Monday, December 11, 2017

Santa knows who he really is

 A good Christmas trivia question is, "Where is Santa Claus in the Bible?" Zechariah 2:6 reads, "Ho, ho, come forth, and flee from the land of the north, saith the Lord: for I have spread you abroad as the four winds of the heaven, saith the Lord."

“This is God calling Israel back to Jerusalem for Jesus Christ's return to set up His kingdom, and when He does, He says, 'Ho, ho,' ” explains Jordan. “He's not Jolly Old St. Nick; He's 'Jolly Jehovah'! He's excited about regathering Israel and putting them back into their land.

“People get this idea of God being an ogre, but the Bible talks about God being the happy God—the God, who when He sees His purposes being accomplished, shouts, ‘Ho, ho.’


It seems nothing could be more obvious than the underlying Satanic-counterfeit theme to Santa Claus. If you simply take the name Santa and make an anagram (where you confuse the letters to hide a word), moving one letter, you get Satan.

As for the name Claus, Jordan explains, “Who has claws? Doesn't a cat have claws? Did you ever read that verse that talks about Satan going around as a ‘roaring lion seeking whom he may devour’?


“Revelation 1:14, talking about the Lord Jesus Christ, says, ‘His head and his hairs were white like wool.’ So what kind of hair does this other guy have?

“Verse 15 says, ‘And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace.’ When this other guy comes to your house, what does he come down? The chimney. Did you ever look up the word ‘chimney’ in the dictionary? It means ‘a furnace of fire.’

“Isaiah 63:2, talking about the Lord Jesus Christ coming, says, ‘Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel.’ You got a guy in red clothes with white hair, shouting "Ho, ho, ho" when he's coming.


"Look at what Deuteronomy 33:26 says about the Lord Jesus Christ when He comes back to establish His kingdom: [26] There is none like unto the God of Jeshurun, who rideth upon the heaven in thy help, and in his excellency on the sky.

“By the way, if you notice verse 24, it says, ‘And of Asher he said, Let Asher be blessed with children; let him be acceptable to his brethren.’

“Asher was first the name given Leah’s boy back in Genesis when she said, ‘Happy am I, for the daughters will call me blessed.’ Asher in the Bible means ‘happy.’

“So when the happy God comes to accomplish His purpose, you know how He comes back? He's riding in the sky from the land of the north.


“In Matthew 7:7, when Jesus Christ's speaking to the ‘little flock’ in Israel, talking about that future time when He comes riding in the heavens to establish His kingdom—He says to that kingdom group of saints, ‘Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.’

“You take your kids down to the mall and what do you tell them to tell Santa? You say, ‘Tell him what you want.’ Because whatever you want, he'll give it to you.

“In Genesis 18, the question's asked, ‘Is anything impossible with God?’ Whatever you want, this dude will get you.

“In Matthew 28, Jesus said, ‘All power in heaven and earth is given to me.’ It’s said of Santa, ‘Well, he knows everything. He knows when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows when you're bad, he knows when you're good. He's making a list and checking it twice.’

“Revelation 20:12 says men are going to stand before God and the books are going to be opened, and they're going to be judged out of the things written in the books. God's got a list, too!

“Gets kind of spooky, doesn't it? Think somebody's trying to counterfeit something along the way here?!


“Psalm 102 talks about God being ‘throughout all generations.’ Every generation going back for what seems like forever has had Santa at Christmas.

“Titus 2:13 says, ‘Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.’ Don’t the kids get all excited and even wait up for Santy Claus’ coming?

“By the way, in John 10:42, it says about Christ ‘many believed on him.’ What you have to do with kids is tell them to believe in Santa Claus.

“I used to tell my kids, ‘If you want Santa Claus to bring it to you, let him bring it, but there's no big fat guy in a red suit with a white beard going to get credit for what I spent my money on.’


“The most important time in the life of a person to reach them with the gospel is when they're children. It's the most fertile time, but it's also the most important time.

“Why would you want your kid to have to lose an arm first, as it were, before they came to Christ and learned to have His life live in them?

“Little kids are impressionable. I've heard testimony after testimony from people who say, ‘When I grew up, the stuff I was learning about God, and Jesus, and all of that, it was just like all this Santa stuff. I gave up believing in God and Jesus when I gave up believing in Santa Claus. It was all just the same fantasy.’

“When we talk about the incarnation of Christ, or His crucifixion and resurrection, we're talking about historic realities; things that happened in history that prove God's love is not a hoax or a fantasy.

“Your faith doesn't rest on a pathetic echo from the bygone past; it rests upon historic realities that are as real in history as you sitting in this room this morning. The only real ‘Ho, ho, ho’ is God Himself rejoicing in what He's doing in His Son, not some costumed, bearded clown dunce trying to get your money or your soul.”

(new article tomorrow)

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