The last thing God's finger did when He created was make Eve and she was a complete total person. It was Adam who was no longer whole.
Genesis 2 reports, [21] And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
[22] And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
[23] And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.
"People ask, 'Am I a complete person?' and the answer is a woman is, but a man isn't," says Jordan. "People say, 'We're all created equal.' No, no, no. In creation, God fixed it so we're not equal.
"By the way, ladies, you know why the man is the initiator, the pursuer? The woman stands there and she don't care if you come or not, but you can't stand it; you've got to go. Man's the pursuer because there's an incompleteness in him without her.
"Now, we have a total equality in Christ. There's not anyone up here and down there. We're all blessed with all spiritual blessings. The only difference in us is some of us have spent more time pursuing it, studying it, having a passion about it than others."
I came across a video posted today to You Tube entitled, Toxic Femininity, which gave the approach to truth from the masculine and feminine perspective. The speaker started, "We're not just talking about male and female biology. We're distinguishing between these two because quite frequently they come into conflict when a situation presents itself."
He continued, "When you approach a situation, the male mind wants to immediately grasp the reality; the truth of it. The female mind looks at something and says, 'Ooh, when we respond to this how is that going to make people feel?'
"Now, that's not bad. A follower of Christ takes truth and compassion and marries them together, but always ultimately in the service of truth.
"Toxic femininity is this extreme view that truth simply does not matter: 'We're just simply going to deny it. We'll lie about it, disregard it, ridicule it, whatever we have to do to advance the mindset that the only thing that matters is feelings, sentimentality, nostalgia . . .'
"When there's a flat tire, you know in your mind the objective standard of truth for this 'thing' that needs adjusting, correcting, fixing. Because I'm a guy and I'm oriented toward the truth I'm going to say, 'That's the truth and this needs to conform to it, so let's move this toward that.' That's how the male mind works.
"The female mind, not exclusive of that, takes in the emphasis, 'Well, how will this truth be received?' . . . She can be like, 'No, no, no, I don't need you to fix it; I just need you to understand.' He's like, 'But honey . . . ' She says, 'You guys just always want to fix things. I just want you to share in this with me.' "
(new article tomorrow)
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