“Even when a lie is presented with
a disclaimer, people often later remember it as true,” informs a New York
Times op-ed column on the subject. “With time, this misremembering only
gets worse. A false statement from a non-credible source that is at first not
believed can gain credibility during the months it takes to reprocess memories
from short-term hippocampal storage to longer-term cortical storage. As the
source is forgotten, the message and its implications gain strength.”
Obviously you can see the biblical
implications. That’s why you hear all kinds of outrageously untrue statements
about what the Bible really says. People listen to other people’s lies and
don’t remember what they once knew as fact from God’s Word.
"In the Bible, truth
is more than just being right all the time; it’s the ultimate basis of reality," says Jordan. "What makes what’s real? God.
“You know that coffee table is
solid, but at the atomic and sub-atomic level it isn’t. Well, what’s reality really made of? In Scripture, the ultimate source of
what’s real—not illusionary, but what’s real—is who God is.
“There’s a scene in one of the
Indiana Jones movies where, at the end, everything resolves itself; they figure
out the mystery they’re looking for in the crystal and Indy asks, ‘Well, did
they go out into space?’ The other guy says, ‘Yes, the space between things.’
“You know that what he’s talking
about is not outer space. You take an atom
and it’s got all these neutrons,
protons and electrons that circle. Well, what’s between all that?
The thing you notice more and more
about yourself as you study and try to apply God’s Word is how much you lie to
The more the lie is subconsciously
reinforced in the brain the harder it becomes not to buy into it as truth on a
physical-emotional level where it actually debilitates you in a very real way.
Paul writes in I Thess. 2: 13, “For
this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the
word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as
it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh
also in you that believe.”
Jordan asks, “How do you get where
the truth effectually works inside of you, and produces its work in you so when
your feet hit the ground you’re off doing what God’s Word says you should be
doing? How to you get from where it’s stuff you just know in your head to stuff
that lives in your life?”
He answers, “There’s one word and
it’s not religion. It’s not rules or regulations; performance systems. Look at
what the word is—believe.
“You know what the long and the short
of it is, folks? When you read a verse of Scripture and it says that this
action and attitude ought to be the action and attitude you take as a Believer,
because you’re a Believer—because you’re complete in Christ and you know who
you are—it should be, ‘This is the way I will live my life on a daily basis;
this is how God would live and act in me.’
“When you don’t do that, you know
why you don’t do it? Because you don’t believe the verse! That’s all there is
to it! There’s not any other excuse. You’ve got misplaced dependencies; your
confidence is not in God’s Word; it’s not in who God’s made you in Christ. It’s
in you or someone else and what you want and not what God wants.
“You want the verses to work in
your life? Believe. That’s all you got to do. The only response grace will
accept is faith and when you believe the verses, you know what they’ll do?
They’ll transform your life into what they say. The reality of what they say
WILL work in your life.
“Your emotions are designed to
respond (that’s why there’s the word motion) and God has
built you so a part of your inner man’s designed to put into motion the things
that your heart and your mind have chosen to do.
“But the order is facts first. Then
you have to faith in the facts. And once you have faith in the facts, it will
produce some fruit. And the fruit will then produce the feeling.
“You have to have it in that order,
because until your faith rests in the reality of the facts, those facts can
never go to work in your life. They’ll just be rolling around in your head.
When your faith rests in them, your faith in those facts releases the power of
that truth and it works effectually in you that believe.”
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