Saturday, August 1, 2015

The Illuminati-on of America

The more people deceive themselves, the more they generate in themselves a certain energy and vitality that wants to impose their deception on others. It’s an interacting process of self-deception.

As the Apostle Paul puts it in Romans 1:32, they “not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” He says in II Timothy 3:13, “But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.”

Bible students readily recognize that with the level of spiritual deception away from biblical truth being what it is today in America, we’re back in the same 1st Century kind of situation Paul was in.

As Jordan explains about Bible typology in prophecy, “There are pre-established patterns for future behavior, so when the future behavior comes along, you can look back and see how somebody way back there laid a pattern, knowing about the reality that was coming.”


Jordan says you don’t meet people who’ve actually studied the Bible for what it is, and looked at it for what it is, who don’t believe it. It’s always the people who haven’t studied it for what it really is who don’t believe it.

“We live in an age where unless you go out of your way to teach your children the Word of God, they’re not going to be exposed to it,” he explains. “When I was growing up, we learned it in school. We didn’t study the Bible as a textbook, but we studied it from a perspective that taught us the stories of the Bible, and when I was a young man 40 years ago, if you’d talked to me about David and Goliath or Noah in the Ark, I’d know who you were talking about because I’d heard the stories.


The sad reality of America’s co-opted government-run education system is it has long moved away from a didactic, fact-based system of thought, based in logic and absolute truth, to a dialectic, feeling-based system based in change and uncertainty.

The only absolute truth anyone is allowed to hold is that there is no absolute truth.  Everybody’s ideas and systems are taught to be as good as anybody else’s, so therefore you are under the belief you can re-write history.

This is how the masses come under the widespread conviction that Satan and his kingdom can win in the end even though the Bible makes it amply clear it can’t.


Aleister Crowley, the world-renowned Satanist who so inspired The Beatles they put his mug on the cover of their Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club album that pictures all of their "heroes,” wrote in his memoir “Magick”:
“Before I touched my teens, I was already aware that I was THE BEAST whose number is 666. I simply went over to Satan’s side; and to this hour I cannot tell why. But I found myself passionately eager to serve my new master. . . I was not content to believe in a personal devil and serve him, in the ordinary sense of the word. I wanted to get hold of him personally and become his chief of staff."

Crowley’s influence has been widespread in rock music, witchcraft, Satanism, the New Age movement and the Occult, and it even shows up in “The Da Vinci Code” with author Dan Brown’s assessment of Neopaganism.

To the question, “Are ‘The Da Vinci Code’s’ claims about the ancient traditions of modern Neopaganism historically valid?” the website (from the publishers of Our Daily Bread) answered, “Although a number of Neopagan groups claim that their rituals and traditions were passed down in an unbroken line from ancient times to the present, there is no realistic basis for believing an ancient tradition of Paganism survived.

“Historians of the modern Neopagan movement agree that a handful of 20th-century occultists invented the primary principles and rituals of modern Paganism.

Well-known historian Jeffrey Burton Russell documents that the two primary ‘inventors’ of modern Neopaganism were occultists Gerald Gardner and Aleister Crowley.”

(To be continued—new article tomorrow)


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