"Transhumanism is mind control to shift perception to a hybrid society. As perception shifts, the individual is homogenized into an amorphous 'public persona.' The term 'Public Health' is, itself a public relations term, created in 1913 when the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research (RIMR) tried to convince individuals to give up their power to an outside, unseen authority."--Roseanne Lindsay
“It’s not as fringe as many people think. Everyone from Klaus Schwab to Elon Musk to Mark Zuckerberg, these are incredibly powerful, incredibly influential people," said Joe Allen, a transhumanist agenda researcher. "These are not papers from obscure academics . . . These come from the UK Ministry of Defense, from Rand Corporation… one from NATO, and another comes from Samsung, so we’re talking about some of the top players, thinkers and influencers in not only the power structure of the government but particularly the military and also the corporate world . . . The common element is the drive toward Humanity 2.0 by using brain-computer interfaces to merge the human mind to artificial intelligences.”
"In Genesis 6, when the 'sons of god' came in and took these women for wives, they had progeny," says Richard Jordan. "Until recently, you just took that by faith. Now there's a transhumanist agenda. There's a group of scientists promoting the idea of taking non-human entities, implanting them into humans and making them what that verse says: 'the same became mighty men.'
Joel 3: [11] Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD.
"What did he call them in Joel? 'Thy mighty ones.' Satan had counterfeited that; they were mighty and they had a superior intellect.
"Satan has always sought to take humanity from God. The great illustration of that is Judas Iscariot. In John 13, Satan influenced the heart; he PUT into the heart of Judas to betray Christ, John 13:2 says. He influenced his thinking, his desires.
"But you go down to verse 27 in John 13 and it says that Satan ENTERED. He didn't just put it into his heart; he literally incarnated himself IN Judas because that's what Satan's desire is and that's why Judas is called the 'son of perdition' and the Antichrist is called the 'son of perdition.'
"They're both called the 'son of perdition' because the Antichrist, at the second half of the tribulation (in the first half he's called 'the man of sin'), is the beast that ascends up out of the bottomless pit.
"Satan has always sought to incarnate himself; take over, implant himself in God's creation.
Daniel 2: [43] And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
"That's exactly what you read about in Genesis 6. That's why Jesus says, 'As in the days of Noah so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.'
"When you see that mixing of their seed, clay in the Bible is a description of man. In fact, in Isaiah 64 it's specifically the description of the nation Israel, who is the personification of man.
"Iron in the Bible is connected with the fallen angels over and over and over again. What you have is a bunch of demonic supermen mingle with the seeds of men that produce supermen that will ruin with the Antichrist.
"My point is that what these armies are going to fight is a real genuine enemy and what God's assuring Israel is that He has the troops that can take care of that crowd.
"All this stuff that comes about in connection with the Antichrist, God said, 'I've got my mighty guys, too, and my mighty guys are stronger than your guys.'
"When the time comes, they're going to come out of heaven, they're going to chase Satan and all of his host out of the heaven and throw them down to the earth, and then come down here and deal with them.
"That's why this army in Joel 2, this supernatural army, is to fight a supernatural conflict--that's an invisible conflict behind the scenes that only the eye of faith is going to see.
"In the Book of Job, Job didn't see what you see in Job 1 and 2 until after the fact. He didn't know a thing about Satan appearing before God and God saying, 'Have you considered my servant Job?'
"When all that calamity happened to Job, he didn't know anything about that conflict going on, but there it was, and God knew Job's heart.
"We're at the end of the story now; we've got the whole book and we know what the behind-the-scenes issue is and in Joel 2, he's demonstrating to Israel, educating the Believing Remnant about how Armageddon is going to come and deal with the REAL enemy behind the scenes, and it's going to take the armies of heaven to accomplish that."
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