Leviticus 12 starts out, “And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
[2] Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a woman have conceived seed, and born a man child: then she shall be unclean seven days; according to the days of the separation for her infirmity shall she be unclean.
[3] And in the eighth day the flesh of his foreskin shall be circumcised."
Jordan says, “On the eighth day, the day of the new beginning, there’s going to be a cutting off of all that goes before. You don’t cut it off at the beginning of the seventh day; you cut it off at the end of the seventh day and the beginning of the eighth day. The new thing begins after the seven days.”
“Now that’s important to follow that because sometime people think about the millennial kingdom and they say, ‘Well, why is there a Millennium if the kingdom lasts forever? Why does it just last a thousand years?’ Well it doesn’t. Every dispensation has a transition INTO it.
“If you go back to the dispensation of promise, it began back with Adam and there was a transition into it. They were in the Garden first and they sinned. There was Cain and Abel. The seed of the woman.
“You go from Adam to Moses and Moses to Christ. When you come to Moses, you move into the dispensation of the law. There’s a transition into the law system.
“When the dispensation of grace begins, there’s also a transition, or diminishing of Israel as the Body of Christ is established. There’s a transition in the Book of Acts from Israel’s program to our program.
“There will be a transition into ‘the dispensation of the fulness of time,’ and the millennial kingdom is the last of seven and the beginning of the eternal kingdom. But that kingdom that last forever begins before the seven days are over; it’s the last of the seven days because in that kingdom, when the Psalmist says, ‘Rule thou in the midst of thy enemies,’ He’s going to be ruling with a rod of iron and still have enemies in the camp.
“Now, after the millennium and that dispensation of the fulness of times begins out here, in that eighth day all of His enemies are going to be destroyed. Death, Satan, and all the rest of them will be cast down into the lake of fire. They’ll be gone.
“Death, sin, destruction, all rebellion and everybody associated with it, are out of the way, and only the saved people--only the Body of Christ, Israel and the nations that are not a part of Satan’s program—go out there.
“So this thousand years is a transition, but it’s important to see it’s the last of the seven, then the cutting off of all that offended, and only that which doesn’t offend goes out here and all sin is over with there. So, in the eighth day, there’s the circumcision. The removal of all of human effort; human contamination. Ismael is completely gone and only God’s program goes. So that’s the pattern or prototype.
“That having been said, Leviticus 12:4 says, ‘And she shall then continue in the blood of her purifying three and thirty days; she shall touch no hallowed thing, nor come into the sanctuary, until the days of her purifying be fulfilled.’
“Notice that out here, there’s not just the seven days, now there’s going to be a period of 33 days to finish restoring what was lost back over here at the beginning.
“Things were put out of kilter with the fall of Satan. Then God restores Creation in those six days and then demonstrates on that seventh day, ‘This is what I had everything created for so I could reign; I could rest in my creation.’
“All of the divisions and provisions for the warfare God established in Genesis 1 in that six-day creation. One of the reasons I know something happened back there in Genesis is because the description there is alerting me that it’s going to last until here and this is the end of that battle.
“After that Millennium, that eighth day, that new beginning, here you are. Now there’s a new heaven and a new earth; it’s all been renovated. Chapter 20:11. The elements melt and are dissolved with a fervent heat, Peter said. And then He reconstructs it. ‘The first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea.’
“He’s going to go back to the original design for His creation. Which was what? Isaiah 40: ‘He stretched out the heavens as a tent to dwell in.’ So what’s going to happen? Revelation 21 says, [1] And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
[2] And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
[3] And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God.
[4] And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
“And then He begins to describe how that new creation is going to be populated and function. You come to Revelation 22.
“What happens is we’re functioning in the heavens, Israel’s on the earth, the Gentile nations are on the earth with Israel. The passage reads, ‘And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. [2] In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.'
“When you read that, the first thing I think of is, ‘Why do the nations need to be healed? What needs to be healed if all of sorrow, sin, sickness and disease is done away with? What healing needs to be provided for the nations?’
“Well, first of all, what nations are we talking about? You’re talking about the Gentiles. So where did they come from? You’ve got Gentiles that go out of tribulation into the kingdom. All Israel that goes into the kingdom are converted.
“You’ve got Gentiles that go in, but you’ve got Gentiles that come out of the tribulation into the kingdom who are converted but they’re still in natural bodies. They’re not resurrected. They can procreate. They repopulate the earth.
“When you get to the Great White Throne Judgment, only the Believers get past that into the new heavens and the new earth but they still have the capacity to procreate and populate the earth.
“When He says, ‘For the healing of the nations,’ the healing there is not ‘heal them from sin,’ because sin and its degenerative effects have been taken care of. The healing there is sort of, you remember, the guy in Acts 3. Peter and John heal the lame man and he jumped up leaping and goes into the temple. That’s exactly what will happen to Israel; they’ll be redeemed, restored and they’ll go into the kingdom.
“In the next chapter, Peter, referring to that man, says, ‘And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.’
“Healing isn’t necessarily trying to get rid of sinful things. It’s bringing a thing to its full operating capacity. To its ‘soundness.’
“Well, the tree of life that’s going to heal these nations--you remember Adam and Eve in Genesis 3? God says, ‘We’ve got to put a guard around the tree of life because they’ve sinned, and if they eat the tree of life, they’ll live forever.
“What if they had eaten the tree of life before the fall? Wouldn’t it do the same thing after the fall? What the tree of life is going to do is restore and give to these people who are in the condition that Adam and Eve were in. They’ve been restored back to that condition here but they still have the ability to go out and replenish the earth. And so He’s going to extend to them the issue of eternal life.
“Now you have to think of that in the context of the Garden of Eden. I know people say there was no death until Adam sinned. And there was no death because of sin but you have to think about there were life cycles.
“If Adam and Eve ate fruit (the herbs and the fruit of the trees) and they tended to the gardens, when you pull a piece of fruit off a tree, what happens to it? It dies, doesn’t it? If you consume it, it really died in the sense that it’s not connected to a life source anymore.
“So the idea of death in that context of a life cycle was not foreign to Adam. What sin did is it inflicted that kind of a thing. By the way, sin was in the world because of Satan. Sin did not enter into the world of man into our genetic line until Adam sinned. But Satan sinned before Adam did.
“What I’m saying is, Adam is tending the Garden. You think about what was he doing? If the roses have grown too big, what do you do? If they don’t ever grow too big, you don’t need to tend to them. It’s a living, producing creation and Adam was putting it into its proper orderly function. Well, that’s what this healing of the nations is about. It’s bringing these nations to the place where they function fully according to God’s plan.
“Sooner or later, if Isaiah 9:7 is true . . . It says, ‘Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.’
“Notice it doesn’t say ‘of His government there will be no end.’ It says ‘of the increase and peace of his government.’ Well, if his government is going to continuously grow, the people involved are going to continuously populate and pretty soon you’re going to get a population density on Planet Earth that is unsustainable.
“What was God’s original purpose for His creation? The universe out here. It was to populate it with a creation that brings glory and honor to Him. People say, ‘Well, are there other planets like earth in the universe. Evidently there are.’
“I don’t like to sound like a Mormon when you say this, the idea of you and I as members of the Body of Christ works with Him in His creation and delights in His creation the way He does, which means to me that He’s going to take people back out throughout that universe.
“Another taking a couple out to a new planet in the universe. Find a planet like earth, deposit them there, and have them carry on God’s commission to man: replenish the earth.
“Jesus Christ walked with Adam in the cool of the day; instructed him. You and I, as members of the Body of Christ, have Christ in us and living out through us. He will be admired in us. We will literally be able to represent Him to them.
“And the 33 out there, if this is 7,000 years, that would be 33,000 years to make the 40 in Leviticus 12 for the complete purification; to bring the thing back to the place it was originally at before all that stuff started.
“It’s to complete the cycle and bring that ‘ages of the ages,’ the dispensation of the fulness of time, and what God had created time for. That is, fill up a universe with a creation that glorifies and admires His wisdom and the riches of His grace, which is the plan of His wisdom to defeat the Adversary and demonstrate His character.
“This thing is something marvelous and stupendous. It’s of cosmic impact that God has planned for His Son and that you and I participate in it. And you need to get over worrying about tomorrow and the next day and think about those days and that future out there. Eternity is that it just keeps on going, and it keeps on going, and it keeps on going, and it never stops.”
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