Jordan says, “Jesus Christ already knows where Lazarus is buried in John 11:24. When you read through this thing He’s constantly demonstrating Himself to be the God-man. He knows where the grave is. He’s waiting for Mary out that way.
“When Mary leaves out, everybody goes with her—the big crowd. You’re gonna have an audience at the grave and that’s important to notice. The raising of Lazarus was not going to be done just before the two sisters. It’s going to be done before this whole host of people. It’s going to be a big audience there.
“You notice Mary sees Christ and ‘she fell down at his feet.’ It’s touching that every time you see Mary and Jesus that’s where she’s at. That’s the common place for Mary to be.
“In Luke 10:38 is the first time you see Mary and Martha in their house there. So when you first meet Mary, she’s at the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ, listening to His word. There He is as the prophet and she acknowledges Him as the Prophet: ‘Here’s God’s spokesman and I’m going to sit at His feet and listen to His Word.’
“You read John 11:33 and you see the emotional feelings; the agony. The groaning in the spirit is the emotion. It’s fascinating in Romans 8 He talks about ‘that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.’
“Here’s the Lord Jesus Christ in the midst of a groaning creation, identifying with the travail that sin has brought upon creation. John 11:35 says, ‘Jesus wept.’ Everybody knows that verse.
“The weeping there is He groaned in the spirit. He was a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. He felt the burden of sickness and death. The verse says, ‘He bore their sickness.’ He entered into the agony of the moment, the groaning, the emotional trauma. That’s part of what His humanity was about.
“Verse 11:33 says He was ‘troubled.’ The troubling is the mental distress. The Lord Jesus Christ is fully, completely, totally man. This is the chapter where He’s going to demonstrate Himself to be unquestionably the true God; the life giver. In the whole context you’re constantly reminded He’s also truly man.
“What that does for the Believer is let you know--in Romans 8 Paul says that He for us ‘maketh intercession.’ You see, when you talk to God the Father, you talk to Him THROUGH God the Son and God the Son understands all about your situation; not in theory, but in personal experiential reality and can, as the God-man, make intercession for you. That’s what’s going on here and what you’re seeing in John 11: 33-35 is the perfection of the incarnation, the incarnate Son of God.
"In the typology of the Tabernacle are all the little intricacies given in the Book of Exodus. They all point toward doctrine. The veil in the Tabernacle was a picture of the veil in His flesh and it had three colors: blue, purple and scarlet. That’s always the order. The blue and the red were never next to each other. They were always separated by the purple.
“But when you think about it that makes sense. Because blue (the heavens; deity), scarlet (the sacrifice; the humanity). But what do you get when you mix blue with red? Purple. When you touch those together that’s where the purple comes from. The purple is the mixing of the heavenly and the human. The deity and the humanity.
“If you ever make purple you can never again make red or blue because they’re mixed and you can’t successfully unmix them.”
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