Saturday, January 28, 2023

Does Satan have direct access to God?

"People get concerned about how can Satan, who is evil, come before the Lord. You and I associate with lost people every day. The elect angels and the fallen angels associate with one another in the heavenly places every day.

"Until Satan's cast into the bottomless pit he's free to go out there and associate. You say, 'Well, how can he come in the presence of God?' Well, he did it just like in Job 1.

"He's not going to the third heaven but Satan's evilness, just like with lost people's evilness--they're not like cooties where you just go by and you get them like something's going to jump on you. It's a moral kind of thing and the issue of the righteousness of God.

"Satan's plan isn't going to stand, but God doesn't just go 'boom' and get rid of him; He has a plan to demonstrate that Satan's plan was unsuccessful.

"Satan's plan was he said, 'I deserve to be the most high God. I'm the wise one here. I've got the better plan.' You know the story in Ezekiel 28; he said he's 'wiser than Daniel; there's no secret they can keep from me.'

"If God back in Genesis had just snuffed him out, there would always be the idea in the angelic creation that God snuffed him out because he really was smarter. There'd always be that issue, so God's plan was to demonstrate the foolishness of Satan.

"He takes the wise in his own craftiness. He lets him work his plan out and then show how dumb it was.

"All He did was keep a secret about the forming of the Body of Christ in the heavenly places and it demonstrated the foolishness of Satan because of what Satan did in crucifying Christ. It allowed God to have a restoration plan to restore the whole thing back unto Himself."

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