations into the characters they were. The Greatest Generation wasn't the greatest going into the Great Depression or World War II, but rather they were forged by those processes.

"The people who came out of those things were the people who had adapted to the hard times and so when good times came again, they remembered the hard times and they still lived in such a way that they were able to continue to overcome, and we're going to need a lot of toughening up across the board. 

"We have these situations that are at our doorstep and it's a scary thing to think that the invading army which potentially is going to cause us the greatest problems is already here.

"When you have millions of military-aged males who are not citizens, that are undocumented, and whether they're even employed is a grave concern to all of us. We can see that in the inner cities, in the dangerous areas, they are getting toughened up even more. What happens when they are no longer satisfied being in the rough areas, taking the crumbs from the government? 

"How many of them have come in under false pretenses? They came in looking like they were just after a job and a better opportunity but really they came in for nefarious purposes. They came in with hostile purposes.

"Say you have a million come in and only 200 of them have nefarious purposes--that can still really cause serious problems. Look at what 19 guys did in 2001 and you can see the damage that can be done by just a few people. There's a lot of damage that can be done in our country by people who are not loyal to our country, people who don't believe in the ideals we were founded upon and that we strive towards . . . " 

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