Saturday, December 1, 2018

Calling in the Federal Headship

It’s always interesting to hear what an unsaved person’s take on a famous Bible verse is. The other day I was listening to the Dennis Prager Show in the background as I cleaned out a basement for a friend and he announced that for his upcoming “male-female hour” he had “a very, very different subject and a somewhat risky one because the age in which we live is so radically secular that to ever cite the Bible in a non-religious environment is to risk ridicule.”

Of course, at that point he had my full attention. He prefaced the unveiling of this out-on-a-limb topic by assuring the audience his conservative radio program offered “the MOST honest talk about men and women in the American media.”

Then came a Bible verse: “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” This was the subject--Genesis 2:18!

Calling it ‘brilliant’ that God chose to put things the way He did, Prager insisted the Hebrew translation of ‘help meet’ meant “helpmate who is his equal.” He reasoned, “It sounds contradictory, doesn’t it? If you’re a helper, how are you an equal? But that’s the beauty and the profundity, and I think that makes for the happiest relations between a man and a woman.”

Prager quoted an old line of his that he said was very important: “The woman wants to admire the man she loves and the man wants to be admired by the woman he loves.”

Biblically, God created Eve for the purpose of providing a wife for Adam. God Himself created marriage as an institution for the basic fundamental functioning of humanity on the planet.

“The word ‘meet’ in help meet means ‘qualified,’ ” explains Jordan in an old study I have on the topic. “You take your fingers and put them together and they meet. They come together. The idea is, ‘I’ll make him a helper; somebody to come alongside who’s qualified and capable of being exactly the help he’s going to need to enable him to fulfill the purpose for which I created him.’

“Well, He takes Adam out there and shows him all His creation and he didn’t find a help meet so God opens him up. I love what verse 21-22 in Genesis 2 says: [21] And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
[22] And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

“People say, ‘Don’t you know men and women are different?' That verse says He took the rib out of man. If you take something out of something, what did you do? There was something in Adam that was there to start with that God took out and then it wasn’t there anymore!

“A guy wrote the book, ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus,’ and made millions of dollars and is retired in Hawaii today.


“Did you make the air you breathe? No, somebody else did. You’re a dependent creature and need to live in dependency upon others.

“That’s the way God lives, not solitary, but He lives in a fellowship. He never lives for Himself. He lives for the honor of His Son. The Son lives for the honor of the Father and the Spirit lives for the honor of the Son. They all live for one another.

“If God had created Adam out of the dirt and then Eve out of the dirt, He would have had two humans directly created by Him. When they sinned, He would have then had to have two Redeemers—one for each one.

“He took Eve out of Adam so there would be only one blood, one head of the human race, one source from which all of humanity came. Therefore there can be one Redeemer for all of humanity. We call it the ‘Federal Headship.’

“The reason He took Eve out was so Adam would always live in dependency for his fullness on someone else. He could learn to live as God lives, for the good of others.”

(new article tomorrow)

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