“It will go largely unnoticed but Obama did something that’s never been done before—he embraced the 1967 borders for the nation Israel. That’s never been the official policy of the U.S. until now. That’s sort of like saying the U.S. should go back to its borders in 1958 before the Mexican American War. Give back Arizona, California and New Mexico. Why? Because we took those territories by way of a conflict with another nation and it’s that kind of mentality, not applied to yourself, but to someone else.
“This is a strategic shift toward a future holocaust for the nation Israel and not just Israel but the world because this is a prophetically strategic in U.S. foreign policy.
“In prophecy, in the ‘last days’ before the Lord comes to set up His kingdom, before the real Judgment Day, every nation in the earth is going to be anti-Israel.
Jeremiah 33:23.
“There’s going to come a point in world history, and the strategies of the nations, where all nations are going to look at Israel and say, ‘You’ve got no right to exist as a nation.’
“Psalm 83 is a cry, a prayer, of a member of the nation Israel—the believer in Israel during that time when the nations of the earth have turned on them.
“There are ten nations gathered together against the nation Israel in the Promised Land, gathered there to say Israel has no right to exist. The believers in Israel are hidden among the rocks from the persecution, crying out, saying, ‘They have taken crafty counsel together to destroy us.’
Zechariah 12. One of the most remarkable prophecies you’d ever want to see in the Bible. Five hundred B.C. Zechariah’s writing. Israel’s been in Babylonian captivity.
The 70 years are over, a remnant of them have gone back to the land.
“The city’s been destroyed, the walls are broken down, the temple’s gone, and this little remnant comes back to reestablish itself in its homeland. Here’s something the Lord looks at and says, ‘Here’s something that weighs my heart down for Israel.’
“Here’s God, the Creator of all things, saying, ‘Behold.’ “
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