Go to the religious section of Barnes & Noble and you’ll
find shelf after shelf of books on the New Age, Wicca, Eastern religions, etc.
In Acts 19, Luke writes about the Jews and Greeks living in
Ephesus who, when they heard the gospel through Paul’s evangelism there, became
Believers and immediately collected up all their pagan literature and burned it
for everyone to see.
Verses 19-20 report, “Many of them also which used curious
arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they
counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. [20]
So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.”
Jordan explains, “Here are people in what we would call the
occult, in spiritism, paganism. And they go bring their sacred books, their
bibles if you will, and their instruction books and burn them. They don’t need
them anymore. Paul said, ‘All these people heard the gospel and got saved.’ They
never heard of Christ before!
“The gospel will do its job if you preach it and it has free
course. You never have to fear truth and error sitting at the same table. If
truth gets an opportunity to speak, it will take care of itself. What happens
in the world out there is they muzzle the truth.
“The Adversary tries to confound people with the truth so
they don’t preach the truth. The first policy of the Adversary against the
church is to get you to compromise the truth, change the message. He attacks
the message. If you don’t change the message, he’ll attack the messenger. Those
are the two tactics.
“When Paul wrote to
Timothy at Ephesus, there was a church of a dead goddess named Diana. In Paul’s
day, there were seven wonders of the ancient world and one of those wonders,
over a period of 3-400 years, was the Temple of Diana at Ephesus.
“The Temple of Diana had big pillars, fashioned like the
stuff in Daniel 3 that Nebuchadnezzar set up. That temple had the entire city
cowed. She was called ‘the queen of heaven’ just like Israel, in Jeremiah 34,
is said to be worshipping; the Baal worship. It was said that the image of
Diana fell down from Jupiter. And that dead god, the one people prayed to and
got nothing . . .
“Paul is at Ephesus for a long period of time. He sets up a
teaching, preaching, evangelistic center in Ephesus and the Word of God goes
out, not just around Ephesus, but all of that whole territory.
“In the Bible, the title the ‘living God’ is used seven
times by Paul, more than by any other writer in the Bible. He wants you to be
sure you understand that God is alive and personally, actively involved in the
local church in the lives of Believers; He’s just not doing it the way He did
it with Israel in the physical, external intervention program.
“He writes in I Timothy 4:10, ‘For therefore we both labour
and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of
all men, specially of those that believe.’
“The primary vehicle, the hub, the center ground around
which what God is doing today in the dispensation of grace focuses around the
work the Body of Christ does through the work of the ministry. That’s why the
local assembly is so important. That’s why it gets attacked in such vicious
ways by the Adversary. That’s why some people can’t stand to be in it and be
involved in it.
“The local church is designed to be not the reflection of
the culture around it, but the reflection of the work of the Body of Christ IN
that culture.
“One of the great mistakes Western missionaries made in the
last three centuries was to think that if they brought people to salvation, it
meant that those people needed to be inculcated with Western culture in their clothing,
mannerisms and so forth.
“Sometimes people needed to have their culture elevated out
of barbarianism, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they had to be Westernized.
What the gospel is to do is go into whatever the culture is and purify it, and
bring out of that culture how Christ would live in THAT culture. That’s a high
calling and a high-thinking process, but that’s what Paul’s talking about in I
Timothy 3.
“In our day, management techniques and skills have invaded
the ministry, and if you go back into the ‘90s, there was this great push that
said you couldn’t have an organization unless you had a delineated purpose
statement, mission statement and vision statement. But the purpose statement
that God gives is, ‘God, our Savior, who would have all men to be saved and
come to the knowledge of the truth.’
“When Paul says we’re the ‘pillar and ground of the truth,’
that’s the relationship between the church and the truth that we’re designed to
proclaim. A pillar holds things up and makes it visible, supports it. The
ground, that’s the foundation upon which that pillar resides.
“You don’t have to come here to go to heaven; that’s not the
purpose of the local church. We keep a testimony in a community like this
alive, not so you can come here to go to church, but so that you can know that
the truth is still available and we can hold up a flag and say, ‘The truth is
available if you’re interested. Here’s how to find it.’
“The household of God
is not a building; it’s a family. It’s the Body of Christ manifested in this
location at Ephesus; in our case, in this location in Chicagoland.
“The Hebrew term for the ‘house of God’ is Bethel. Paul’s
literally using Jewish terminology here. God resided in the nation Israel to
make Israel the people He chose them to be, but now in the Body of Christ,
people who were barred from being a part of the house of God are now made
participants in the house of God.
“Paul never calls the church a business. People say you need
to have business principles in your ministry. He never calls it a business but
he calls it a body. He calls it a building. He calls it a house and a
household. We don’t operate on the rudiments of the world that businesses
operate on.
“Ephesians 3:14-15 says, ‘For this cause I bow my knees unto
the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
[15] Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.’
“What people who aren’t dispensationalists do with that
verse is they say there’s the family who’ve died and gone on to heaven, the ‘Church
Triumphant,’ and then there’s the ‘Church Militant,’ or Believers who are still
down here.
“But if you studied the Book of Ephesians instead of
theology books, you’d never have come up with that idea. Because, starting in
Ephesians 1, he’s talking about the government God established in the heavens
and the government God established in the earth, and the fact that He has an
agency to reclaim that government in the earth, the nation Israel, and now He’s
forming the Body of Christ as the agency to reclaim that government in the
“Now, you and I are made fellow citizens with the saints and
we’re in the household of God, which is heaven and earth. He’s the Father of
that whole household, the whole family, and He’s the one who’s the head of it.
“Paul explains in Ephesians 2, ‘[19] Now therefore ye
are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and
of the household of God;
[20] And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone;
[21] In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy
temple in the Lord:
[22] In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God
through the Spirit.
“The temple’s not made of hands (‘God doesn’t dwell in
temples made with men’s hands’); it’s a temple made out of people.
“When God gave Moses the pattern for the tabernacle, it was
a tent that God was going to dwell in, but it was made out of skin. Amos 9
calls it the ‘tabernacle of David’ and that’s that little Believing Remnant in
Israel where God’s going to live in the flesh-and-blood lives of some Israelis.
“This temple that God is building, putting people together
in as a habitation--God’s the builder, He’s the architect, He lives there, He
provides for it; it’s where He’s honored and it’s where the family is.
“That expression, the church of the living God (I Timothy
3), that’s a fun expression.
“II Corinthians 6:16, ‘And what agreement hath the temple of
God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I
will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall
be my people.’
“You see, we’re the dwelling place of the LIVING God. That
term has a very special emphasis to it. He’s not a dead god; not an inactive
god who’s a phony but the real thing.
“I Thessalonians 1:9 says, ‘For they themselves shew of us
what manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols
to serve the living and true God.’
“The living God is in contrast with the dead gods of the
idols and that’s the way it is all through the Bible.
“The Apostle Paul before he got saved was a rabbinical scholar
and when he uses terms like that that come out of his thinking process, you can
go back in the Old Testament and find the meanings to these terms.
“The first time that description occurs in the Bible is in
Deuteronomy 5:26. 4:16. They know about idols. They saw them in Egypt. They’re
aware of all that and Moses says to them, ‘Where is there any nation out there with
all their gods that’s like us who’ve been in touch with the real thing; the
living God?’
“Joshua picks up on this when they go in to cross the Jordan
River to go in to take the Promised Land. God gathers them all together, He
puts the ark out front and the priests and they’re going to walk in—go across
“Joshua 3: 9-10 says, [9] And Joshua said unto the
children of Israel, Come hither, and hear the words of the LORD your God.
[10] And Joshua said, Hereby ye shall know that the living God is among
you, and that he will without fail drive out from before you the Canaanites,
and the Hittites, and the Hivites, and the Perizzites, and the Girgashites, and
the Amorites, and the Jebusites.
“There’s the ark of the living God—watch what He does. Every
time you see that term occur through here, what He’s saying is, ‘Watch the
living God go to work!’ He’s a God who does things and takes action.
“Look at Joshua 2. You remember Rahab. Some spies come in
and she says something to the spies she’s going to hide that’s quite interesting.
Joshua 2:9-10: ‘And she said unto the
men, I know that the LORD hath given you the land, and that your terror is
fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you.
[10] For we have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red sea
for you, when ye came out of Egypt; and what ye did unto the two kings of the
Amorites, that were on the other side Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom ye utterly
“Notice that’s past tense. You know what she’s saying to
those spies: ‘You know, forty years ago we heard what God did when He brought
you out of Egypt and we’ve been sitting over here trembling in our boots
waiting for you to come take us out too. We know God has already given you this
land. What you been waiting on?!’
“Of course, it was Israel’s unbelief that caused them to
wait that 38 years. The Gentile knows it. You know, what they heard about the
living God. That’s what Moses said: ‘Who’s ever heard about the living God like
“When the Gentiles up there in Jericho heard about it, they
said, ‘Whoa, they got the living God on their side and our hearts melted
knowing we were dead meat!’
“I Samuel 17:26 says, ‘And David spake to the men that stood
by him, saying, What shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistine, and
taketh away the reproach from Israel? for who is this uncircumcised Philistine,
that he should defy the armies of the living God?’
“David said, ‘All I need right here is what I’ve got in my
hand. My sling.’ He goes out and gets him five smooth stones because Goliath’s
got four brothers, and he says, ‘The living God will take care of us,’ and he was
befuddled that Israel wasn’t believing that.
“Daniel’s in the lion’s den in Daniel 6:26. You know who
Daniel’s God is? He went over there and gave Leo lockjaw and God delivered him;
He’s the living God. Darius knew all his gods were dead gods."