“The problem I’ve had with the Creationists is that they try to use creation to try to prove creation. The way you know creation is, is by faith; we know the worlds were ‘framed by the Word of God.’ You know it because God said it, end of discussion.
“Now, you go with that preconceived assumption. Two, the information, and three, you seek to understand the information.
“One of the arguments people like to make is, ‘Well, God created the earth with the appearance of age. And I’ve never understood this. Adam, when he was created, was made as a fully mature adult. He appeared like he was 30 years old even though he’s a day old.
“If the earth is created with the appearance of age but it’s really young, if you looked at the earth and examined it, what would it tell you? Adam is two days old but he looks like he’s 30. So if you anatomically examine Adam, how old would you think he was? How would you know he’s only two days old? God told you.
Appearance of age“So if He created the world with the appearance of age, how is it then that you look at the world and say, ‘Look, see, it’s really young?’ How can you prove it’s young by its appearance if it was created to appear old?! You follow that? But that’s the logic and it leaves me just to say, ‘I thank God for Genesis 1:1 and Hebrews 11:3.
“Let me show you a few verses that tell me there’s something to the ruined reconstruction. Gen 2:4: ‘These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens.’
“Notice Moses doesn’t say, ‘This is the generation, these are the generations, plural, when He made the six-day creation.’ The six-day creation is not the generation of the universe, it’s the ‘generationS’. If that was the first creation wouldn’t you think that word ‘generation’ would be singular?
(Editor’s Note: To be continued . . .)
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