The most fascinating thing about the angelic creation to Jordan, he says, is that they want to learn all things about us Grace Believers. Anything and everyone they can get an insight into!
In an old study on the subject, Jordan starts by saying, “Daniel is just fascinated by this creature he sees and he begins to try to describe him to you. He writes in Daniel 10: 5-6, ‘Then I lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a certain man clothed in linen, whose loins were girded with fine gold of Uphaz:
[6] His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.’
[6] His body also was like the beryl, and his face as the appearance of lightning, and his eyes as lamps of fire, and his arms and his feet like in colour to polished brass, and the voice of his words like the voice of a multitude.’
“You know, you take your wife out on a walk in the moonlit night, maybe just out for a stroll, and you look down into her eyes and you say, ‘Your eyes are like stars. They’re like diamonds.’ You’re trying to be romantic and you begin to tell her how she compares with priceless jewels, and that’s what Daniel’s doing here. He’s looking at this angel and he’s comparing him with all these wonderful, fascinating, beautiful, precious things in the earth because the angel’s a fascinating creature and they are!
“Angels are (not made out of Carbon-14) but they wear clothes and eat. Psalm 78: 25 is one of those funny little verses: ‘Man did eat angels’ food.’ Now you know what they drink? They drink Dr. Pepper. It’s the ‘elixir of the gods.’
“Asap says man ate angel’s food. Manna is the bread of the angelic host and Israel was able as the agents of God to participate in that. Angels know how to cook. Now that’s a blessing if you know how to cook good! In I Kings 19, Elijah comes out there and the angel says, ‘Get up, guy, and come over here and eat,’ and he goes over and the angel’s got a meal cooked for him!
“Angels know how to drive chariots. They know how to ride horses and they know how to fight. They have activities to carry on and they can be visible or invisible. They can appear where people can see them or they can be invisible where you don’t see them. They can travel at incredible speeds. You see them in the Bible where there here and then they’re over there—zoooom! Incredibly fast-moving creatures. In fact, because of their connection with light, it is very possible and probable that their speedometer goes up to 186,000 miles per second; the speed of light.
“They can speak multiple languages. Paul said, ‘Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels . . .’ The angelic host can speak every language that is available to be spoken. In the Bible you never see an angel come up and have to talk to someone through an interpreter. No matter what language they might be speaking the angel can communicate directly to him.
“In Revelation 14 an angel stands and speaks to the nations of the earth and communicates to them. They have all these tremendous abilities.
“What you learn is the main thing you see them charged with is the Word of God and they’re charged with the well-being of the nation Israel. They minister to the nation, they care for the nation, they fight for the nation and they provide for the nation. We also saw how they don’t do those things for us. We don’t need what angels can provide.
“Angels are the agent of God to come and provide things and they do all these things for Israel, but what they do for Israel we don’t need them to do for us. Why? Because we have the completed written Word of God.
“While we don’t see angels today, they do see us. In fact, they do more than see us. They watch us, they observe us, and they pay close attention to us. In fact, they follow you home. They are fascinated by members of the Body of Christ.”
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