The goal of the enemy since Genesis has been to gain possession of heaven and earth and join the two with Satan on the throne. This is the great hidden agenda; the great conspiracy.
“There’s a conspiracy out there all right; it's the one you read about in the Word of God!" says Jordan. “All that other stuff is just the chaff that falls off of the real one. The whole 'system' out there, satanically inspired, takes counsel TOGETHER against the Lord and His anointed. They’ve been doing that all along.
“People think, ‘I can know the things God’s trying to keep from me,’ when the reality is God isn’t trying to keep ANYTHING from you! He wrote it all in a Book for you! When you’re always looking for that conspiratorial thing back behind--
why, folks, the Bible is full of that guy’s (Satan) conspiracies."
“Genesis 6 informs, ‘Here’s what Satan's been doing since man started multiplying with Adam’s children,’ which means we’re back in Genesis 4. Genesis 6 doesn’t just happen over at the time of Noah.
“At the time of Noah, God’s going to do something about what Satan started when man began to multiply. Too often people think that when you get to Genesis 6, none of this ever happened UNTIL Genesis 6, but it was happening all along.”
"This supernatural help focused on something in particular: ‘They took them wives of all which they chose,’ and bare children to them.
DNA, or each person’s unique genetic blueprint/code, was tampered with and demonically corrupted at the beginning of humanity with Satan’s fallen angels.
“When God created Adam out of the dirt, Satan watched all that but there was something he couldn’t see," explains Jordan. "Genesis 2:7 says, ‘And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.’
“Satan couldn’t see the soul God created inside of this new creature. He could observe the process but he couldn’t see the spirit part going on.
“So Satan begins to study man and as he does . . . listen, when he talked to Eve and told her, ‘You’ll be like the gods,’ Eve knew they were there. She saw the angels on the earth. She knew the earth was populated by angelic creatures; she could see them! She knew they knew some things, else Genesis 3:5 (‘For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil’) wouldn’t have made any sense.
“These angels would appear, promising, ‘We’ve come down to help you. We’ve come down to help in the next step of societal evolution. We’ve come down to give you some advanced information.’
“They began to intermingle with man and the result of it was there were
'mighty men, men of renown.' They had intellectual capacity they passed onto man to do things people today still don’t know how to do!
“Our science technology today STILL can’t figure out how they built the pyramids, for example. They still can’t figure out the astrological movements and instructions of planetary movement found in Easter Island.
"There’s all kinds of things left over that we don’t understand how they did it. You ask, ‘How did they do that?!’ They had help!
"There’s all kinds of things left over that we don’t understand how they did it. You ask, ‘How did they do that?!’ They had help!
"This supernatural help focused on something in particular: ‘They took them wives of all which they chose,’ and bare children to them.
“When you have a child, the dad has 23 chromosomes and the mom has 23 chromosomes. You put them together and you’ve got 46 chromosomes that make up your DNA and the nucleus of the gene that makes up the chromosome that makes up you.
"So if the (angels) were having children, what were they meddling with?
"So if the (angels) were having children, what were they meddling with?
“Genesis 6 tells us 'Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.’ You see the first four letters of that word ‘generation’? Generations have to do with genetics. They have to do with a SEED line.
“Verses 11-12 say, [11] The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence. [12] And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
“There was an attempt to corrupt the genetic code of mankind so that man could not be used the way God intended to use man, but that Satan could use man to join heaven and earth together and create a new species that would do exactly what he wanted done.
“You see, genetic engineering didn’t start in the 21st Century. All this GMO stuff people think the scientists are so smart about, listen, that didn’t just all start right now. In Daniel 2, that image Daniel interprets the meaning of for Nebuchadnezzar, he tells Nebby about a fourth kingdom that’s going to come and it turns out to be the kingdom of the Antichrist.
“Daniel 2:42 says, ‘And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken.’ Who would 'clay' be in the Bible? Man. The term ‘clay’ is used in the Bible to describe two things: Adam and Israel. Iron in the Bible is associated with Satan and the fallen angels.
“The next verse says, ‘And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.’ When you start messing with the seed, you’re messing with genetics. My point is it’s already happened, but it’s going to happen again.
“In Daniel 7, it says the Antichrist is 'more stout' than any other person. His physical appearance was different than the normal man. He’s the ‘king of fierce countenance.’ He literally looks different, like a super version of a humanoid kind of a thing. Now it doesn’t work.
"In Psalm 139:15-16, David is describing the creation of man: [15] My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
"In Psalm 139:15-16, David is describing the creation of man: [15] My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
[16] Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.
“There was a point when David knew that when he was conceived (Psalm 51 says, [5] Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.) there was a book; God’s book in which everything David was going to be . . .
“Now we know that’s DNA today, but 50 years ago nobody knew what that was. When I was conceived in my mother’s womb, that first joining of those 46 chromosomes said I was going to have blue eyes, my daddy’s hands, my mother’s skull structure, on and on.
“When David says, ‘In thy book all my members were written which then just grew,’ he’s talking about the book of DNA that God wrote. Now, God wrote another Book and you’ve got it in your lap. What does Satan want to do with that Book? ‘We are not as many which corrupt the Word of God.’
“Jesus taught the parable in Luke 8 saying the ‘seed was the Word of God.’ You know what happens when you get saved? Jesus says the new birth is when God’s Spirit implants life into a dead spirit. Paul calls that 'regeneration'; when you were born of the Spirit of the God.
“James 1 says it was the ‘engrafted word.’ Literally, when you trusted Christ, God took His Spirit and engrafted Him into your, I’ll say it like this for an illustration, ‘spiritual DNA,’ and became one with you at a level that is comparable to becoming one with you in your DNA physically.
“Satan’s goal is to form a creation that unites HIM with creation—heaven and earth with HIM as the boss; with HIM on the throne, but it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work in Genesis and it doesn’t work in Revelation. It’s a failure. Just like you can’t corrupt that Book, he can’t successfully corrupt mankind. You know why?
“In Matthew 24, Jesus said, ‘And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.’
“So you know what He does? He shortens them. That’s why the tribulation’s 70th week only lasts seven years and, in that part of it, only 1,240 days. Because if what Satan put into motion there were allowed to run its normal course, all of humanity’s flesh would be corrupted, but God won’t let that happen. He’ll stop it. And He stops it by the Word of God coming, the Lord Jesus Christ (Revelation 19) coming from heaven to destroy the Adversary.”
(new article tomorrow)
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