Thursday, May 3, 2018

War of w-o-r-d-s escalating, tilting left

Attending college at Ohio State in the mid-1980s, I had a double-major in journalism and political science. I remember seasoned professors in both these respected schools at the university lamenting the fact that our culture was abandoning vocabulary-building and w-o-r-d consumption for slogans, catchphrases, buzzwords, tag lines, images, etc.

In a new video uploaded to PragerU, entitled “Control the Words, Control the Culture,” conservative political commentator Michael Knowles argues, “Words exist so that we might discriminate one thing from another. Without words, we have chaos . . .  Words shape how we think; they color how we view the world.

“No one understands this better than the left. They are the masters of words. Because they know that words matter.
“The left has a special gift for euphemisms—soft words selected to sugarcoat harsh realities so as to make those harsh realities easier for us to swallow. But these soft words are insidious. Their sole purpose is to deceive . . .
“Let’s not get into the politics; let’s just look at the language. Throughout history, in every culture, marriage has been the union of husbands—men, and wives—women. ‘Same-sex marriage’ is the union of men with men or women with women, but it is most certainly not the union of husbands and wives.

“Once the phrase ‘same-sex’ was placed before the word marriage—that is, once the definition of marriage changed, the debate changed. It became about ‘marriage equality.’ It was suddenly an act of bigotry to limit marriage to husbands and wives. 

“All this manipulation of language has paid off for the left, because whoever controls the words controls the culture.

“Don’t believe me? Just try using plain language instead of the left’s politically-correct jargon. But be careful. Use 'the wrong words' and you might lose your job, your home, and your reputation.

“The culture war is largely a war of words. Right now, the left is winning. You can see the consequences everywhere: in politics, in education, in media.”

With application to the “last days” before the Rapture, Paul, at the end of his life and ministry, warns Timothy: “The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.”

Referring to the Rapture, Jordan says, “I tell you what, before this thing’s over with, the whole Body of Christ is going to be in apostasy, departed from the faith. That doesn’t mean ‘getting lost,’ but they will be departed from the doctrine.”

In II Timothy 4:2, Paul exhorts Timothy, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.

“Paul is saying, ‘Stick with preaching, Tim!,’ explains Jordan. "Paul tells him that when the people won’t endure sound doctrine (because of a lack of tolerance and hunger for it) they’re going to want the media. They’re going to want fables; dramatizations, stories.


“In Paul’s day they had drama; they had the traveling minstrels and all kinds of other dramatic things. If fact, it was an educational tool in his day.

“But throughout his epistles, Paul talks about preaching. There’s a communication of words that's required. The reason for that is events don’t meaning anything until you explain them, and to explain them you’ve got to use what? Words.

“You got to understand, preaching is preaching because the Word of God wants to confront ideas, truth and thoughts; not your emotions first.

The first connection with the Bible is with your head. ‘Out of the heart are the issues of life.’ It wants to connect with your inner man and who you are and as you think.

“Your emotions come after that, and if they come or they don’t come, the issue is truth; what does something mean. Where’s the meaning and the purpose in something?


“Galatians 3:1 is a fascinating verse in regard to what we’re talking about. Paul tells the Galatians that somebody’s come along and cast a spell on them; fooled them with sleight of hand.

Your emotions are dumb. They believe whatever the signals your mind’s giving them are real. Do you realize that? Your emotions believe anything your mind is thinking. That’s why you have so much trouble with life—the way you look at your circumstances; the way you look at what’s happening in your life.

“If you think about it one way, your emotions respond that way. If you think about it another way, your emotions will respond another way. So what’s happening in your life really isn’t the issue; it’s how you’re responding to it. What are you thinking about it? Are you thinking sound doctrine or are you thinking error?

“Paul says, ‘Who has bewitched you? Who’s come in and put error in your mind that’s cast a spell over you and completely carried you away from truth so you don’t obey the truth anymore?’


“Notice he writes, ‘O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?’

“Now, they weren’t there when Jesus died so how was He evidently set forth before their eyes? Through Paul’s preaching of the Word. Paul came in there and preached the gospel of Christ. He preached the grace of God and brought that information about what it was.

“You see, the preaching of the Cross is not describing the gory goo and the events; it’s telling you what it means—telling you the spiritual issues God accomplished through the death and resurrection of His Son.

“Paul came in and set forth before them that information so clearly that the doctrine of the Cross—the doctrine of the gospel—was MORE impactful on them and their understanding than if they had been there in person looking at it!

“That verse describes the impact that sound doctrine is to have on your understanding. You’re going to understand more about what took place than if you were actually there, historically present!

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