“The latest
incarnation of man's rebellion against God is the transhumanist movement,”
informs a Christian website. “Many within the movement believe the singularity
will lead to the emergence of ‘post-biological humans’ who are able to shed
their biological bodies and ‘upgrade their hardware.’
“Others believe
that by downloading themselves into a network, they will effectively become
‘immortal.’ True believers have modified their diets, exercise regimens, and
entire lifestyle in an effort to increase the likelihood of living to witness
human reversal of the aging process and eventual human ‘immortality’ . . .
“Believing this
event will usher in a new era for the human race in which limited mortals
transcend their biological bodies and set out to conquer the universe,
transhumanist anticipation of the singularity is comparable to Christian
anticipation of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.”
Here is an old blog post on the subject:
Genesis 6:1 presents a passage that describes a transgenic kind of an issue:
“That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they
took them wives of all which they chose.”
Jordan explains, “If angels in heaven do not marry or give in marriage, why
would they have any sexual interest in the daughters of men? When it says they
saw ‘that they were fair,’ the thought would be they were good-looking and that
they were attracted to them, but since angels don’t have a sex drive, and they
would have no pro-creation ability, this would not be an issue to them.
“One of the mitigating factors there is they could see men and women, and
they could see them having a good time, and want to enter into that. But when
you study the verse really carefully it really isn’t talking so much about
“The Hebrew word for ‘fair’ is literally the idea of a ‘fit extension.’ It’s
the idea of being an acceptable or good host in which to implant yourself. The
verse says 'they took them wives.'
"Now when you take somebody, you’ve heard of
alien abductions, they didn’t go in and court the women and win them; they TOOK
them. Just the terminology tells you this is an involuntary kind of a thing. It
was not mutual consent; they came in and took them.
“The indication here is they begin to enter into this genetic
experimentation and they begin to work with the genetic mutations with man and
they create a mutant life form. Genesis 6:4 says, ‘There were giants in the
earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the
daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men
which were of old, men of renown.’
“Notice it says there were giants in those days and after that. That’s
important. It didn’t just happen before the Flood; the same genetic
experimentation happened after the Flood.
Jude verse 6 gives little bit of understanding of how this could take place:
‘And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own
habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the
judgment of the great day.’
“Their first estate was in heaven. These guys leave their original estate,
leaving their own habitation. They had a habitation that God had built for them
to live in. What Jude’s describing is these angelic beings using created matter
to embody themselves in. People argue angels did not have a seed to create
children with but the point in Jude is they left where they didn’t have it and
came down here and took upon another form so they could have it.
“In fact, in the next verse says, ‘Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the
cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and
going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the
vengeance of eternal fire.’ Do you remember what was going to happen in Genesis
19? These two angels come with Lot and the guys in town come and they want to
take these two men (angels) and we get the term sodomy from Sodom because they
wanted to have homosexual relationships with them. Lot offers them his
daughters but they wanted the guys.
“Before you get all fired up about the angels not having a seed, notice that
Satan has a seed. Gen. 3:15: ‘And I will put enmity between thee and the woman,
and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt
bruise his heel.’ Satan comes to Eve as a Brad Pitt kind of guy. Notice Satan’s
seed is going to function among humanity. That’s what Jesus Christ is referring
to when he says of the Pharisees, ‘Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers.’ They
were a group of people who were spiritually generated and produced, had their
origin from Satan. I John 3:12 says, ‘Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one,
and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were
evil, and his brother's righteous.’
“Notice Cain was OF, produced BY that wicked one. You know why people say
prostitution is world’s oldest profession? They say that because the old wives’
tale is that Satan and Eve had sex in the Garden and that that was the Original
Sin. And that he seduced her and fathered Cain. In Genesis 4, Eve says, ‘Behold
I’ve gotten a man from the Lord.’ The idea is he was the father of Cain. This
is the verse they use for that. But that isn’t what those verses are talking
“If Cain was a physical son of Satan, his brother Abel was Adam’s son. Then
the descendants of Cain, and the genetic contamination that would have taken
place because of that, would have to somewhere still be here today. If you read
about the human genome and DNA, 97% of the genetics in DNA is non-codable. Only
about 3% of the DNA we’re using is codable and so what people then say is,
‘Well, 97% is the alien DNA from the wherever.’ You could run this stuff off to
the place where it gets to be a little too much with the speculation.
“When it says ‘Cain is of that wicked one,’ Cain bought into the lie
program, and just as Satan was the spiritual father of Israel’s leaders in John
8, and they were OF that wicked one, Satan was their father. Cain was the very
first Pharisee, the progenitor of those birds who wanted to kill Christ and
Jesus identified him that way in Matthew 23.
“So it’s a spiritual parentage when he’s talking about the seed, but it’s
interesting that Satan does have prodigy. It’s not like he doesn’t have
children. He certainly does. He has prodigy.”
This idea of the mingling, the genetic engineering, as observed in Genesis
6:4, is the result of the genetic experimentation and engineering between ‘the
sons of god’ and the daughters of men producing a mutant life described as
giants in the earth.
“These were men of greatly enhanced intelligence, enhanced strength,
enhanced size and also some really weird things otherwise,” confirms Jordan.
“When you start having genetic mutations, odd things come. In Deuteronomy
3:11, for example, this giant’s bed was 12 feet long and six feet wide. He must
be 10-11 feet tall and three-feet wide. The point is he’s uncharacteristically
large. When you read about these giants you see the genetic engineering
produced a lot of misfires in the mutant forms that they took. Goliath was a
big guy and very skilled, strong, adaptive. He wasn’t just a freak in size.
“II Samuel 21:20 reveals, ‘And there was yet a battle in Gath, where was a
man of great stature, that had on every hand six fingers, and on every foot six
toes, four and twenty in number; and he also was born to the giant.’ II Samuel
23:20 says that ‘Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, the son of a valiant man, of
Kabzeel, who had done many acts, he slew two lionlike men of Moab.’
“In the Apocrypha’s Book of Enoch it talks about angels experimenting with
animal genetics. So they weren’t just doing it with humans evidently; the
common lore is it was also with animals. Well, that would explain for you some
of what’s going on in II Samuel where you would have the successful corruption
of the species barrier.
“You remember in Genesis God says every species will reproduce ‘after its
kind’? So He created a barrier and they’re trying to bridge that barrier and
produce some mutations that would be beyond that normal-species barrier between
normal reproduction. And the intelligence, the instincts that they would be
trying to create . . . you now see in sci-fi stuff even today, in fact in the
last few years you read about how to produce the ultimate soldier and they try
to breed into a person the ability to have the eyesight of a cunning
sharp-vision animal creation. It involves the senses and so forth and that
isn’t anything new.
“People tend to think about men in Genesis as if they were all cave men with
clubs going out and bumping gals in the head and dragging them home into cave.
These guys were technological marvels, men of renowned with advanced cultures
in civilization. If the angels had come down, you know they have some advanced
technology that we don’t have. Some of this stuff is going on in that context.
“If you compare Gen. 10:8 (‘And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty
one in the earth.’) with I Chron. 1:10 (‘And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be
mighty upon the earth.’) they say the same thing.
“What does it mean to say Nimrod ‘began’? It’s almost like he subjected
himself to the genetic experimentation and was willing to have that genetic
altering in himself in order to partake of the enhancement. It’s Nimrod who
establishes Babel in Genesis 11 and it’s him who designs the Tower of Babel to reach
unto heaven.
“So all of these things back in Genesis get kind of connected that way where
you have these supernatural forces and a guy like Nimrod would be trying to
take these supernatural forces and put them under human control. Jesus says in
Matthew and Luke, ‘As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the days of
the son of man.’ What you’re reading back there in Genesis is really a template
for what’s going to be in the Last Days.
“In Daniel 2 you have this great image of Nebuchadnezzar. The feet represent
the kingdom of the Antichrist. Daniel 2:43 says, ‘And whereas thou sawest iron
mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but
they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.’
“Who is the ‘they’? Well, there is no real antecedent unless it’s the toes
back in verse 42. Now if they’re going to mingle themselves with the seed of
men, whoever they are must not be men; must not be human or there would be no
comparison with it. You look up the word ‘iron’ in a concordance and you’ll be
amazed how often it’s associated with the giants. My subjective guess is it has
something to do with magnetism and electronic forces and that kind of stuff.
Superman had kryptonite and they got iron.
“What you have here in Daniel is something that isn’t human mingling with
the seed of men. All of this satanic activity starts all over again in the Last
Days. Rev. 11:7 says, ‘And when they shall have finished their testimony, the
beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and
shall overcome them, and kill them.’ That’s talking about the two witnesses.
“Isn’t that an interesting way to define the ‘son of perdition’? He’s the
‘beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit.’ He is moved from that
dimension into the human dimension. He’s doing exactly what the angels back
there in Genesis did. If you recall, we’ve looked at a bunch of verses back in
Isaiah about the idea of the portals; the places where you can move from one
dimension to the other dimension.
“Of course, it’s God’s light that holds that darkness back, and as you look
at world today and see how darkness is just engulfing it, along with that is
this openness to these types of things.”
When Genesis 6:2 says the "sons of god saw the daughters of men that
they were fair," this means these earth-invading angels found the human
women “useful.”
“They went out among them and found appropriate subjects and you’ve got
these celestial creatures invading the earth and conducting procreative
experimentations with women,” explains Jordan. “Now, Joshua, Caleb, David and
Noah all fought against these dudes and won, but nevertheless, the genetic
engineering produced an advanced extraterrestrial human-type creature."
As Gen. 6:4 reports, “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also
after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they
bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of
Jordan explains, “Men of renowned means men they were men of great note,
enhanced intelligence and superior ability. Daniel 2:43 is a really weird
verse. Daniel interprets the dream of Nebby’s and sees this great colossal
image. He writes, ‘And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall
mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to
another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.’
“The indication is these kings aren’t going to be on the seed of men but are
going to mingle their seed with the seed of men. Over and over in the
scripture, man is described as clay. In this particular case, it’s not just any
men; it’s the nation Israel. Iron is associated with the giants. The idea is
those 10 kings who reign with the Antichrist, who is the SON of perdition, he’s
the beast who ascends out of the bottomless pit.
“You see, there are going to be some things associated with the activity of
the Antichrist that are far beyond simple physical, political, economic
philosophy. The 10 kings that give power with him are described in the same
terms as these characters back here in Genesis 6 who give father to the
‘nephilim.’ So, the indication is there’s going to be some more of this stuff
taking place in the future. The past becomes prologue to the future!”
Isaiah 13 starts with, “The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz
did see.” Jordan says, “When you got a burden it weighs you down. When he sees
this about Babylon he says, ‘Here’s some horrible things that I got to tell you
about what’s going to happen to Babylon.'
Joel 2:11 says, “And the LORD shall utter his voice before his army: for his
camp is very great: for he is strong that executeth his word: for the day of
the LORD is great and very terrible; and who can abide it?” Jordan says, “This
army is the mustering of the host for battle and they gather from the end of
heaven. This is the crowd he’s talking about in Isaiah 13. What happens if a
natural normal person falls on a sword? It says, ‘They shall not be wounded.’
“You see, what he’s describing here is not an army made up of natural men,
humans, this is an army made up of supernatural creatures. Celestial beings
called from the heavens ‘angels,’ and the army of the Lord that He comes with
is an army of these ‘mighty ones’ back in Isaiah 13. What happens is, first He
whets His sword in the heavens (Rev. 12, Isa. 34) and Michael takes the armies
of God and goes out through the heavens and casts Satan and all of his angels
down to the earth. And then the angelic armies of heaven, having cast Satan out
of the heavens to the earth, they come down with the Lord Jesus Christ to
finish the job.”
Isaiah 13:2 says, “Lift ye up a banner upon the high mountain, exalt the
voice unto them, shake the hand, that they may go into the gates of the nobles,
shake the hand nobles.” In other words, there is a portal through which they’re
going to come out of the angelic dimension into our dimension in order to be
able to fight.
“Angels are not made of Carbon-14 and in the scripture, there are
passageways; we use the term portals,” explains Jordan. “In literature, they
use the term Stargates. Fascinatingly, that’s what the Bible calls it. If you
come over to Rev. 9, all the ones I know how to identify geographically are in
the Middle East. One is described being in Egypt, one in Babylon, one in
Palestine. They are doorways.
“If you think about in the angelic world, they’re just as real as you are.
They’re just not made of the same physical properties. Life in their realm is
just as real as it is in our realm. I’ve tried to show you that in heaven are
farms and cities and manufacturing plants. We talk about the business of
heaven. Paul describes the invisible realm and he use exactly the same
terminology to describe it as he does for down on earth. There’s work, there’s
jobs, there’s life to be carried on.
“In Daniel 10, Gabriel leaves heaven and it takes him 21 days to get to
Planet Earth because the passageway he traveled through to get down here had
some roadblocks. Every time he crossed a territorial boundary, the government
that he crossed into wanted to see his passport or diplomatic pouch and they
held him up and slowed it down. He said it took him 21 days. He said, ‘When I
go back there’s a war up there going on and I’ll have to go back through all
that stuff.’ So there are routes across the heavens.”
Jude 6 says, referring to the days of Noah, “And the angels which kept not
their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in
everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.”
Similarly, II Peter 2:4 states, “For if God spared not the angels that sinned,
but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be
reserved unto judgment.”
Jordan explains, “The angels had a house built by God and they left it. They
shifted their dimensional habitation. They literally came into man’s dimension
to reside to participate in this experimentation, and that’s where those gates
come in. Revelation 9 starts out: ‘And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a
star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the
bottomless pit.’ All these demonic creatures come out. Once again, there’s this
coming in and going out.
Gen 6:4 says there were giants in the land AFTER the flood. “What they were
trying to do, through the genetic engineering, and these procreation
experiments, was corrupt humanity so the seed of the woman could not produce a
Redeemer,” says Jordan. “The reason Eve was taken out of Adam and not created
separately is because there could be only one head of the human race. Everybody
had to come from one person or you would have needed more than one Redeemer.
“Well, if you could create a human that was something other than human…the
whole argument, the whole bio-ethic discussion about this kind of stuff hinges
upon man being created in the image of God. If you weren’t created in the image
of God, what difference does it make? Breed you like a dog or cow or pig.
Eugenics is the thing to do. In fact, Richard Dawkins, the big atheist of our
day, endorses the idea (even though you can’t endorse Eugenics per say because
Hitler did that).
“What’s the difference between breeding somebody to be an athlete or
training them? Well, ethically if you think we’re just the product of
evolution, there is no big deal. In fact, it’s the logical, natural thing to
do. ‘Let’s enhance things.’ If you understand the importance of man as a
creation of God, as having a purpose in the earth, ‘Go out and have dominion;
reclaim it.’ See, that’s why Satan was seeking to do that in Gen. 6.
"After the flood he starts over again but then he quit. The reason he
quit was because the issue was no longer about corrupting all of mankind;
because the seed of the woman became the seed of Abraham. ‘Now we only had to
get Abraham.’ That’s an easier task then all the rest.”
Acts 16:16 says, “And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain
damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us, which brought her masters
much gain by soothsaying.”
Jordan explains, “She was someone who was empowered by the oracle of Delphi;
by the spirit of what they would have called a python--a pagan god. She was a
spirit of divination who had this connection with this crowd we’re talking
about and she had this demon who could speak through her. She says, ‘These men
are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of
salvation.’ Now, is she telling the truth or not? Have you ever wondered why in
the world this demon-possessed woman would say such a thing?
“Did you ever notice back in Matthew 8:29 Jesus cast demons out of a guy and
the demon says, ‘Hold on thou Son of God, have you come to torment us before
our time?’ You see the demons knew exactly what was going on dispensationally
in Matthew 8. They know what’s going on dispensationally right here. Satan
keeps up to date on what God’s doing and he opposes what God’s doing. He
doesn’t shoot blanks and he doesn’t waste ammunition shooting at something God
used to do and isn’t doing anymore.
“That’s why the giants were going after Israel. Today, the Adversary knows
God’s not trying to repossess the land of Palestine. What’s He doing? He’s
forming the Body of Christ.”
Jordan explains, “The
‘sons of God’ are angels. These celestial creatures, aliens from Planet Earth
from outer space, from the realm of the stars (angels are identified as stars
in the Bible because of their association with the stars), invade Planet Earth
and literally begin to conduct procreation experiments, and they begin to
experiment with genetic engineering; biogenetic engineering at an advanced level.
“Verse 4 says ‘there were giants
in the earth in those days.’ The experimentation that these celestial creatures
engaged in with humans produced abnormal offspring. The Hebrew word that is
translated ‘giants’ is the word ‘nephilim.’ You’ll see that through the
Scripture—the giants.
“The verse goes on to say that
‘when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children
to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.’ They
became people of extraordinary enhanced intelligence because of the inbreeding;
the genetic engineering.
“Now we have no idea how that
could have happened until just recently with the discovery of the human genome
and DNA and all that kind of stuff. People, 4,000-plus years ago there were
aliens on this earth who understood that and experimented with it and practiced
“If you look into the history of
ancient cultures, consistently there is a storyline of alien, extraterrestrial
invasion. In fact, it is becoming common place today. Richard Dawkins, the
leading atheist of our day (he took Carl Sagan’s place), has come out publicly
suggesting life on Planet Earth perhaps came from an alien invasion and the
aliens came here and produced life.
“In the late ’70s there was a
big, popular book called ‘The Chariots of the Gods,’ and it postulated that the
human race was the direct result of extraterrestrial activity. They made movies
about it. One of the ways they argue this is they show you the murals from the
caveman, they say, and you see these strange looking creatures that are
half-human, half-animal; weird-looking kind of things. You say, ‘Where would
they have got that idea?!’ but you begin to realize there was a lot of genetic
experimentation going on back there, as in this passage from Genesis 6,
and then you begin to realize maybe there’s an explanation for some of
“I was looking just the other
day on the internet at a mural of a Roswell New Mexico, big, bug-eyed dude
supposed to be the alien, and he’s got the little-bitty feet and arms and you
think, ‘He’d be worthless!’ It didn’t look like he could even feed himself if
he had to. But when you’re trying to genetically engineer things you got to
come up with some things like that.
“If you go down to Easter Island
in South America . . . or you take the Great Pyramid . . . There are
navigational markers in both of those places that, until we sent people into
outer space, we didn’t understand. After going to outer space, experts went
back and looked at those things and said, ‘They’re spot-on exact!’ People
scratch their heads and say, ‘Where did it come from?’
“Listen, the reason these guys
were observing the stars thinking they could get wisdom is there WAS a time
when some of that stuff WAS going on, and when God abandoned the message He put
there in the stars, and man’s ability to read it was corrupted by these birds
coming along and doing to the Word of God (that He put up there in the heavens)
what people are trying to do to the Word He’s put on the page now, it became
“I read Wired Magazine, which is
sort of the Mad Magazine of the 21
st Century. The January 2011 cover
reads something like, ‘Artificial intelligence is here but it’s nothing like we
expected. How genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, synthetic biology,
now a technology in human enhancement, herald the dawn of techno-dimensional
spiritual warfare.’
“Every year now there are
increasing numbers of scientific gatherings, many sponsored by the government,
where trans-human technology is being produced. You see it every now and then;
the human cloning kind of thing is just the tip of the iceberg!
“Just like there was a spiritual
invasion from the heavenly realm . . . why did those angels come down in
Genesis 6 and do that experimentation? They did it because they were trying to
corrupt the seed of the woman. And it said that ‘after the Flood there were
giants.’ They didn’t give up with the attempt to corrupt the seed line. What
happened after the Flood is God said the seed line is not just any woman; now
it’s just the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
“No longer did the (fornicating
angels) have to go and try to corrupt all of humanity. Now it was just Israel.
And the attacks began on Israel’s seed line. And that’s why the giants were in
Israel’s land. And when Israel goes into the Promised Land, the giants, or the
nephilim, are already there, holding it as ‘the sons of belial’ to prevent the
land from being occupied and used by the promised nation to accomplish its
promised purpose. God didn’t mind that, though, because Israel needed a
Redeemer first, so he had time . . .”