“And I wept much, because no man was found
worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look
thereon.”--Revelation 5:4
In Jesus Christ’s day, “most of the
masses were careless listeners (much like today) for they were willing to
listen to hearsay rather than check out the facts for themselves,” writes R.
Dawson Barlow in his 2005 book The Apostasy
of the Christian Church.
first occurrence of the word “read” in the King James Bible, where somebody is
physically reading something, is in Exodus 24:7: “And he took the book of the
covenant, and read in the audience of the people: and they said, All that the
LORD hath said will we do, and be obedient.”
Jordan says, “Notice Moses
writes the words down in a book. He sprinkles the book, but before he does, he
READS the w-o-r-d-s. You see, it’s important in the Bible that you read the
“When Moses describes to Israel about
what they’re to do when they enter into the ‘land of promise,’ one of the first
things he tells them (Deuteronomy 17) is that when the king ‘sitteth upon the
throne of his kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of
this law in a book out of that which is before the priests the
[19] And it shall be with him, and he shall read
therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear the LORD his
God, to keep all the words of this law and these statutes, to do them.’
“If you want God’s Word, the truth
of who you are in Jesus Christ, the life of Christ, to work in you, you need to
get into READING. If you want who God has made you—He called Israel to be somebody
and if that was to work in them, they had to get those w-o-r-d-s, read them all
the days of their life so those words would work in them.
“You don’t operate simply on your
memory. You don’t operate on what you heard a teacher or preacher say. You sit
and read the words yourself.
“When Moses dies and Joshua takes
his place of leadership, God advises, ‘Be strong and of good courage.’
He says in Joshua 1:8, ‘This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt
meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all
that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then
thou shalt have good success.’
“You see, they’re to take that
book, they’re to read it, they’re to meditate on it, they’re to think about it,
they’re to fill their mind with it.
“Joshua 8:34 says, ‘And afterward
he read all the words of the law, the blessings and cursings, according to all
that is written in the book of the law.’
“When they’re going to be led into
blessing, led into the land, they’re going to be corrected for their
misbehavior, they’re going to look at verses in their Bible and read them. It’s
that important, folks.
“By the way, this BOOK that Moses
starts writing; it just keeps growing. He keeps adding to it. God is writing
His Word, growing His Word, adding Scripture to it.
“Joshua 24:26 says, ‘And Joshua
wrote these words in the book of the law of God, and took a great stone, and
set it up there under an oak, that was by the sanctuary of the LORD.’
“The verses are showing you there’s
this BOOK and they’re reading it and the Book is why it’s important. Now that’s
why there’s a Book, by the way.
“The Lord says in Isaiah 30:8, ‘Now go, write it
before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to
come for ever and ever.’
“The reason the emphasis is so much
on that Book, and reading the Book, is because God designed His people to be People of a Book; of a written record of
His Word.
“I remember the first time I read
through the Koran, and I had asked my neighbor to ‘get me a copy of the Koran
that you guys use.’ I had gone and gotten the one that Arthur Arberry did and I
didn’t know whether it was right or not. If you get a translation of somebody’s
scripture you want to find the one that the people doing it want.
“I told myself, ‘I’m going to read
this through at least 6-8 times so I have a little information in my head about
what’s in it.’ Thomas Carlyle said reading the Koran was the most vain effort
there is to read and he was right. It’s a confusing kind of thing.
“Read it 4-5 times and you begin to
see there really is no pattern to it, but I was struck by how, over and over,
they refer to Christians and Jews as ‘The
People of the Book.’
“That’s who we are. God wrote a
Book. Now, that’s why READING it is important, because the reason you’re
reading is you’re reading the Book that contains the w-o-r-d-s of God.
“God didn’t say to listen to DVDs
and CDs; He said, ‘Read the Book.’
“Now there’s a listening and
hearing issue too, but it starts with the reading. Why does Isaiah 30:8 say to
note it in a book? ‘That it may be for the time to come for ever and ever.’
Notice they are to take the word God gave them (through the prophet) and write
it in a book so it can be preserved for the future.
"In theological circles,
there’s a great discussion about inspiration. II Peter 1:20-21 says, ‘Knowing this first, that no
prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
[21] For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy
men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
“Notice it didn’t say they wrote as
they were moved. It said they SPAKE. See that? Romans 16:22 reveals, ‘I
Tertius, who wrote this epistle, salute you in the Lord.’
“Wait a minute, I thought Paul
wrote Romans?! I thought Paul said, ‘Read what I write and you’ll get
understanding’? Does that mean Romans doesn’t fit if this dude Tertius wrote
it? What’s the deal there?
“Paul didn’t write most of his
epistles. In Galatians 6, he writes, ‘Ye see how large a letter I have written
unto you with mine own hand.’
“It’s only six chapters. But
evidently he had some problems with his eyes and he didn’t actually do the
penning. He spoke, and as he dictated, Tertius wrote it down.
“But the verse says ‘holy men of
God SPAKE as they were moved.’ So where was the inspiration? In spirit, in
breathing; that’s talking. Then they
record in written fashion the w-o-r-d-s. You know what the recording is? That’s
preservation of what’s spoken. There’s inspiration and preservation in one
“It’s fascinating that you take the
average doctrinal statement of the average church, and the average Christian
institution since the turn of the 20th Century,
and they talk about the Bible. They say, ‘We believe the Bible was given by
inspiration of God.’
“And they talk about verbal,
planarian inspiration and dynamics in the original autographs. You know what
the problem with that is? You’ve never seen an original autograph. You’ve never
seen an original copy. The book Paul wrote to the Ephesians, you never saw the
original. Most people didn’t. What did they see? Copies.
“Well, if it was only inspired in
the original, what have you got now? By their definition, you have an
uninspired bible. You say, ‘Well, that’s not good.’
“Now when you go out and raise that
question, these people blow their stack at you and they say, ‘Well, you’re one
of those ‘King James Only’ people.
“The point is God wrote His Word,
He spake it and it was written down, and was designed to be preserved. How long
did Isaiah 30:8 say it was meant for? Why did he say to go write it down? So it
could be preserved for the next generation and the next generation.
“It’s still as much His Word after
it’s written down as it was when it came out of Paul’s mouth. The scholars say
Tertius is Paul’s ‘amanuensis.’ I love that title. That’s just means it’s his
secretary. That’s a just a big fancy definition for ‘he’s taking dictation.’
You can’t charge somebody $50,000 for an education if you don’t teach them big
“What Tertius is doing is
preserving for you the inspired w-o-r-d-s God gave through Paul. By the way,
look at Romans 16:26: ‘But now is made manifest, and by the scriptures of the
prophets, according to the commandment of the everlasting God, made known to
all nations for the obedience of faith.’
“If God’s Word is to be made known
to all nations, what would that require? It’s going to require that it be translated.
You remember that verse in Zechariah 8 where he says that ‘ten men shall take
hold out of ALL languages of the nations’?
“God knows there’s all these
different languages and if His Word is designed to be made known to all
nations, He doesn’t tell all nations, ‘Come learn this language.’ He says,
‘Take my Word and put it into the languages of the nations.’
“If you go back and study doctrinal
statements before the turn of the 20th Century,
you know what you find they say? They don’t say God’s Word is found in the
originals only. They say God’s Word was found in the originals and then
preserved through history, designed to be translated into the languages of the
“In fact, the Westminster
Confession, the great old confession that everybody says is supposed to be the
standard of everything, says that His Word is designed to be preserved PURE
through all generations. God is going to preserve His word through history in
written form, through copies, translating. It’s designed so it can be permanent
and precise.”