In 2000, economist
Harry S. Dent, author of The Roaring
2000s, predicted the economic collapse of the fall of ’08. He predicted the
country’s economic stresses wouldn’t be over until 2019.
“What Dent
did was take his understanding of generational cycles in a
nation, applying it to economics, and said the decade of the 2000s would be just
like the decade of the ’20s,” explained Jordan in an old study.
“He said,
‘Okay, understanding that this is what it was then—the massive infusement of
government money, the massive infusement of government takeover of economy, the
massive infusement of social welfare programs . . .
“By the
way, in the ’30s, the big government takeover was what? What did the government
do in the ’30s that still affects everybody? That’s where Social Security came
from. ‘We’re going to take care of your retirement.’ Now what are they trying
to take over? Healthcare.
“You can
beat your chest all you want to about how we’re not going to let it happen and
you’ll be just like the birds back there who beat their chests and said, ‘We
won’t let it happen!’ I’m sorry.
“So what
do you do? Well, you either prepare for it or you don’t, and if you don’t, you
know what happens? Whap, the hurricane wipes you out. If you do prepare, you
live to fight another day.”
specifically about Winter trends as they relate to fundamental Bible-believing
Christians, Jordan says, “I know you’re interested in the politics of it as
well as the economics, but the reality is most of your political views are on
the outs anyway, even when they’re in.
“You see,
there’s this myth of a ‘Christian Nation’ that we live in and there’s this myth
that’s been sold to you to get your votes that says you can do something about
the world we live in.
would a Christian nation look like in your mind? Sit down sometime and right
down what it would look like.
"You say, ‘A world in which there’s no abortion. A
world in which there’s no this or that.’ Then ask yourself what is God doing
today. Is God today reclaiming nation states?
" ‘Boy, that’s a disappointment if
when I go into the polls to vote He isn’t reclaiming nation states. My view of
a Christian nation all of a sudden got a little different.’
God working today? In the Believer. So if a nation’s going to reflect what
God’s doing today, what would be the first thing available in a nation? Grace
“Not that
apostate religious system, but the sound churches where the Word of God is
taught. Where God lives and work’s through His Word. It wouldn’t identify the
political structure of the nation; it would identify the working of the Body of
instead of trying to Christianize the government . . . You see, that’s what the
reconstructionists, the ‘Kingdom Now’ people, dominion theologians like D.
James Kennedy, Jim Dobson, Jerry Falwell—you just keep naming the leaders . . .
their doctrinal viewpoint. Jerry didn’t believe the Bible; he just used the
Bible and was willing to allegorize the Bible just like D. James Kennedy.
“We’ve never been a Christian nation, but we’ve
certainly been a nation that was formed by the fruit of the Protestant
Reformation—the greatest spiritual enlightenment that’s ever hit the planet in
the dispensation of grace.
“And the
social impact of the Protestant Reformation helped to form a government based
upon the concepts of freedom that are based upon the liberty that’s in Christ
extended out into life. And you’re not afraid to live in a world that isn’t
dominated by an oligarchy, but it’s left for individual Believers to function.”
continues, “I understand the political stuff. We who are Americans are
extremely fortunate to have a heritage. But it’s all over with, folks, I’m
sorry. When the toothpaste is out of the tube, it’s gone. The foundations that
built that are not in our country anymore.
“I have a
book called The Next 100 Years. Boy,
if you want to read something fun to read, this is the book! The author, George
Friedman, predicts what’s going to happen for the next century and he says it’s
impossible to predict the next century. He says, ‘You can’t even predict the
next 20 years so I’m gonna do it anyway.’
“He says, ‘I’m gonna be wrong after 20 years. Absolutely,
positively when my great-grandkids read this, they’re going to read it and say
grandpa is wrong and I want them to know that I know I was going to be wrong
but I’m going to be in the ball park.’
about every twenty years. Twenty years ago you could have never predicted where
we are today. Think about the last century. 1900. The capital of the world in
1900 was London. You don’t remember that, you weren’t there, but it was. Europe
ruled the world. The European Empire controlled the whole planet basically.
Peace, prosperity, trading—everything was wonderful.
years later, Europe is in a shambles. Everything’s been torn apart by a war; a
whole European continental war. World War I we call it, but then it was just
called the world war. The Austro-Hungarian, the Russian, the German, the
Ottoman Empire that had filled up the world was gone. Communism dominated
that little pipsqueak across the pond, has sent a million men to Europe and
they’ve gone home in that 20-year period. Germany is decimated and they set up
an armistice so that it could never again threaten and we had a ‘war to end all
wars.’ You’d have never thought about that in 1900.
forward to 1940. Uh, huh, a little bit different again. In 1920 you’d have
never thought that Germany would have risen back to its heights, conquered
France, and dominated Europe. The Communists in Russia are allies with Nazi
Germany, and the little island nation of Britain stood alone against the
tyranny of Communism and Fascism.
“And you thought, ‘Well, Germany’s won, the war’s over;
they’re going to dominate Europe and the old European empire for the next
century.’ So you fast forward from 1940 to 1960. Where’s Germany? It’s been
crushed. Europe’s been divided with what Churchill called the ‘Iron Curtain.’ It descended across the continent.
The European empires collapsed around the planet.
“The ‘Cold
War’ between Russia and the United States is in full swing. In 1960, what was
the great threat, if you remember? People building bomb shelters in their
backyard. Nuclear war. And there’s a stalemate. You look east and there comes
Red China across the horizon. You’d have never predicted any of that in 1940.
“So you
come to 1960 and then fast forward another 20 years to 1980. Every 20 years, if
you’re looking forward you would have never predicted the scenario that
actually happened. So when you look at life now . . .
say, ‘Well the 20th century was The American Century and the 21st
is The Asian Century.’ And in a lot of ways that’s going to be true, but let me
encourage you about something. Don’t give up yet on America. The inherent power
of the U.S. coupled with its geopolitical position make the U.S. the pivotal
anchor for the 21st Century. That’s the thesis of (Friedman’s) book.
predicts, for example, that every wintertime there’s a war that is decisive. He
tells you there are three places it might happen. One of them (Turkey) is right
where God’s Book says there’s going to be a world war one day. It’s
“When I
first read that I went, ‘Oh, whoa, man, that’s interesting because, just like
Strauss and Howe (authors of the book, The Fourth Turning) didn’t know anything about the Bible but were teaching what
the Bible teaches about history, this guy doesn’t believe anything about the
Bible but he’s teaching things that when you read them you say, ‘That’s exactly
how the Scripture says the scenario’s gonna come about!’
"I’m not saying that’s what’s going to happen; I’m just saying he said
something that matched Scripture and he says you see it in the tea leaves.”
"When I say don’t give up on America, geopolitics is based on two
things. No. 1 it’s based on Genesis 9, 10 and 11. People organize themselves
into larger units than families. In Genesis 1-6, all the units are families.
What you learn is that family structure, volition; marriage . . . family is not
enough to provide the safe, orderly maintenance of humanity and culture.
“So God
wipes the slate clean, starts again, but when He starts again, He adds
nationalism. Paul says in Acts 14, ‘God sets up the bounds of their
habitations.’ The way He sets up the bounds of their habitation is through the
character of a nation being determined to a great extent by its geographic
“If you
look at (Shorewood missionary) Bobby Barlow’s book Origin of the Races, you’ll see where he
goes through Genesis 10 and how they divided up the nations, families,
languages. Borders, languages and culture are basically what make up a nation
and that’s exactly the foundation in Genesis 10.
boundaries and a common language and the two things that will produce a common
culture. Geopolitics is based upon the fact people instinctively organize
themselves into bigger units than families—into communities and the homeowners
associations and local towns—into nation states, and that they gain a
characteristic based upon the geographic boundaries.
“Now what that has to with America is there is no nation on
the planet like America or ever can be like America in that regard. There are
two great oceans on the planet. The Atlantic and the Pacific. The only nation
that has any potential to have a significantly large border on both oceans is
“You say,
‘Well, Canada can.’ Yeah, but who can get into Canada in the wintertime or
would want to. You can get on the borders of Canada, but going TRANS-Canada
isn’t easy for most of the year. You ever watch the show the Ice Truckers? Well they only run three
months of the year. That’s why they make that ungodly amount of money.
“You say,
‘Well, South America.’ You ever wonder why Chile is such a little bitty country
down the side? Look at the map. There’s some big mountains. You’re not going to
go across South America down in the southern quarter of it because of the
“When the
settlers came from Europe to America and started going west and got about to
the Mississippi and went a little further, they developed a concept called
‘Manifest Destiny’.
“It just made common sense to go all the way to the Pacific—‘Look at all that
territory out there!’—and made no sense not to. And you say, ‘What happened when they got to the Rockies?’ They said,
‘Oh, that’s no big deal, if the antelope and the caribou can go through it we
can too and they built two railroads across it and you say, ‘Wow, geez, how’d
they do that?’ They used their creative genius but they KNEW.
“So what
we have is the ability to dominate the Atlantic and the Pacific, and the nation
that dominates the ‘sea lanes’ dominates the world. The only Asian nation that
can potentially challenge us in the Pacific is China because they have an
ever-growing navy that they stole from us. And they’re crafty.
listen, they are way behind, and while I believe China and India are THE two
significant future 21st Century places in Asia . . . ”